Courses at
Institute of Ukrainian Studies
- (in Polish) Avant-Garde in European Art nad Literature 1900-1939 3222-50AV2K-N
- (in Polish) Translatoryka 3222-TR-W-TJU
- (in Polish) Specyfika i etyka pracy tłumacza 3222-SEPR-W-TJU
- (in Polish) Stylistyka języka polskiego 3222-SJP-W-TJU
- (in Polish) Stylistyka jezyka ukraińskiego 3222-SJU-W-TJU
- (in Polish) Tłumaczenia pisemne - teksty z zakresu ekonomii i biznesu 3222-TPEB-C-TJU
- (in Polish) Tłumaczenia pisemne - teksty z zakresu mass mediów 3222-TPMM-C-TJU
- (in Polish) Tłumaczenia pisemne - teksty z zakresu prawa 3222-TPP-C-TJU
- (in Polish) Tłumaczenia pisemne - teksty sądowe i uwierzytelnione 3222-TPTS-C-TJU
- (in Polish) Tłumaczenia ustne (symultaniczne i konsekutywne) 3222-TU-C-TJU
- (in Polish) Wybrane zagadnienia z metodologii badań językoznawczych 3222-MBL-OG
- (in Polish) Język ukraiński w mediach 3222-35JUM1K-N
- (in Polish) Kierunki rozwoju we współczesnej literaturze ukraińskiej 3222-30KRLU1K-N
- (in Polish) Historia literatury ukraińskiej X-XVIII w. 3222-30HLU182K-N
- (in Polish) Kurs na Równość - przeciwdziałanie dyksryminacji na UW 3222-KNR-OG
- (in Polish) Wstęp do przekładoznawstwa 3222-30WP1K-N
- (in Polish) Praktyczna nauka języka rosyjskiego 3222-30PR6C-NZF
- (in Polish) Seminarium magisterskie III 3222-54INT3S-N
- Anthropology of literature 3222-AL5K-OG
- Anthropology of literature 3222-32AL5K-N
- Aspects of Contemporary Ukraine 3222-30WU1K-N
- Comparative Literary Studies 3222-50KP2K-N
- Comparative Ukrainian-European literature 3222-50LPUE2K-N
- Comparative Ukrainian-European literature 3222-LPUE2K-OG
- Contemporary artistic trends 3222-30NA3K-NW
- Contemporary discourses in Ukrainian literature 3222-30WD6K-NW
- Contemporary literary life of Ukraine 3222-52ZL1K-N
- Contrastive grammar 3222-30KT5K-N
- Creativity in teaching foreign languages - methodological workshop 3222-KNJO-OG
- Cultural diplomacy 3222-35dk3k-n
- Culture and stylistics of the Ukrainian language 3222-KSU3K-OG
- Current topics in Ukrainian literature 3222-30ATLU1K-NW
- Development of communicative competence in Russian 3222-30KKKJR2C-NF
- Development of communicative competence in Russian 3222-30KKKJR2C-NZF
- Development of communicative competence in Russian (A1) 3222-KKKROS[A1]-OG
- Development of communicative competence in Russian (A1) 3222-KKKR2C[A2]-OG
- Development of communicative competence in the Ukrainian language 3222-50KKKJU1C-NZ
- Development of communicative competence in the Ukrainian language 3222-50KKKJU2C-NZ
- Development of communicative competence in Ukrainian (C1) 3222-50KKKU2C[C1]-OG
- Diaries in comparative perspective X-XVIII century. 3222-30DPP2K-NW
- Directions in contemporary linquistics 3222-50KLW1K-N
- English - Business culture in Central and Eastern Europe 3222-50JAKB1C-N
- English in public speaking - Ukraine in the world 3222-50JAWP2C-N
- English in social communication 3222-30JAK5C-N
- English in the media 3222-35JAM2K-N
- English in the social sciences 3222-50JANS1C-N
- English Language Practice 3222-30PA2C-N
- English Language Practice 3222-50PA1C-N
- English Language Practice 3222-50PA2C-N
- English Language Practice 3222-50PNA4C-N
- English Language Practice 3222-50PA3C-N
- English Language Practice 3222-30PA2C-NZ
- English Language Practice I/1 3222-30PA1C-N
- English Language Practice III 3222-30PA3C-N
- English Language Practice III 3222-30PA3C-NZ
- English-Polish conference interpreting - culture of Ukraine and English-speaking countries 3222-50TKAP2C-N
- English-Polish translation workshop 3222-WAP6WR[B2]-OG
- Examination in Ukrainian - B1, intermediate level 0000-UKRB1EC
- Examination in Ukrainian - B2, upper intermediate level 0000-UKRB2EC
- History of the Ukrainian language 3222-30HJ5K-N
- History of Ukraine 3222-30HU1W-N
- Introduction to linguistics 3222-30WJ1K-N
- Introduction to the study of literature 3222-30WL1K-N
- Introduction to translation studied 3222-30WP3K-N
- Language of social communication and media (Ukrainian) - B2+ 3222-JKS1K[B2]-OG
- Learning English (B1+) 3222-NJA5C[B1+]-OG
- Learning English C1 3222-NJA4CM[C1]-OG
- Learning the Ukrainian language 3222-50NJU1C-N
- Learning the Ukrainian language 3222-50NJU2C-N
- Learning the Ukrainian language 3222-50NJU3C-N
- Learning the Ukrainian language 3222-50NJU4C-N
- Learning Ukrainian 3222-30NJU4C-N
- Learning Ukrainian 3222-30NJU1C-N
- Learning Ukrainian 3222-30NJU2C-N
- Learning Ukrainian 3222-30NJU3C-N
- Learning Ukrainian 3222-30NJU5C-N
- Learning Ukrainian 3222-30NJU6C-N
- Learning Ukrainian 3222-30NJU2C-NZ
- learning Ukrainian (C2) 3222-50NJU1C-OG
- Learning Ukrainian (C2) 3222-NJU4C[C2]-OG
- Legal language 3222-50JPP3K-N
- Legal language 3222-50JPP4K-N
- Legal language 3222-JPP4C-OG
- Lexicology and word formation 3222-32LS5K-N
- Linguistic undergraduate seminar 3222-34SJ5S-N
- Linguistic undergraduate seminar 3222-34SJ6S-N
- Literature and culture of Ukrainian emigration 3222-35LKUE2K-N
- Literature and media 3222-52LM2K-N
- Literature and media 3222-LM2K-OG
- Literature and the shaping of Ukrainian national identity in the 19th century 3222-30LUTN3K-N
- Literature in a social context 3222-30LKS3K-NW
- Literature undergraduate seminar 3222-34SL5S-N
- Literature undergraduate seminar 3222-34SL6S-N
- MA seminar in literary nad language studies 3222-54INT2S-N
- Mass Media and Social Communication 3222-50SK2K-N
- Mass Media and Social Communication 3222-50SK1K-N
- Master seminar 3222-54INT1S-N
- Master seminar IV 3222-54INT4S-N
- Master Thesis Seminar (Linguistics) 3222-54SJ3S[1]-N
- Master Thesis Seminar (Linguistics) 3222-54SJ4S[2]-N