Legal language 3222-50JPP4K-N
Acquainting with the key lexical, syntactic and stylistic issues of the legal and legal Ukrainian language. By working with original texts and examples of legal documents, participants will be able to deal with the issues of specialist legal translations.
Student workload
Estimated number of hours that the student must spend to achieve the learning outcomes defined for the subject - 30 hours. (1 ECTS)
organized hours - 1 hour per week x 1 semester = 15 hours
independent work of a student (current preparation for classes, partial work, preparation for the final assessment) - about 15 hours.
Term 2023L:
Acquainting with the key lexical, syntactic and stylistic issues of the legal and legal Ukrainian language. By working with original texts and examples of legal documents, participants will be able to deal with the issues of specialist legal translations. |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student:
1. knowledge
- has an ordered and in-depth knowledge of legal and legal terminology of the Ukrainian language and the Polish language (K2_W01);
- knows the rules and techniques of legal translation in depth (K2_W05);
- has in-depth knowledge of the connection of learning Ukrainian as a specialist language with the field of law, as well as about the similarities and differences resulting from the specificity of the legal system in force in Ukraine and Poland (K2_W06).
2. skills
- can search, critically analyze, creatively interpret and use information about the language of Ukrainian law with the use of appropriate sources (K2_ U01);
- can use appropriate methods and research tools in the field of legal and legal Ukrainian (K2_U03);
- can communicate on specialist topics in the legal and legal field of the Ukrainian language with diverse audiences (K2_U07).
3. social competences
- the student is ready to critically evaluate his knowledge and received content (K2_K01).
Assessment criteria
Conditions for admission to the final grade with a grade:
- attendance
- control of the current preparation.
The criteria for assessing the final credit with a grade, which is a test in the form of translation tasks, checking the acquired language competences, are presented in the form of percentage thresholds:
99% -100% - 5! (Very good rating with an exclamation mark)
96% - 98% - 5 (very good)
87% - 95% - 4+ (good plus)
78% - 86% - 4 (good)
69% - 77% - 3+ (satisfactory plus)
60% - 68% - 3 (satisfactory)
The student is entitled to 2 absences. If there are more than 2 of them, including excused ones, the student should ask the lecturer to determine the form of crediting the material from the classes.
Exceeding excused and unjustified absences for 50% of classes is the basis for failing the course.
Rules for taking a make-up test:
The conditions for a retake pass are the same as in the case of passing in the first term (information above).
Compulsory literature
Borys O., Jeż M., Mytnik I., Ukraiński język prawny i prawniczy, część 1, Warszawa 2016.
Jopek-Bosiacka A., Przekład prawny i sądowy, Warszawa 2006.
Kononenko I., Mytnik I., Wasiak E., Słownik tematyczny polsko-ukraiński, Warszawa 2010.
Artykuca N. W., Mowa prawa i jurydyczna termonołohija, Kyjiw 2004.
Auxiliary literature
Malinowski A., Redagowanie tekstu prawnego. Wybrane wskazania logiczno-językowe, Warszawa 2008.
Malinowski A., Polski język prawny. Wybrane zagadnienia, Warszawa 2006.
Ożga E., Słownik terminologii prawniczej, 1997.
Bybyk C. P., Sjuta H. M., Diłowi dokumenty ta prawowi papery, Charkiw 2008.
Hałas B., Terminologia języka prawnego, Zielona Góra 1995.
Jurydycznyj słownyk, red. Honczarenko W. H., Kyjiw 2005.
Kierzkowska D., Tłumaczenie prawnicze, Warszawa 2002.
Macjuk H., Ukrajins’ka mowa profesijnoho spiłkuwannja. Nawczal’nyj posibnyk, L’wiw 2006.
Tokars’ka A. C., Koczan I. M., Kultura fachowoho mowłennja prawnyka, L’wiw 2003.
Wełykyj encykłopedycznyj jurydycznyj słownyk, red. Szemszuczenko J. S., Kyjiw 2007.
Wybór dokumentów i aktów prawnych.
Term 2023L:
Compulsory literature Artykuca N. W., Mowa prawa i jurydyczna termonołohija, Kyjiw 2004. Auxiliary literature Bybyk C. P., Sjuta H. M., Diłowi dokumenty ta prawowi papery, Charkiw 2008. |
Term 2024L:
Compulsory literature Artykuca N. W., Mowa prawa i jurydyczna termonołohija, Kyjiw 2004. Auxiliary literature Bybyk C. P., Sjuta H. M., Diłowi dokumenty ta prawowi papery, Charkiw 2008. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: