Learning Ukrainian 3222-30NJU6C-N
Classes are conducted in Ukrainian and include lexical and grammar exercises. The content of teaching is subordinated to the assumption of opening up to the cognitive and communication needs of students. The aim of the course is to develop the following language competences:
- listening to texts, recordings, television and radio programs and oral statements by native speakers of the Ukrainian language, as well as performing oral exercises (conversations on various topics - complex statements), and thus practicing and improving pronunciation;
- getting to know vocabulary related to various areas of student's life and, more broadly, people in society, reading information about a given country: news from the press, the Internet (advertisements, advertisements, guides, letters, timetables);
- development of skills for independent creation of utterances in the Ukrainian language by writing texts of varying difficulty,
e.g. essays, essays, and consolidating the correct spelling (orthography) through short dictations;
- emphasis on the development of speaking skills - describing current events and own experiences, explaining plans, intentions, reasons, views and expressing opinions, active participation in discussions, presentation of material from various areas of social life.
Exercises are devoted in detail to the development of communicative competence - each class presents a topic, and the student has the opportunity to get acquainted with the lexical resource regarding the topic, constructions that allow you to freely discuss the topic in a general and detailed way, expressing your position - arguments for and against, justifying yours
opinions, views.
Upon completion of the semester, the student is proficient in Ukrainian at level C1.
The subject ends with an examination.
Student workload:
structured classes - 90 hours (3 ECTS)
Independent work including preparation for exam - 120 hours (4 ECTS)
Total 210 hours (7 ECTS)
Term 2023L:
Classes are conducted in Ukrainian and include lexical and grammar exercises. The content of teaching is subordinated to the assumption of opening up to the cognitive and communication needs of students. The aim of the course is to develop the following language competences: |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course the student:
K1_W09 - knows and understands spoken and written Ukrainian in accordance with the requirements specified for level C1 according to the ESOCJ
K1_W11 basic terms and principles of intellectual property protection and copyright intellectual property and copyright
K1_U09 - is able to communicate orally and in writing in the Ukrainian language in accordance with the requirements specified for level C1 according to the ESOCJ
K1_U13 - can communicate using various communication channels and techniques in Polish and in Ukrainian language
Assessment criteria
The course ends with an exam.
Conditions for passing the course and being admitted to the final credit:
- attendance
- active participation in classes;
- systematic preparation for classes assigned material;
- timely completion of homework and writing control tests in the allotted time. Passing the control tests for the penultimate class in the semester.
Assessment criteria for a written statement:
a/ linguistic correctness,
b/ compliance of the statement with the topic,
c/ composition,
d/ volume of work,
Criteria for evaluating an oral statement, on the basis of which the lecturer gives feedback to the student:
a/ consistency and fluency of speech,
b/ linguistic correctness,
c/ compliance of the statement with the topic,
The final grade consists of work during the semester (30%) and the result of the pass (70%).
The assessment criteria for the final exam as well as control tests are presented in the form of percentage thresholds:
98%-100% - 5! (very good with an exclamation mark)
92% - 97% - 5 (very good)
86% - 91% - 4+ (good plus grade)
78% - 85% - 4 (good grade)
69% - 77% - 3+ (sufficient plus)
60% - 68% - 3 (sufficient)
The student has the right to 2 for every 30 hours of unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires a justification.
The form of crediting classes for which the student was absent is determined by the lecturer.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences for 50% of classes may be the basis for failing the course.
1. If the student's absence on the basic date has been excused (absence due to illness), the Head of the Didactic Unit sets an additional date for crediting and thus the student still has two dates for crediting a given subject in the basic session.
Failure to justify an absence will result in the loss of the 1st term and no grade. The student may take the test in the make-up session.
2. If the student is not admitted to the first term
If the student has not met the conditions allowing for the final credit in the basic session, he/she loses this term. The conditions allowing for the final credit must be met by the penultimate class in the semester. The lecturer may set additional conditions for crediting for absences.
3. In case of receiving an unsatisfactory grade in the basic session
The student may take the exam in the same form in the resit examination session.
1. L.Antoniw, S. Romaniuk, O.Symczak,Ukraina-Polszcza. Dialog kultur, Warszawa 2014
2. Juszczuk I. Ukrajinśka mowa, Kyjiw 1984.
3. Kononenko V.I., Kononanko I.V. Hramatyka konfrontatywna języka ukraińskiego i polskiego, Kyjiw 2006.
4. Pałamar Ł. Praktycznyj kurs ukrajinśkoji mowy, Kyjiw 1993.
5. Ponomariw O. Kultura słowa. Mownostylistyczni porady, Kyjiw 2001.
6. Serbenśka O. Antysurzyk, Lwiw 1994.
7. Suczasna ukrajinśka literaturna mowa (za red. A. P. Hryszczenka), Kyjiw 2002.
8. Suchasna ukrajinśka literaturna mowa (za red. M.J.Pluszcz), Kyjiw 1994.
9. Terlak Z. Ukrajinśka mowa: Zbirnyk wpraw iz syntaksysu ta puntuaciji, Lwiw 1999.
10. Tkaczenko J. Ukrajinśka mowa: Punktuacija, Charkiw 2001.
11. Toc’ka N. Suchasna ukrajinśka literaturna mowa: Zawdannia i wprawy, Kyjiw 1995.
12. Ukrajinśka mowa: Encyklopedija, Kyjiw 2000.
13. Ukrajinśka mowa: Naukowo-teoretycznyj żurnał Instytutu ukrajinśkoji mowy NAN Ukrajiny (2000-2009)
14. Ukrajinśkyj prawopys, Kyjiw 1996.
15. Wyhowanec’ I. Hramatyka ukrajinśkoji mowy. Syntaksys, Kyjiw 1993.
16. Wyhowanec’ I., Karpiłowśka J., Kłymenko N. Izuczajem ukrainskij jazyk, Kijew 1993.
17. Wyhowanec’ I., Horodenśka K. Teoretyczna hramatyka ukrajinśkoji mowy, Kyjiw 2004.
18. Zajczenko N.,Worobjowa S. Praktycznyj kurs ukrajinśkoji mowy dla inozemciw: usne mowlennia, Kyjiw 2008.
19. Zinkiewicz-Tomanek B. Gramatyka współczesnego języka ukraińskiego. Morfologia. Składnia, Kraków 2007.
20. Ukrains'koju bez tabu: podręcznik do nauki języka ukraińskiego, S. Romaniuk, M. Saniewska, Warszawa 2017.
1. Iwczenko A. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj slownyk. Lublin 2003.
2. Marian Jurkowski, Bazyli Nazaruk . Mały słownik ukraińsko-polski polsko-ukraiński, Warszawa 1998, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne.
3. Kononenko I., Mytnik I., Wasiak E. Słownik tematyczny polsko-ukraiński, Warszawa 2010.
4. Kononenko I., Śpiwak O. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj slownyk miżmownyh omonimiw i paronimiw, Kyjiw 2008.
5. Riger J., Demśka-Kulczyćka O. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj tematycznyj słownyk, Lwiw 2007.
6. Rusaniwśkyj W., Czumak W., Jarun G. Orfoepicznyj słownyk ukrajinśkoji mowy, Kyjiw 2006.
7. Słownik polsko-ukraiński/ ukraińsko-polski, opr. A. Maleckaja, Z. Landowski, red. W. Busel, Kyjiw 2007.
8. Słownyk trudnoszcziw ukrajinśkoji mowy, red. S. Jermolenko, Kyjiw 1990.
9. Śpiwak O., Jurkowski M. Ukraińsko-polski słownik syntaktyczny, Warszawa 2003.
10. Suczasnyj ukrajinśkyj orfohraficznyj slownyk, ukl. O.Leonowa, Kyjiw 2001.
11. Tkaczowa N. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj słownyk, Ternopil 2003
Term 2023L:
If it is not possible to conduct classes in a stationary form, classes will be held using distance communication tools recommended by the University of Warsaw (Google Meet, Google Classroom, Zoom). |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: