Introduction to CAT language C - German 3200-L3-1CATCN
In particular, students will be introduced to the following concepts:
- main idea and advantages of CAT tools
- project preparation and setup
- graphical user interface (GUI)
- translation memory
- terminology base
- XML file format, in particular TMX, TBX
- translation editor
- translation quality assessment (QA)
30 class hours and 20 hours of individual work (50 hours in total), which corresponds to 2 ECTS.
Translation direction: mainly A→B and to some extent B→A.
Metody dydaktyczne:
- translation using CAT software (mainly OmegaT) in the lab and on students’ devices
- glossary creation within a team using online solutions such as Google Documents
- excercises and tips for using CAT software in practice
- source text analyses, focusing mainly on ambiguity, ambivalence, inner logic, coherence, grammatical, lexical and linguistic details and characteristics
- critical analysis and discussion of translation output
- editing texts for better understanding, shortening and improved style, expanding the vocabulary
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student:
- has acquired knowledge about written translation using CAT tools
- knows and understands the basics of a CAT tool enhanced working environment for written translation as well as the translation strategies and techniques as required by their underlying technology
- has basic knowledge about modern CAT tools, is familiar with their advantages and limitations
- be able to use various resources (dictionaries, parallel texts, etc.) when using CAT tools for translation, is able to make an informed decision on their suitability as translation equivalents
- is able to analyse the source text and identify the most important potential translation issues in it when using CAT tools to translate it
- can translate a common-language text from the foreign language into Polish and from Polish into the foreign language using CAT tools
- is able to plan individual translation projects requiring the use of CAT tools
- is able to cooperate in a group and work remotely using CAT tools
Assessment criteria
Ongoing assessment (attendance check, preparation for classes, activities and translations performed individually, both in class and at home), mid-semester written tests and/or final written test. Each requirement, if assigned, must be fulfilled independently; their share in the final grade is thus not determined.
Detailed requirements and evaluation criteria are determined by each instructor in a particular course cycle.
Grading scale:
- 99% - 100 - 5!
- 98% - 91% - 5
- 90% - 86% - 4.5
- 85% - 76% - 4
- 75% - 71% - 3.5
- 70% - 60% - 3
- less than 60% - 2 (failing grade).
Allowed number of absences: 2 absences per semester.
OmegaT 4.2 - User's Guide (
Further literature will be provided throughout the course of the semester if/as needed.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: