Courses at
Faculty of Applied Linguistics
- Introduction to Interpreting - language C: Japanese 3200-L3-1PTUCJ
- Introduction to Interpreting - language C: Polish Sign Language 3200-L3-1PTUCM
- Introduction to Interpreting - language C: Russian 3200-L3-1PTUCR
- Introduction to Interpreting - language C: Spanish 3200-L3-1PTUCH
- Introduction to Interpreting - language C: Swedish 3200-L3-1PTUCS
- Introduction to Linguistics 3200-L1-0WJ
- Introduction to Linguistics 3200-L1-0WJA
- Introduction to literary studies 3200-L1-0WL
- Introduction to literary studies 3200-L1-0WLA
- Introduction to Literary Text Analysis 3200-L3-2WATL
- Introduction to sociology 3200-L1-NS-WS
- Introduction to Specialised Text Analysis 3200-L3-2WATS
- Introduction to Specialised Translations – Polish/English 3200-L2-2WTSBA
- Introduction to Specialised Translations – Polish/English 3200-L2-2WTSCA
- Introduction to Specialised Translations – Polish/German (B) 3200-L2-2WTSBN
- Introduction to Specialised Translations – Polish/German (C) 3200-L2-2WTSCN
- Introduction to Specialised Translations – Polish/Italian 3200-L2-2WTSBW
- Introduction to Specialised Translations – Polish/Italian 3200-L2-2WTSCW
- Introduction to Specialised Translations – Polish/Russian 3200-L2-2WTSBR
- Introduction to Specialised Translations – Polish/Russian 3200-L2-2WTSCR
- Introduction to terminology 3200-L1-2WT
- Introduction to Translation Studies 3200-L2-0WT
- Italian Culture and History (Language B) 3200-L3-KOJBW
- Italian Culture and History (Language C) 3200-L3-KOJCW
- Kształcenie kompetencji komunikacyjnych języka C - Polish Sign Language, poz.4 3200-L3-KKKCM4
- Language communication in social contexts 3200-L2-0PF9
- Latin 3200-L1-2LAT
- Library Training 3200-L1-0SzB
- Library Training 3200-M1-0SzB
- Literary Project 3200-M2-2PROJL
- Literature of B (English) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-0LBA1
- Literature of B (English) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-0LBA
- Literature of B (English) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-0LBA2
- Literature of B (German) Language Area 3200-L2-0LBN
- Literature of B (German) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-0LBN1
- Literature of B (German) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-0LBN2
- Literature of B (Italian) Language Area 3200-L2-LBW
- Literature of B (Italian) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-LBW1
- Literature of B (Italian) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-LBW2
- Literature of B (Russian) Language Area 3200-L2-0LBR
- Literature of B (Russian) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-0LBR1
- Literature of B (Russian) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-0LBR2
- Literature of B (Spanish) Language Area 3200-L2-LBH
- Literature of B (Spanish) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-LBH1
- Literature of B (Spanish) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-LBH2
- Literature of C (English) Language Area 3200-L2-0LCA
- Literature of C (English) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-0LCA1
- Literature of C (English) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-0LCA2
- Literature of C (French) Language Area 3200-L2-LBF
- Literature of C (French) Language Area 3200-L2-LCF
- Literature of C (French) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-LBF1
- Literature of C (French) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-LCF1
- Literature of C (French) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-LCF2
- Literature of C (French) Language Area -level 2 3200-L2-LBF2
- Literature of C (German) Language Area 3200-L2-0LCN
- Literature of C (German) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-0LCN1
- Literature of C (German) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-0LCN2
- Literature of C (Italian) Language Area 3200-L2-LCW
- Literature of C (Italian) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-LCW1
- Literature of C (Italian) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-LCW2
- Literature of C (Japanese) Language Area 3200-L2-LCJ
- Literature of C (Japanese) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-LCJ1
- Literature of C (Japanese) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-LCJ2
- Literature of C (Polish Sign Language) Language Area 3200-L2-LCM
- Literature of C (Polish Sign Language) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-LCM1
- Literature of C (Polish Sign Language) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-LCM2
- Literature of C (Russian) Language Area 3200-L2-0LCR
- Literature of C (Russian) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-0LCR1
- Literature of C (Russian) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-0LCR2
- Literature of C (Spanish) Language Area 3200-L2-LCH
- Literature of C (Spanish) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-LCH1
- Literature of C (Spanish) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-LCH2
- Literature of C (Swedish) Language Area 3200-L2-LCS
- Literature of C (Swedish) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-LCS1
- Literature of C (Swedish) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-LCS2
- Localisation B language - English 3200-M2-1LOKBA
- Localisation B language - French 3200-M2-1LOKBF
- Localisation B language - German 3200-M2-1LOKBN
- Localisation B language - Russian 3200-M2-1LOKBR
- Localisation B language - Spanish 3200-M2-1LOKBH
- MA proseminar - English 3200-M1-0PROA
- MA Proseminar - French language 3200-M1-PROF
- MA proseminar - German language 3200-M1-0PRON
- MA Proseminar - Japanese language 3200-M1-PROJ
- MA Proseminar - Spanish language 3200-M1-PROH
- MA proseminar- Russian language 3200-M1-0PROR
- MA seminar - French language 3200-M2-SEMF
- MA seminar - French language - level 1 3200-M2-SEMF1
- MA seminar - French language - level 2 3200-M2-SEMF2
- MA seminar - Spanish language 3200-M2-SEMH
- MA seminar - Spanish language - level 1 3200-M2-SEMH1
- MA seminar - Spanish language - level 2 3200-M2-SEMH2
- MA seminar - Swedish language 3200-M2-SEMS
- MA seminar-- Japanese 3200-M2-SEMJ
- MA seminar-- Japanese - level 1 3200-M2-SEMJ1
- MA seminar-- Japanese - level 2 3200-M2-SEMJ2
- MA Seminar, English 3200-M2-0SEMA
- MA Seminar, English - level 1 3200-M2-0SEMA1
- MA Seminar, English - level 2 3200-M2-0SEMA2
- MA Seminar, German 3200-M2-0SEMN