History of the Ukrainian language 3222-30HJ5K-N
The subject introduces issues related to the history of the Ukrainian language, its origin and place among other Slavic languages, and the role of the Old Church Slavonic language in its development. Students become acquainted with the periodization of the history of the Ukrainian literary language (the era of Kievan Rus; the post-Mongolian era; the Old Ukrainian language in the 17th and 18th centuries; the creation and development of the new Ukrainian literary language, with particular emphasis on the formation of writing in Galicia and the lands of eastern Ukraine in the context of the Renaissance national and cultural in the 19th century; the formation and codification of the Ukrainian language in the 20th century). Students are also introduced to the most important issues related to the origin and development of the phonetic system of the Ukrainian language.
Estimated total number of hours that the student must spend on achieving the learning outcomes defined for the subject - 90 hours. (3 ECTS)
organized hours - 2 hours per week x 1 semester = 30 hours
student's independent work: current preparation for classes - about 30 hours; preparation for the exam - about 30 hours
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student:
1. knowledge
knows and understands at an advanced level
- terminology and methodology of linguistic research K1_W01
- relations of philological research and their connections with other scientific disciplines K1_W03
- the comprehensive nature of the language and its historical variability K1_W04;
2. skills
- independently acquire knowledge of the history of the Ukrainian language: search, critically analyze and evaluate, select and use relevant information K1_U01
- formulate and solve a research task in the field of Ukrainian diachronic linguistics K1_U05;
3. social competences
He is ready to critically evaluate his knowledge and the received content K1_K01.
Assessment criteria
Conditions for admission to the final written exam:
- attendance
- ongoing preparation for classes (statements on selected issues from the history of the Ukrainian language, grammar exercises).
The assessment criteria for the final exam, which is a test in the form of open tasks, checking the acquired knowledge, are presented in the form of percentage thresholds:
99%-100% - 5! (very good with an exclamation mark)
96% - 98% - 5 (very good)
87% - 95% - 4+ (good plus grade)
78% - 86% - 4 (good grade)
69% - 77% - 3+ (sufficient plus)
60% - 68% - 3 (sufficient)
The following criteria are used to assess the written exam:
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects - 5.0 (very good grade)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects with a small number of errors or inaccuracies - 4.5 (good plus grade)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes, omitting some (less important) aspects - 4.0 (good grade)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes with the omission of some significant aspects and with significant inaccuracies - 3.5 (sufficient plus)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes omitting important aspects or with serious inaccuracies - 3.0 (sufficient grade)
- failure to achieve the assumed learning outcomes - 2.0 (unsatisfactory grade)
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires a justification. The method of making up for other unexcused absences is determined by the teacher.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences for 50% of classes may be the basis for failing the course.
Rules for taking the make-up exam:
The student has the right to obtain the credit for the class and retake the exam during the resits on the same terms as in the first attempt.
Mandatory literature
AN URSR, Istorija ukrajins’koji mowy. Fonetyka. Morfołohija. Kyjiw 1978-1983.
W. M. Rusaniwś’kyj, Istorija ukrajins’koji literaturnoji mowy, Kyjiw 2001.
J. Szewelow, Wnesok Hałyczyny u formuwannja ukrajins’koji literaturnoji mowy, Lwiw 1996.
Supplementary Literature
I. Huk, Z problematyki kształtowania się języka ukraińskiego w 1 pol. XIX w. W Galicji: wojna o alfabet, „Warszawskie Zeszyty Ukrainoznawcze”, t. 11-12, Warszawa 2001, s. 404-414.
I. Huk, Iwan Mohylnicki o języku ukraińskim, "Warszawskie Zeszyty Ukrainoznawcze", t. 15-16, Warszawa 2003, s. 459-464.
Ł. I. Kołomijec’, A. W. Majboroda, Istoryczna hramatyka ukrajins’koji mowy. Zbirnyk wpraw, Kyjiw 1988.
H. M. Najenko, Kurs łekcij z istoriji ukrajins’koji mowy, Kyjiw 2002.
J. Szewelow, Istoryczna fonołohija ukrajins’koji mowy, Charkiw 2002.
I. I. Sriezniewskij, Słowar’ driewnierusskogo jazyka, t. І-ІІІ, Моskwa 1989.
Słownyk staroukrajinśkoji mowy ХІУ-ХУ st., t. 1-2, Кyjiw 1977-1978.
Słownyk ukrajinśkoji mowy ХУІ-ХУІІ st., t. 1-17, Lwiw 1994-2017.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: