Literature of B (Spanish) Language Area - level 2 3200-L2-LBH2
The seminar discusses the history of Spanish literature from the 11th to the 20th century and Spanish American literature from the colonial period to the 20th century with a focus on 20th century prose. The classes aim not so much at the presentation of the exhaustive list of titles and dates, but focus rather at the selected presentations, major trends and most interesting works. The introductory part aims at preparing the students to individual, critical readings of texts from Spanish speaking countries. The second part is designed for text analysis and discussions; therefore, an active participation of the students is expected.
Compulsory course for second-year students (Spanish as language B).
The student's amount of labor:
Classes with the participation of the tutor – 60 hours
Individual work:
- preparation for the classes - 40 hours
- preparation of the paper – 10 hours
- preparation for the exams - 10 hours
If classroom learning is impossible, the workshop will be conducted with the help of distance communication tools, most probably Google Meet and others recommended by the University.
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
Having accomplished the first semester the student, the student:
- has knowledge of the major trends and the most important works of Spanish and Spanish American literature (K_W04, K_W07),
- knows the historical and cultural context in which the literary works were created (K_W01, K_W05, K_W10);
- has knowledge of the sources of information about Spanish and Spanish American literature (K_W01);
- knows and understands the relationship between literature and other arts (K_W05);
- knows and understands the terminology used in literary studies (K_W02).
- can characterize the most important trends and discuss selected literary works (K_U01, K_U04, S_U06),
- can read in Spanish and understand original literary texts of different epochs and make critical comments on them (K_U02),
- can recognize and analyze fragments of Spanish and Spanish American literary texts characteristic of the periods in question (K_U02, K_U05),
- understands and appreciates the artistic and socio-cultural dimension of literature (K_K05),
- is aware of a variety of cultural manifestations in different geographical zones (K_K05),
- appreciates the tradition and cultural heritage of Spain and Latin America (K_K05),
- understands the importance of Spanish and Latin American literature for contemporary culture (K_K05)
- is prepared to update his knowledge independently (K_K01, K_K06).
Assessment criteria
The condition for passing the course is the active participation in classes, an oral presentation of a paper dedicated to a novel of the 20th century and a positive result of the exams, when students should demonstrate both theoretical knowledge and the ability to identify and discuss familiar literary texts.
The final grade is the average of the grades from two partial exams, which will be conducted after the first and second semester, respectively.
Exam assessment criteria:
60%-69% = 3
70%-79% = 3+
80%-84% = 4
85%-89% = 4+
90%-95% = 5
The retake exam takes place on the same principles and in the same form as the first exam.
Attendance in class is compulsory. Each student may miss two classes in semester. In case of more than two absences, the student may pass the semester after completing additional works.
Preparing for classes is compulsory.
Active participation in classes is required.
In the second semester students should take part in discussion on Moodle.
First semester (Spanish literature):
Alborg, J.L., Historia de la literatura española, Tomos I-IV, Gredos, Madrid, 1999-2001.
Díez R., Miguel y Díez Taboada, P., Antología comentada de la poesía lírica española, Cátedra, Madrid, 2005.
Gracia, J. y Ródenas, D., Historia de la literatura española 7. Derrota y restitución de la modernidad 1939-2010, Crítica, Madrid, 2011.
Langa Pizarro, M. M., Del franquismo a la postmodernidad: la novela española (1975-1999). Análisis y diccionario de autores, Universidad de Alicante, 2004.
Menéndez Peláez, J. (coord.), Historia de la literatura española, Tomos I-IV, Everest, Madrid, 2005.
Ramoneda, A., Antología de la literatura española del siglo XX, SGEL, Madrid, 2001.
Rey Hazas, A. y Marín, J. M., Antología de la literatura española hasta el siglo XIX, SGEL, Madrid, 2006.
Rico, F. (dir.), Historia y crítica de la literatura española, Tomos I-IX y suplementos, Crítica, Barcelona, 1983-2003.
Sanz Villanueva, S., Historia de la literatura española. El siglo XX. Literatura actual, Ariel, Barcelona, 2008.
Second semester (Spanish American literature):
Barrera, Trinidad (coord.), Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana. Siglo XX, Cátedra, Madrid 2008.
Bellini, Giuseppe, Nueva historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, Castalia, Madrid 1997.
Donoso, José, Historia personal del "boom", Alfaguara, Madrid 1999.
Esteban, Ángel y Gallego, Ana, De Gabo a Mario. La estirpe del boom, Espasa Calpe, Madrid 2009.
González Echeverría, Roberto y Pupo – Walker, Enrique (eds.), Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, I. Del descubrimiento al
Modernismo, Gredos, Madrid 2006.
Madrigal, Luis Íñigo (coord.), Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, Tomos I, II, Cátedra, Madrid 2008.
Marco, Joaquín, Literatura hispanoamericana: del modernismo a nuestros días, Espasa Calpe, Madrid 1987.
Oviedo, José Miguel, Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana 4. De Borges al presente, Alianza, Madrid 2001.
Sanz de Medrano Arce, Luis (coord.), Antología de la literatura hispanoamericana. Textos y comentarios, Vol. I, Verbum, Madrid 2001.
Ewa Łukaszyk, Nina Pluta, Historia literatur iberoamerykańskich
Tomasz Pindel, Realizm magiczny
Donald L. Shaw, Nueva narrativa hispanoamericana
Joaquin Marco, Jordi Gracia (eds. ), La llegada de los bárbaros
Villanueva, Darío y Vina Liste, José María, Trayectoria de la novela hispanoamericana actual. Del realismo mágico a los años ochenta,
Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 1991.
Term 2024L:
The exam can be either oral or written. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: