Introduction to Interpreting - language C: Polish Sign Language 3200-L3-1PTUCM
The aim of the course is to train interpreting competences in the area of Polish – Polish Sign Language, taking into account the role of the interpreter, the function of preparing for translation, applying translation techniques and strategies, recognising the discourse register. The course includes the analysis of source texts and searching for interpreting solutions taking into account the context of interpreting. During the class, participants propose their own interpreting solutions, which are analysed by the group, to which they receive feedback from the class leader. In the class special emphasis is placed on training in memory enhancement and divisibility of attention.
Main teaching content:
1. The role and tasks of the interpreter - linguistic and cultural intermediary, assistant, helper.
2. Linguistic and extra-linguistic factors influencing the quality of sign language interpreting.
3. The function of preparing for interpreting.
4. Training memory, divisibility of attention, use of translation delay (lag time).
5. Interpreting techniques and strategies.
6. Types of sign language interpreting (consecutive, simultaneous, a vista).
7. Identification of the discourse register and how to preserve it in translation.
Course workload:
Student workload:
30 contact hours and 30h of own work. Total: 60h = 2 ECTS.
Forms of work:
- Analysis of role-plays involving the interpreter in terms of his/her decision-making, analysis of the ethical aspects.
- Analysis of texts containing linguistic and non-linguistic factors which may affect the quality of interpreting, searching for interpreting solutions,
- Exercises in searching for information and developing materials in preparation for interpreting,
- Exercises to strengthen memory and split attention,
- Preparation of interpreting at home and in class.
Working methods:
- discussion,
- text analysis
- recording of interpretations,
- memory exercises.
Direction of interpreting: A-B and B-A.
Credit requirements:
Attendance and satisfactory work in class, systematic and timely preparation of own translation proposals for class, diligent completion of indicated assignments in class. If it is not possible to conduct classes face-to-face, classes will be held remotely by means of distance communication tools recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024Z: |
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course the student:
- identifies the role of the sign language interpreter in the act of communication,
- lists the basic types of sign language interpreting,
- understands the importance of preparing for interpreting,
- names interpreting strategies and techniques,
- identifies the register of the output text.
- carries out a multi-faceted analysis of the output text, identifying the most important interpreting issues,
- develops materials in preparation for interpreting,
- applies chosen techniques and strategies in interpreting situations,
- produces interpretations taking into account the register of the source language and ensuring that it is preserved in the target language
- maintains an appropriate lag-time to enable functional interpreting.
- knows how to give and receive feedback on the interpreting,
- knows how to co-operate with a partner in the process of preparation and execution of interpreting,
- performs his/her tasks applying the rules of professional ethics of an interpreter,
- takes into account cultural differences in the interpreter’s work.
Assessment criteria
Student working methods:
- assessment of interpreting fluency using appropriate techniques, strategies and lexis,
- evaluation of student's progress in interpreting fluency,
- evaluation of student's work in class exercises and own work.
Assessment criteria/number of points/share in the final mark:
- Continuous assessment: ongoing preparation for class and performance of tasks during class - 80%,
- final oral assessment - 20%.
Grading scale:
99% - 100 - 5!
98% - 91% - 5
90% - 86% - 4.5
85% - 76% - 4
75% - 71% - 3.5
70% - 60% - 3
less than 60% - 2 (failing grade).
Rules for students attending classes:
1. Attendance in class is compulsory and may be a condition for passing the course.
2. Absences - 2 unexcused absences per semester are allowed. Unexcused absences in excess of 2 will result in additional translation assignments. Absence from more than half of the classes in a semester results in failure to pass the course.
3. Non-attendance - a student should be prepared for each class.
4. Absence at the end of the semester results in failing a mark and the student being obliged to take the final course test on another date agreed with the lecturer.
5. A student has the right to improve twice each time he/she takes a test (fluency and vocabulary test). Failure to pass a credit on the first set date without an excuse results in missing this date.
Florczak, J. (2013): Tłumaczenia symultaniczne i konsekutywne: Teoria i praktyka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck.
Hejwowski, K. (ed.). (2005): Kulturowe i językowe źródła nieprzekładalności. Olecko: Wszechnica Mazurska.
- Heyerick, I. (2021): A descriptive study of linguistic interpreting strategies in Dutch - Flemish Sign Language interpreting. KU Leuven Faculty of Arts, Research unit Linguistics.
Kalata-Zawłocka, A. (red.). (2021): Tłumacz języka migowego – kim był? Kim jest? Kim będzie? Warszawa: Wydawnictwo UW.
Kalata-Zawłocka, A. (2017): Społeczne i językowe konteksty tłumaczenia języka migowego w Polsce. Warszawa: Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Korpal, P. (2016): Kompetencje tłumacza ustnego W: Tłumacz praktyczne aspekty zawodu. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.
Roberson, L., Sherry Shaw (ed.). (2018): Signed Language Interpreting in the 21st Century. An Overview of the Profession. Washington: Gallaudet University Press.
Tryuk, M. (2012): Ty nic nie mów, ja będę tłumaczył. O etyce w tłumaczeniu ustnym. Warszawa: Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej.
Tryuk, M. (2007): Przekład ustny konferencyjny. Warszawa: PWN.
Wądołowska, M. (2014): Praca z tłumaczem w terapii i diagnozie
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: