Learning Ukrainian 3222-30NJU4C-N
Classes are conducted in Ukrainian, the Polish language is used only as an auxiliary, there are lexical and grammatical exercises. The content of teaching is subordinated to the assumption of being open to the cognitive and communication needs of students. Goal
of the course is the development of the following language competences:
- listening to texts, recordings, TV and radio programs and oral statements of native speakers of the Ukrainian language, as well as
performing oral exercises (conversations on various topics - more complex statements), and thus practicing and improving your pronunciation;
- learning vocabulary related to various areas of student life and, more broadly, the human being in society, reading information on
the subject of a given country: news from the press, the Internet (announcements, advertisements, guides, letters, timetables);
- developing the ability to independently create utterances in Ukrainian by writing texts of various difficulty levels,
e.g. essays, essays, and consolidating the correct spelling (orthography) through short dictations;
- emphasis on the development of speaking skills - describing current events and own experiences, explaining plans and intentions,
causes, views and expressing opinions, active participation in discussions, presentation of material from various areas of society's life.
The exercises are devoted in detail to the development of communicative competence - each class introduces the topic a
the student has the opportunity to get acquainted with the lexical resource related to the topic, constructions allowing for freedom
discussing the topic in a general and detailed way, expressing one's position - arguments for and against, justifying one's own
opinions, views.
The classes use fragments of the press, literary texts, tourist brochures, texts available on the Internet, films and recordings
radio and television programs. Teaching texts are selected with a view to achieving specific results in language teaching,
supplemented with tasks and exercises; listening to the recordings along with questions to test the comprehension of the text and short exercises
grammatical; use of learned words and phrases in independent written and oral statements.
Innovative methods, techniques and teaching aids are used in the classroom:
- use of audiovisual and multimedia materials - music videos, films, music recordings, radio programs, films
advertising, listening to contemporary songs, carols and fairy tales; watching movies without subtitles;
- using internet resources - reading daily press, searching for information,
- introducing students to the culture and history of Ukraine, describing the main cities and tourist attractions, viewing photos;
- using props from Ukraine during classes, necessary to introduce hypothetical communication situations,
in which the students can find themselves in the country of the language being taught.
The aim of the course is also to train listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as to acquire and broaden
language competences of students in the field of:
1. general understanding of written and spoken texts of various levels of difficulty;
3.expressing the content learned during classes in the form of text or auditory, in grammatically correct oral and written statements
4. expressing one's opinion using the lexical resource and the information obtained during the classes;
5. communicating in typical social situations; understanding relationships in the process of communicating people; skill
reacting to life situations;
6. conversation on topics taken from everyday life and in everyday situations, as well as skills
preparing statements on more difficult topics (active participation in discussions, debates, etc.);
Knowledge of grammar rules provides: the ability to build grammatically correct sentences; the ability to solve correctly
grammar and grammar-lexical exercises;
After completing the semester, the student knows the language at B2 level.
Class finish with an exam.
Student workload:
contact hours in the room - 90 hours (3 ECTS)
preparation for classes - 60 hours (2 ECTS)
preparation to pass the exam - 30 hours. (1 ECTS).
Total: 180 hours (6 ECTS)
Term 2023L:
Classes are conducted in Ukrainian, the Polish language is used only as an auxiliary, there are lexical and grammatical exercises. The content of teaching is subordinated to the assumption of being open to the cognitive and communication needs of students. Goal |
Type of course
foreign languages
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student:
K1_W09 the graduate knows and understands the Ukrainian language in speech and writing in accordance with the requirements specified for the B2 level of the European System for the Description of Languages Education
K1_U09 the graduate is able to communicate in speech and writing in Ukrainian in accordance with the requirements specified for the B2 level of the European System for the Description of Languages Education
Assessment criteria
Conditions for passing the course and admission to the exam:
- attendance
- continuous assessment, i.e. active participation in classes;
- systematic preparation of the assigned material for classes;
- timely homework;
- credit and control tests.
The following criteria are used for credits:
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes covering all important aspects - 5.0 (very good)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes covering all important aspects with a small number of errors or inaccuracies - 4.5 (good plus)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes, omitting some (less important) aspects - 4.0 (good)
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes with the omission of some important aspects and with significant inaccuracies - 3.5 (satisfactory plus)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes with the omission of important aspects or with serious inaccuracies - 3.0 (satisfactory plus)
- failure to achieve the assumed learning outcomes - 2.0 (unsatisfactory)
Assessment components:
- continuous, formative assessment (ongoing preparation for classes, activity) - 50%
- mid-term tests / follow-up work - 50%
Criteria for evaluating a written expression:
a / linguistic correctness,
b / compliance of the statement with the topic,
c / composition,
d / volume of work,
Criteria for evaluating an oral statement:
a / consistency and fluency of speech,
b / linguistic correctness,
c / compliance of the statement with the topic,
The final grade consists of the work during the semester (30%) and the result of the written exam (70%).
The subject ends with a written exam, where the criteria. The evaluation criteria for the control tests and the written exam are presented in the form of percentage thresholds: (points obtained from the oral and written exam)
99-100% - 5!
93-98% - 5
87-92% - 4+
77-86% - 4
70-76% - 3+
60-69% - 3
60% - 68% - 3 (satisfactory)
69% - 77% - 3+ (satisfactory plus)
78% - 85% - 4 (good)
86% - 91% - 4+ (good plus)
92% - 97% - 5 (very good)
98% -100% - 5! (Very good rating with an exclamation mark)
The condition for admission to pass the course is attendance (in accordance with the Study Regulations at the University of Warsaw)
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences during each 30-hour course, each subsequent one requires a justification. The lecturer decides whether to acknowledge the absence.
The form of crediting the classes in which the student was absent is determined by the lecturer.
Exceeding excused and unjustified absences for 50% of classes may be the basis for failing the course.
The student has the right to take the exam in the resit session in the same form as in the basic session, provided that the subject is passed.
Podręcznik wiodący:
Awramenko O., Tyszczenko O, Ukraińska mowa, Kyiw 2017
Delura S., Drobiszewska U., Kononenko I, Mytnik I., Romaniuk S., Saniewska M., Wasiak E., Zambrzycka M., Z ukraińskim na ty.
Podręcznik do nauki języka ukraińskiego, cz.1, Warszawa: SOWA 2013
Antoniv O., Pauchuk L., Ukrainśka mova dla inozemciv. Modulnyj kurs, Kyiv 2012
Podręczniki uzupełniające:
Bełej O. Rozmowlajete ukrajinśkoju?, Wrocław 2006;
Frołowa T. Ukrajinśka za 26 dniw dla tyh, hto jiji ne wywczaw, Kyjiw 2004,
Holosovska H., Ukraińska mova dla wsich, Kijów 2015
Kosmeda T., Praktyczna nauka języka ukraińskiego (dla polskich studentów ukrainistyki A1-A1+), Poznań 2015
Kosmeda T., Praktyczna nauka języka ukraińskiego (dla polskich studentów ukrainistyki A2-B1), Poznań 2015
Palins’ka Olesia, Turkewycz Oksana. Krok-1. Ukrajins’ka mowa jak inozemna – A1-A2. – Lwiw, 2011;
Zajczenko N.,Worobjowa S. Praktycznyj kurs ukrajinśkoji mowy dla inozemciw: usne mowlennia, Kyjiw 2008;
Materiały pomocnicze
Ponomariw O. Kultura słowa. Mownostylistyczni porady, Kyjiw 2001.
Suczasna ukrajinśka literaturna mowa (za red. A. P. Hryszczenka), Kyjiw 2002.
Tkaczenko J. Ukrajinśka mowa: Punktuacija, Charkiw 2001.
Ukrajinśka mowa: Encyklopedija, Kyjiw 2000.
Zinkiewicz-Tomanek B. Gramatyka współczesnego języka ukraińskiego. Morfologia. Składnia, Kraków 2007.
Iwczenko A. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj slownyk. Lublin 2003.
Kononenko I., Mytnik I., Wasiak E. Słownik tematyczny polsko-ukraiński, Warszawa 2010.
Kononenko I., Śpiwak O. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj slownyk miżmownyh omonimiw i paronimiw, Kyjiw 2008.
Rieger J., Demśka-Kulczyćka O. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj tematycznyj słownyk, Lwiw 2007.
Rusaniwśkyj W., Czumak W., Jarun G. Orfoepicznyj słownyk ukrajinśkoji mowy, Kyjiw 2006.
Słownik polsko-ukraiński/ ukraińsko-polski, opr. A. Maleckaja, Z. Landowski, red. W. Busel, Kyjiw 2007.
Śpiwak O., Jurkowski M. Ukraińsko-polski słownik syntaktyczny, Warszawa 2003.
Suczasnyj ukrajinśkyj orfohraficznyj slownyk, ukl. O.Leonowa, Kyjiw 2001.
Tkaczowa N. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj słownyk, Ternopil 2003.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: