History of Ukraine 3222-30HU1W-N
In class, the student learns about the most important stages in the development of Ukrainian statehood, political and national thought. Topics cover the period from medieval times to the 20th century, selected key events are discussed in class with a special focus on the history of the 20th century.
These issues from the description flip to the topics.
Student workload:
30 hours in class = 1 ECTS
Preparation for classes 30 = 1 ECTS
Preparation for the oral exam 30 hours = 1 ECTS
In the event that it is not possible to hold classes in a stationary format, classes will be held using
using distance communication tools, most likely ZOOM, CLASSROOM and others
recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Term 2023Z:
During the classes, great emphasis will be placed on the development of statehood and Ukrainian national identity in the light of previous historiographical interpretations (Ukrainian, Polish, Russian). Another important aspect will be the issue of cultural, religious and civilizational influences on Ukrainian lands (East-West). |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Type of course
General: Classroom | Term 2024Z: Remote learning | Term 2023Z: Remote learning |
Learning outcomes
is able to acquire knowledge and develop researching skills with guidance from scientific supervisor
has an ability of substantive argue taking advantage of views of other authors, and ability of formulating conclusions
Social competences:
understands the need of lifelong learning
is aware of the importance of preserving cultural heritage of a region, the country and Europe
After finishing the lecture student understands the process of Ukraine's history from modern period until the period of partitions of the First Polish Republic. Aquires factual knowledge at more advanced level than in high school. Is able to get to the literature of the subject and also use related fields of history at elementary level which is essential in philological works.
Assessment criteria
The exam requires factual knowledge, the ability to understand historical processes and the ability to think independently. The exam covers the most important events in the history of Ukraine of the modern period. I propose to describe a few selected topics.
The assessment criteria are presented in the form of percentage thresholds (point conversion):
99-100% - 5 !(grade very good with exclamation mark)
93- 98% - 5 (very good)
87-92% - 4+ (good plus grade)
77-86% - 4 (good grade)
70-76% - 3+ (mark satisfactory plus)
60-69% - 3 (pass/fail)
A student is entitled to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent absence requires the submission of an
excuse. Exceeding the permitted number of unexcused absences in class
results in an additional oral answer before taking the exam.
A student has the right to take the final test in the resit session in the same form as in the
the same form as in the main session and on condition that they obtain a pass in the course.
N. Jakowenko, Historia Ukrainy od czasów najdawniejszych do końca XVIII wieku, Instytut Europy Środkowo – Wschodniej, Lublin 2000; w. A. Serczyk, Historia Ukrainy, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław, Warszawa, Kraków 2001.
N.Jakowenko, Druga strona lustra. Z historii wyobrażeń i idei na Ukranie XVI-XVIIIw., pod red. naukową T.Chynczewskiej – Hennel, Warszawa 2111; J. Tazbir, Państwo bez stosów, Universitas, Kraków 2000; Z. Wójcik, Dzikie Pola w ogniu. O Kozaczyźnie w dawnej Rzeczypospolitej, Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1968; W. A. Serczyk, Na dalekiej Ukrainie, dzieje Kozaczyny do 1648 roku, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 1984; tegoż, Na płonącej Ukrainie. Dzieje Kozaczyzny 1648-1651, Książka i Wiedza, Warszawa 1998; tegoż, Hajdamacy, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 1972;
T. Chynczewska – Hennel, Świadomość narodowa szlachty ukraińskiej i Kozaczyzny od schyłku XVI do połowy XVII w., PWN Warszawa 1985; M. Drozdowski, Religia i Kozaczyzna w Rzeczypospolitej w pierwszej połowie XVII wieku, Wydawnictwo DIG, Warszawa 2008; Między sobą. Szkice historyczne polsko – ukraińskie, pod red. T. Chynczewskiej – Hennel i N. Jakowenko, Instytut Europy Środkowo – wschodniej, Lublin 2000.
Term 2023Z:
J. Hrycak, Historia Ukrainy, 1772-1999. Narodziny nowoczesnego narodu, Lublin 2000. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: