Introduction to general lexicography 3200-L1-2PLO
The aim of the lecture is to teach the students about the fundamental concepts, theories and tools of general lexicography.
At the beginning of the course, the students will learn about lexicography as a discipline and its place in the system of human knowledge. They will find out what lexicography as an academic discipline and a type of professional activity involves and will learn about its relations with its base and related disciplines. Then, they will get to know the outline of history of lexicography in both those dimensions.
The second part of the course will be devoted to more practical matters, such as dictionary typology and classification of users and situations of dictionary use. Moreover, the students will learn about the methods of lexicographic description of meaning and the possibilities to use the tools of corpus linguistics in compiling dictionaries. Finally, they will become familiar with the criteria of dictionary evaluation.
The last block of lectures will entail a discussion on selected more detailed issues in lexicography, such as electronic lexicography or lexicography for the purposes of foreign language acquisition, and on current trends in both research and professional activity based on the newest publications.
As needed, certain lectures will be accompanied by visual material in the form of scans of dictionary pages or presentations of electronic dictionaries.
Student workload:
Classroom activities: 30 h = 1 ECTS
Self-study: 30 h = 1 ECTS
10 h of reading subject literature
20 h of studying for the exam
Term 2023L:
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Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student is expected to:
- knows the structure of language as a system, has fundamental knowledge on the place and significance of applied linguistics in the system of academic disciplines and understands their unique character (K1_W01)
- knows basic terminology of applied linguistics (K1_W02)
- knows the outline of the main directions of development and the most important new achievements in applied linguistics (K1_W04)
- knows and understands the special character of contemporary paradigms of applied linguistics and has solid knowledge of linguistic theory and methodology (K1_W05)
- knows and understands the relations between applied linguistics and other academic domains and disciplines (K1_W06)
- knows and understands the main directions of development and the most important new achievements in lexicography (S1.2_W03)
- has advanced knowledge of the history of lexicography as a field of knowledge (S1.2_W08)
- knows and understands the terminology of selected fields of knowledge and professional activity, has fundamental knowledge of creating databases and other terminological resources, knows terminological centres in Poland and in the countries of the studied foreign languages (S1.2_W10)
- knows and understands the character of contemporary thery and methodology of lexicography, knows the chief development tendencies and the most important new achievements in that discipline in the two studied foreign languages (S1.2_W11)
- is able to critically analyse texts as products of culture, can search for, analyse, assess and select authentic texts in the two studied foreign languages and develop their professional skills in applied linguistics (K1_U01)
- possesses rudimentary research skills, can specify research problems and use the research tools of applied linguistics (in the subdisciplines of the selected module); can select accurate methods to solve problems in the selected discipline (K1_U02)
- has the ability to write papers in the two studied foreign languages and in Polish, using the fundamental theories of applied linguistics (K1_U06)
- can accurately apply theoretical knowledge in the field of applied linguistics in typical professional settings, including in team projects and in interdisciplinary projects (K1_U10)
- can independently gain knowledge in the field of applied linguistics with the guidance of a subject advisor; is able to assess the usefulness of the studied methods, practices and procedures to their own professional activity (K1_U11)
- can recognise terminology of Latin origin, independently look for the meanings of terms and skilfully explain concepts from various fields of knowledge and professional activity (S1.2_U06)
- can find and evaluate equivalent forms in various lexicographic works, including in text corpora, in Polish and in the two studied foreign languages (S1.2_U07)
- can use generally accessible databases and other terminological resources in their work with specialised texts; can evaluate collected terminological data from a selected field of knowledge and professional activity (S1.2_U08)
- can accurately interpret lexicographical and terminological data as well as the characteristics of a specific language for special purposes and ascertain its level of terminologisation (S1.2_U10)
- is able to critically analyse specialised and literary texts as products of culture; can find, assess and select authentic texts in the two studied languages in order to develop their own skills in specialised or literary translation (S1.2_U11)
- is ready to adequately identify and solve dilemmas of interlingual communication caused by the asymmetry of languages and cultural differences while adhering to models of ethical conduct and seeking expert advice (K1_K01, S1.2_K01)
- is ready to critically assess their own knowledge in the field of applied linguistics; appreciates the significance of merit-based argumentation in solving research and practical problems (in professional settings) (K1_K02)
- is ready to cooperate in a team or to lead it if that is required for the purpose of completing a particular translation task and follow the principles of professional ethics (S1.2_K03)
- is ready to search for linguistic and cultural data necessary to complete a particular project (S1.2_K04)
- is ready to act as intermediary in specialised interlingual communication in selected fields of knowledge and professional activity as a professional linguistic and cultural intermediary (S1.2_K05)
- is ready to cooperate in terminological projects for the purposes of both systematising knowledge in a particular field and translating selected specialised texts (S1.2_K06)
Assessment criteria
Credits are given on the basis of a written exam which tests knowledge acquired during the lectures.
0−59% − 2
60−69% − 3
70−74% − 3+
75−84% − 4
85−89% − 4+
90−100% − 5
An active participation in the discussion during the lectures, in particular answering the instructor’s questions, results in the final mark being increased by a half, provided that the student obtains at least 60 per cent of points.
In Polish:
Apresjan, Jurij D. 2012. Z warsztatu leksykografa. Edited by Zofia Zaron. Warszawa: Wydział Polonistyki UW. Pracownia Pragmatyki i Semantyki Językoznawczej.
Bańko, Mirosław, and Halina Karaś, eds. 2018. Między teorią a praktyką: metody współczesnej leksykografii. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Doroszewski, Witold. 1954. Z zagadnień leksykografii polskiej. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.
Grochowski, Maciej. 1982. Zarys leksykologii i leksykografii. Zagadnienia synchroniczne. Toruń: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika.
Gruszczyński, Włodzimierz, and Laura Polkowska, eds. 2011. Problemy leksykografii: historia, metodologia, praktyka. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Lexis.
Kania, Stanisław, and Jan Tokarski. 1984. Zarys leksykologii i leksykografii polskiej. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne.
Mędelska, Jolanta, and Jan Wawrzyńczyk. 1992. Między oryginałem a przekładem. Rzecz o słownikach dwujęzycznych. Kielce: Wydawnictwo Szumacher.
Mielczarek, Alfred. 1972. Z zagadnień leksykografii encyklopedycznej. Warszawa: PWN.
Miodunka, Władysław. 1989. Podstawy leksykologii i leksykografii. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
Piotrowski, Tadeusz. 1994. Z zagadnień leksykografii. Warszawa: PWN.
———. 2001. Zrozumieć leksykografię. Warszawa: PWN.
Saloni, Zygmunt, ed. 1987. Studia z polskiej leksykografii współczesnej. Vol. 2. 3 vols. (Rozprawy Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego = Dissertationes Universitatis Varsoviensis 338.) Białystok: Dział Wydawnictw Filii UW.
———, ed. 1988. Studia z polskiej leksykografii współczesnej. Vol. 1. 3 vols. (Prace Językoznawcze 116.) Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
———, ed. 1989. Studia z polskiej leksykografii współczesnej. Vol. 3. 3 vols. (Rozprawy Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego = Dissertationes Universitatis Varsoviensis 376.) Białystok: Dział Wydawnictw Filii UW.
Wawrzyńczyk, Jan, ed. 1990. Studia ze współczesnej leksykografii polsko-rosyjskiej. Toruń: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika.
Wierzbicka, Anna, ed. 1972. Semantyka i słownik: praca zbiorowa. Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
Wierzchowski, Józef. 1978. Leksykologia i leksykografia. Siedlce: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane WSR-P.
Żmigrodzki, Piotr. 2008. Słowo – słownik – rzeczywistość: z problemów leksykografii i metaleksykografii. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Lexis.
———. 2009. Wprowadzenie do leksykografii polskiej. 3rd edition. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
In English:
Atkins, Sue B. T., and Michael Rundell. 2008. The Oxford Guide to Practical Lexicography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Burchanow, Igor. 1999. Linguistic Foundations of Ideography. Semantic Analysis and Ideographic Dictionaries. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej.
———. 2010. Lexicography: A Dictionary of Basic Terminology. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej.
Durkin, Philip, ed. 2016. The Oxford Handbook of Lexicography. (Oxford Handbooks in Linguistics.) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fontenelle, Thierry, ed. 2008. Practical Lexicography: a Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hartmann, Reinhard Rudolf Karl. 2001. Teaching and Researching Lexicography. (Applied Linguistics in Action.) Harlow, London: Longman.
Hartmann, Reinhard Rudolf Karl, and Gregory James, eds. 2002. Dictionary of Lexicography. London, New York: Routledge.
Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de. 2003. “Lexicographers’ Dreams in the Electronic-Dictionary Age”. International Journal of Lexicography 16 (2): 143–99.
Sterkenburg, Piet van, ed. 2003. A Practical Guide to Lexicography. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Svensen, Bo. 2009. A Handbook of Lexicography: the Theory and Practice of Dictionary-making. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Zgusta, Ladislav. 1971. Manual of Lexicography. The Hague, Paris: Mouton.
In German:
Henne, Helmut, ed. 1979. Praxis der Lexikographie. Berichte aus der Werkstatt. (Reihe Germanistische Linguistik 22.) Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag.
Schaeder, Burkhard. 1981. Lexikographie als Praxis und Theorie. (Reihe Germianistische Linguistik 34.) Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag.
In Russian:
Apresjan, Jurij D. 1995. Интегральное описание языка и системная лексикография. Vol. 2. Москва: Школа „Языки русской культуры”.
Šestakova, Larisa Leonidovna. 2011. Русская авторская лексикография: Теория, история, современность. Москва: Языки славянских культур.
Sternin, I. A., i T. A. Čubur, ed. 2006. Контрастивная лексикология и лексикография. Воронеж: «Истоки».
In Italian:
Aprile, Marcello. 2005. Dalle parole ai dizionari. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Vanvolsem, Serge, and Laura Lepschy, eds. 2008. Nell’ officina del dizionario: atti del convegno internazionale organizzato dall’Istituto Italiano di Cultura Lussemburgo, 10 giugno 2006. Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag.
Term 2023L:
See in section “General data” |
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