Introduction to literary studies 3200-L1-0WL
The lecture provides a general overview of the issues related to literary research along with their key types - literary history, literary theory, literary criticism. The subject matter includes fundamental terms in the study of literature (mimesis, diegesis, etc.), the concept of literariness, poetics (the structure of literary works, their modes of functioning), style and stylistics, as well as the characterization of the most important stylistic figures (macrostructural figures - metaphor, hyperbole, irony, etc., and microstructural figures - parallelism, metonymy, synecdoche, etc.). The main literary genres (lyric, epic, and drama) will be discussed, along with examples of genres belonging to each type (including but not limited to elegy, ballad, sonnet, prose poem; comedy, tragedy, epic, novel, novella, fable). A description of several selected research directions in literary studies will serve as an exemplification of earlier theoretical content: structuralism, hermeneutics, etc.
Student workload:
- 30 hours of attendance in lectures (known as contact hours),
- 30 hours of independent work (preparation for exam, work necessary to achieve the intended learning outcomes).
Student workload:
• 30 hours of participation in seminars (i.e., contact hours),
• 15 hours of individual work (preparation for the credit test, necessary work to achieve the intended learning outcomes).
Term 2023L:
None |
Term 2024L:
None |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course (based on the knowledge acquired during lectures and the reading of selected works from the subject bibliography), the student will be able to:
comprehend fundamental concepts in the field of literary studies and understand their significance (which changes across different epochs);
describe the scope of various types of literary research;
characterize key concepts in literary studies and discuss them with specific examples (drawn from literature of different countries and epochs);
identify and describe elements of literary work's structure;
identify various functions of a literary work;
conduct an analysis of a literary text regarding style and stylistic devices (highlighting various rhetorical figures);
differentiate and characterize the main literary genres, outlining the specifics of each, and enumerate a significant number of literary genres (for each genre);
present a basic overview of selected research directions in literary studies.
Student’s workload during the semester:
- lecture participation: 30 hours
- self-study: 30 hours (revising for the exam, reading literary texts, work necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes)
Assessment criteria
Passing the lecture is based on attendance, while the final grade is determined by the exam result. 2 unexcused absences are allowed per semester; exceeding the limit of 4 absences necessitates completing an additional written assignment on a topic specified by the lecturer.
Methods of assessing student work: - written exam
Adopted rules for scoring the exam:
99%-100% - 5!
98%-91% – 5
90%-86% – 4,5
85%-76% – 4
75%-71% - 3,5
70%-60% – 3
0-59% - 2
Practical placement
1. Burzyńska A., Markowski M. P., Teorie literatury XX wieku, Kraków 2006, 2007.
2. Compagnon A., Demon teorii. Literatura a zdrowy rozsądek, Gdańsk 2010.
3. Eagleton T., Jak czytać literaturę, Warszawa, 2014.
4. Głowiński M., Okopień-Sławińska A., Sławiński J., Zarys teorii literatury, Warszawa 1986.
5. Głowiński M., Kostkiewiczowa T., Okopień-Sławińska A., Sławiński J., Słownik terminów literackich, Warszawa 1988.
6. Koziołek R., Czytać, dużo czytać, Wołowiec 2022.
7. Koziołek R., Dobrze się myśli literaturą, Wołowiec 2023.
8. Kulawik A., Poetyka. Wstęp do teorii dzieła literackiego, Warszawa 1990.
9. Kulawik. A., Zarys poetyki, Kraków 2010.
10. Markiewicz H., Główne problemy wiedzy o literaturze, Kraków 1996.
11. Markiewicz H., Wymiary dzieła literackiego, Kraków 1984.
12. Mitosek Z., Teorie badań literackich, Warszawa 1998.
13. Skwarczyńska S., Kierunki w badaniach literackich, Warszawa 1984.
14. Todorov T., Poetyka, Warszawa 1986.
15. Wellek R., Pojęcia i problemy nauki o literaturze, Warszawa 1979.
16. Wellek R., Warren A., Teoria literatury, Warszawa 1976.
Term 2023L:
None |
Term 2024L:
None |
Term 2023L:
None |
Term 2024L:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: