Literature undergraduate seminar 3222-34SL5S-N
Students integrate information on the history and theory of literature and culture with particular emphasis on modern times. We discuss the methodologies of literary studies in the context of works of contemporary Ukrainian culture. Students prepare an outline of the BA thesis and its first chapter. During the classes, we analyze individual research proposals of students.
Student workload:
30 hours in the classroom - 1 ECTS
90 hours of preparation for classes, independent work of the student on the chosen topic of work, writing assigned parts of the work - 3 ECTS
Term 2024Z:
None |
Type of course
B.Sc. seminars
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student knows and understands at an advanced level the terminology and methodology of literary research (K1_W02)
The student knows and understands at an advanced level the relations of philological research and their connections with other scientific disciplines (K1_W03)
The student knows and understands at an advanced level the history and contexts of Ukrainian literature (K1_W07)
The student knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of intellectual property and copyright protection (K1_W11)
The student is able to use theoretical approaches appropriate for Ukrainian linguistics (K1_U02)
The student is able to search, critically analyze and evaluate, select and use information on Ukrainian literature (K1_U03)
The student is able to use theoretical approaches appropriate for Ukrainian literature (K1_U04)
The student is able to formulate and solve a research task in the field of Ukrainian literary studies (K1_U06)
The student is able to communicate with the environment using philological terminology (K1_U08)
The student is able to plan and organize work individually and in a team (K1_U12)
The student is ready to critically assess their knowledge and received content (K1_K01)
The student is ready to comply with ethical principles, including using someone else's academic achievements (K1_K03)
Assessment criteria
The condition for completing the course is to approve the outline of the diploma dissertation and submit the first chapter of the dissertation.
The following criteria are used to pass the credit:
approval of the diploma thesis outline - 50%
submission of the first chapter of work - 50%
Assessment criteria for the first chapter of the diploma dissertation:
a / compliance with the topic,
b / compliance with the principles of scientific expression,
c / substantive and compositional correctness,
d / volume of work,
e / linguistic correctness,
f / editorial correctness,
g / student's participation in the development of the final work arrangement,
h / level of student involvement in the course of work,
and / student innovation,
j / student's activity in selecting and using the literature of the subject and the literature on the subject,
k / student's ability to prepare a formal page of a complex text,
P. Olivier, Jak pisać prace uniwersyteckie. Poradnik dla studentów
Abrams M.H., Orientacje teoretyczne. W: Abrams M.H., Zwierciadło i lampa. Gdańsk 2003.
Becker H.S., Warsztat pisarski badacza, tł. P. Tomanek, Warszawa 2013.
Markiewicz H., O falsyfikowaniu interpretacji literackich. W: Dopowiedzenia. Rozprawy i szkice z wiedzy o literaturze, Kraków 2000.
Nycz R., Nowa humanistyka w Polsce: kilka bardzo subiektywnych obserwacji, koniektur, refutacji, „Teksty Drugie” 2017, nr 1.
Інтертекстуальність: історія, теорія, поетика : навч. посіб. / Мар'яна Шаповал. – К. : Вид.-полігр. центр “Київ. ун-т”, 2013
Василенко М. К., Динаміка розвитку інформаційних та аналітичних жанрів в українській пресі, Київ 2006 p.
Т. Гундорова, Післячорнобильська бібліотека. Український
літературний постмодерн, Київ 2005.
Т. Гундорова,Транзитна культура. Симптоми постколоніальної травми, Київ 2013.
Literatura uzupełniająca:
M. Heller, Jak być uczonym, Kraków 2009.
J. Blackwell, J. Martin, A Scientific Approach to Scientific Writing
i inne w zależności od potrzeb studentów
Term 2024Z:
None |
Term 2023Z:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: