Literary Project 3200-M2-2PROJL
Patrycja Spytek, PhD
The project meets the expectations of the students of the Institute of Specialist and Intercultural Communication, who in university practice associate with various forms of specialist translation - above all professional (legal, economic, medical, pharmaceutical). The workshops will familiarize students with the specificity of artistic translation. Which, as the name suggests, is not only a translation from the A language into the B language of the written text, but above all an artistic form of expression, and thus requires special preparation of the person undertaking the effort of literary translation. Working on a text previously unpublished in Polish translation will encourage the Student to think creatively and work on a "living organism".
Aleksandra Piekarniak, PhD
The project will show students the full possibilities of artistic translation, show its limits, discuss its basic elements from the theoretical side, and familiarize students with the practical side. Students will look at two different translations of the same literary work, the classes will discuss the choices of translators, working in a group and partly individually, we will also prepare a new version of a literary work. The book already belongs to the classics of Italian literature of the 20th century, but, despite many attempts and changes, has not yet been faithfully translated.
Wanda Józwikowska, PhD
The main idea of this class is to show students how theatre translation differs from the translation of prose or fiction for publication, and what it takes to translate a play (or a short story adapted for the stage) and to enact it. Right from the outset, we will be translating a text from English to Polish with the aim of staging it at the end of the semester, exploring the roles of the text, translator, actors and director. Thanks to the performative nature of this workshop class, students will be given a hands-on insight into how a translation changes the moment it ceases to be a written text and becomes a performance.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Assessment criteria
Methods of student work evaluation:
- Weekly evaluation (preparation and active participation),
- End-of-term project work – translating course-related texts (texts translated from a foreign language into Polish).
The course final grade will consist of:
- 50% weekly evaluation,
- 50% end-of-term project work.
Percentage-to-grade policy:
96%-100% – 5!
90%-95% – 5
85%-89% – 4+
80%-84% – 4
70%-79% – 3+
60%-69% – 3
Translation grading criteria:
- conveying the original message;
- terminology and phraseology;
- grammar;
- style.
Basic rules:
1. Absences – students are allowed to be absent twice (no explanation required).
2. Preparation – students are obliged to be duly prepared for each and every class. In extraordinary circumstances, students are allowed to be unprepared (eg. no homework translation brought) twice a term.
Patrycja Spytek, PhD:
1. Р. Р. Чайковский, Н. В. Вороневская..., «Художественный перевод как вид межкультурной коммуникации. Основы теории», Москва 2014.
2. «Мир литературного перевода», АНО «Институт перевода», Москва 2015.
3. «Мир литературного перевода», том 1-2, АНО «Институт перевода», Москва 2018
Aleksandra Piekarniak, PhD
1. Bassnett, S. (1993): La traduzione. Teorie e pratica, Bompiani, Milano;
2. Ricoeur, P. (2008): Tradurre l’intraducibile (a cura di OLIVA, M.), Urbaniana University, Press Città del Vaticano;
3. Zivanovič, D. (1975): Granice możliwości w przekładzie, in POLLAK, S. (ed.): Przekład artystyczny. O sztuce tłumaczenia księga druga, Wrocław, 367-379.
4. Il grande dizionario Garzanti della lingua italiana.
Wanda Józwikowska, PhD
Ambrosi, Paola, et al. (2013) Theatre Translation in Performance. Routledge
Taylor & Francis Group
Balme, C. B. (2008). The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Studies.
Cambridge University Press.
Bassnett, S. (1991). Translating for the Theatre: The Case Against
Performability TTR 4 (1)
Bassnett, S. (1990) Translating for the Theatre: Textual Complexities. Essays in
Poetics 15: 71-84
Carlson, MA. (2014) Theatre : A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University
Espasa, E. (2000) Performability in Translation: Speakability? Playability? Or
just Saleability?. C-A Upton (ed) Moving Target: Theatre Translation and
Cultural Relocation, Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing.
Hamberg, L. (1969) Some Practical Considerations Concerning Dramatic
Translation. Babel 15 (2).
Hermans, T. (2014). The Manipulation of Literature (Routledge Revivals) :
Studies in Literary Translation. Taylor and Francis.
Maxwell, R. (2015). Theater for beginners (First edition). Theatre
Communications Group.
Upton, C-A. (2000) Moving Target: Theatre Translation and Cultural Relocation.
Manchester: St. Jerome.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: