Courses at
Faculty of Applied Linguistics
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- Elective course: Translation Ethics 3200-M2-PF-ETY
- Elective course: Word formation 3200-L2-PF-SŁO
- Elective course: Writers and translators in correspondence 3200-M1-2PFA
- Elective course:An introduction to the contemporary analysis of French media discourse 3200-M1-PF-ADM
- Elective course:Analysis of a literary text based on the example of contemporary Hispano-American literature 3200-L2-PF-ATL
- Elective course:Conversation Analysis 3200-L2-PF-ANK
- Elective course:Cultural Factors Influencing Children Literature 3200-L2-PF-KLD
- Elective course:Culture and Non-verbal Communication 3200-L2-PF-KNN
- Elective course:Elements of rhetoric 3200-L2-PF-RET
- Elective course:French language registers – colloquial language and slang 3200-M1-PF-FRJ
- Elective course:Graphical lexicon 3200-M1-PF-LGR
- Elective course:Graphical lexicon 3200-M1-PF-LGR(II)
- Elective course:How to learn a foreign language? 3200-L2-PF-UJO
- Elective course:Improving visual-spatial competence in PJM (polish sign language) 3200-L2-PF-DSW2
- Elective course:Interculturality in business communication and mnagement 3200-M1-PF-MKGZ
- Elective course:Introduction to Corpus Linguistics 3200-L2-PF-WJK
- Elective course:Literature and Art in England in the Renaissance and Baroque Period 3200-M2-PF-LSA
- Elective course:Literature in translation, translators in culture 3200-L2-PF-LWPA
- Elective course:Poetic Twitter 3200-M2-PF-TWP
- Elective course:Selected Issues in contemporary Translation Theory 3200-L2-PF-WZWT
- Elective course:Selected issues in literary translation 3200-L2-PF-WPP
- Elective course:Sign language and the Deaf Community 3200-M1-PF-MIG
- Elective course:The brain in bilingualism 3200-L1-MPF-MDJ
- Elective course:Translated advanced syntactic structures (1) 3200-L2-PF-PZKS
- Elective course:Translated advanced syntactic structures (2) 3200-L2-PF-PZKS2
- Elective course:Translation and Music 3200-M2-PF-PDM
- Elective course:Translation of Children's Literature 3200-M1-PF-PLD
- Elective course:Translation, conversion, and adaptation of English literature in modern culture 3200-M2-PF-FPK
- Elective course:Translator in intercultural communication 3200-L2-PF-TKM
- Elective course:Word formation 3200-M1-PF-SŁZ
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language B Russian, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPBR1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language B Russian, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPBR2
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language B: English, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPBA1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language B: English, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPBA2
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language B: French, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPBF1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language B: French, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPBF2
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language B: German, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPBN2
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language B: Spanish, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPBH1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language B: Spanish, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPBH2
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C: French, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPCF1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C: French, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPCF2
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C: Japanese, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPCJ1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C: Japanese, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPCJ2
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C: Polish Sign Language, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPCM1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C: Polish Sign Language, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPCM2
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C: Spanish, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPCH1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C: Spanish, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPCH2
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C: Swedish, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPCS1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C: Swedish, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPCS2
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – Language B: German, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPBN1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C German, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPCN1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C German, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPCN2
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C Russian, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPCR1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C Russian, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPCR2
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C: English, level 1 3200-L1-1PPPCA1
- Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C: English, level 2 3200-L2-1PPPCA2
- History of Language and Lexicography (B) - English 3200-L3-2HJLBA
- History of Language and Lexicography (B) - German 3200-L3-2HJLBN
- History of Language and Lexicography (B) - Italian 3200-L3-2HJLBW
- History of Language and Lexicography (B) - Russian 3200-L3-2HJLBR
- History of Language and Lexicography (C) - English 3200-L3-2HJLCA
- History of Language and Lexicography (C) - German 3200-L3-2HJLCN
- History of Language and Lexicography (C) - Italian 3200-L3-2HJLCW
- History of Language and Lexicography (C) - Russian 3200-L3-2HJLCR
- Intellectual property rights- basic course 3200-L1-0POWI
- Intellectual property rights- basic course 3200-M1-0POWI
- Internship 3200-M-0PZ
- Internship 1 3200-L2-PRA-ZAW1
- Internship 1 3200-M-0PZ1
- Internship 2 3200-L2-PRA-ZAW2
- Internship 2 3200-M-0PZ2
- Introduction to audiovisual translation 3200-L3-1WPA
- Introduction to audiovisual translation 3200-L3-1WPAA
- Introduction to audiovisual translation - language B: English 3200-L3-1WPABA
- Introduction to audiovisual translation - language B: French 3200-L3-1WPABF
- Introduction to audiovisual translation - language B: German 3200-L3-1WPABN
- Introduction to audiovisual translation - language B: Spanish 3200-L3-1WPABH
- Introduction to CAT - language B: Russian 3200-M1-1CATBR
- Introduction to CAT language B - English 3200-L3-1CATBA
- Introduction to CAT language B - French 3200-L3-1CATBF
- Introduction to CAT language B - German 3200-L3-1CATBN
- Introduction to CAT language B - Russian 3200-L3-1CATBR
- Introduction to CAT language B - Spanish 3200-L3-1CATBH
- Introduction to CAT language C - English 3200-L3-1CATCA
- Introduction to CAT language C - French 3200-L3-1CATCF
- Introduction to CAT language C - German 3200-L3-1CATCN
- Introduction to CAT language C - Japanese 3200-L3-1CATCJ
- Introduction to CAT language C - Russian 3200-L3-1CATCR
- Introduction to CAT language C - Spanish 3200-L3-1CATCH
- Introduction to general lexicography 3200-L1-2PLO
- Introduction to Glottodidactics 3200-M-0WGO
- Introduction to Glottodidactics 3200-L2-0WGO
- Introduction to Interpreting - language B: English 3200-L3-1PTUBA
- Introduction to Interpreting - language B: French 3200-L3-1PTUBF
- Introduction to Interpreting - language B: German 3200-L3-1PTUBN
- Introduction to Interpreting - language B: Russian 3200-L3-1PTUBR
- Introduction to Interpreting - language B: Spanish 3200-L3-1PTUBH
- Introduction to Interpreting - language C: English 3200-L3-1PTUCA
- Introduction to Interpreting - language C: French 3200-L3-1PTUCF
- Introduction to Interpreting - language C: German 3200-L3-1PTUCN
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