Introduction to Specialised Translations – Polish/Russian 3200-L2-2WTSCR
The classes are aimed at preparing the students for specialised translation classes foreseen further in the study programme.
During the classes the following questions will be addressed:
●the elements of pre-translation analysis and the factors influencing the final form of a translation;
●the basic translation equivalent sources (dictionaries, glossaries, parallel texts, language corpora);
●Russian-Polish transliteration and transcription;
●examples of using particular translation strategies, methods and techniques;
●the choices made by translators while translating a particular text and their possible consequences;
●the most common translation mistakes and ways of finding as well as avoiding them;
●false friends;
●translator professional ethics.
Moreover, the course will depict the specificity of particular written translation types as well as the basic issues concerning interpreting. The crucial subjects concerning translator skills will be exemplified with solutions in texts representing various level of terminological saturation and subject fields.
Student’s workload (55 hours in total):
30 hours class attendance – 1 ECTS;
25 hours self-study – 1 ECTS:
- 15 hours completing home assignments,
- 5 hours preparing graded translations,
- 5 hours revising for tests.
Term 2023Z:
The classes are aimed at preparing the students for specialised translation classes foreseen further in the study programme. During the classes the following questions will be addressed: |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes:
After finishing the course the student:
- has knowledge of information sources (paper and electronic dictionaries parallel text sources etc.) regarding the Russian language (S1.2_W13);
- has knowledge of the functional possibilities of the Polish language and the basic differences between Polish and Russian(S_W11);
- can recognise different levels of text terminologisation and specialisation as well as their stylistic hue (S1.2_W06);
-has basic knowledge of synctactic structures, typical terminology and collocations in specialized texts in Polish and Russian (S1.2_W06);
- has a basic knowledge of translation studies, e.g. translation strategies, techniques and methods (S1.2_W02; S1.2_W05);
- has basic knowledge of translator's professional ethics (K1_W13; K1_W15; S1.2_W14; S1.2_W16);
- knows and understands the basic concepts and principles in the field of intellectual property and copyright protection (K1_W09).
- can operate and properly use the basic translation strategies and techniques while translating from Russian into Polish (K1_U10; S1.2_U01; S1.2_U02);
- can find, analyse, assess and select authentic texts in the two study-programme languages (K1_U01; S1.2_U07; S1.2_U11);
- knows the principles of the Polish language and applying them in practice (K1_U08);
- can analyze the basic elements of a specialized text when it ocmes to microtextual and macrotextual aspects and describe the stylistic features of a text, interpret them properly and point out its cultural function in Polish and Russian (S1.2_U12);
- can translate simple specialized texts from Russian into Polish, by avoiding interference mistakes and applying translation strategies and techniques appropriate to the type of translation, can use equivalent word-order structures, terminology and collocations while translating from/into Russian and from/into Polish (S1.2_U03);
- can use openly available databases and other terminological resources while working with specialized texts, can critically assess the gathered terminological data in a particular field of knowledge or proffesional activity (S1.2_U08);
-can independently find and use appropriate media and utilize them in translation activity in order to facilitate it (S1.2_U13);
-can solve problems and complete tasks in unforeseeable conditions by assessing and analyzing the situation and choosing the appropriate methods and tools (K1_U13; S1.2_U01).
Socio-cultural competencies:
- can interact and work in a group / in pairs / cooperate with others, taking different roles; manage a small team (K1_K07; S1.2_K03; S1.2_K04);
- can properly define the priorities for the implementation of a task set by themselves and/or others, manage time and complete the tasks set on time, abide by the professional ethics (K1_K01; S1.2_K01)
- is aware of the cultural differences existing between Polish and Russian culture (S1.2_K02);
- understands and is aware of the importance of cultural elements in translation (S1.2_K02).
Assessment criteria
1. The final grade comprises the following components:
- the average of the grades from translation assignments (2 or 3 texts) amounts to 50% of the final grade;
- the class activity grade (e.g. completing home assignments, participation in the class activities) amounts to 30% of the final grade;
- the short test grade (tests are based on vocabulary and subjects from previous classes) amounts to 20% of the final grade.
In order to pass the course the student has to receive a pass grade (3) from all three components.
2. The final grade is awarded on the basis of the following scale:
60%-69.9% = 3
70%-74.9% = 3+
75%-84.9% = 4
85%-89.9% = 4+
90%-100% = 5
3. Ocena z przedmiotu obejmuje:
- 30% continuous assessment, being prepared and participating in the classes;
- 20% short tests;
- 50% home graded translation assignments.
1. Three unexcused absences are allowed in a semester. Any absence exceeding this limit could be made up by completing an additional assignments. If the student possesses a doctor’s certificate or an equivalent document rendering it possible to excuse the absence, they have to hand it in to the course group instructor.
2. Student should be prepared for each class. Every instance of being unprepared will be taken into account when it comes to the class activity grade (continuous assessment).
3. Student can get the final credit if they pass all the home graded translation assignment. Student is entitled to retake every written assignment twice. Unexcused not taking a test or assignment on the first date leaves the student only the two retake possibilities to pass it.
Practical placement
●Dzierżanowska H., 1988, Przekład tekstów nieliterackich, Warszawa: PWN.
●Grucza S., Marchwiński A., Płużyczka М. (ed.), 2013. Translatoryka. Koncepcje – Modele – Analizy. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Kulturologii i Lingwistyki Antropocentrycznej Uniwersytet Warszawski.
●Lipiński K., 2000, Vademecum tłumacza, Kraków: IDEA.
●Lukszyn J. (ed.), 2001, Tezaurus terminologii translatorycznej, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
●Pieńkos, J. (2003), Podstawy przekładoznawstwa. Od teorii do praktyki, Kraków: Kantor Wydawniczy Zakamycze.
●Płużyczka M., 2010, Bezekwiwalentowość a kontekst kulturowy w tłumaczeniu specjalistycznym,(w:) S. Grucza/ A. Marchwiński/ M. Płużyczka (red.), Translatoryka. Koncepcje – Modele – Analizy, Warszawa: Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej UW.
●Wojtasiewicz O., 1996, Wstęp do teorii tłumaczenia, Warszawa: TEPIS.
●materials prepared by the group instructor.
Term 2023Z:
●Dzierżanowska H., 1988, Przekład tekstów nieliterackich, Warszawa: PWN. ●Grucza S., Marchwiński A., Płużyczka М. (ed.), 2013. Translatoryka. Koncepcje – Modele – Analizy. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Kulturologii i Lingwistyki Antropocentrycznej Uniwersytet Warszawski. ●Lipiński K., 2000, Vademecum tłumacza, Kraków: IDEA. |
Term 2023Z:
If it will not be possible to carry out the classes in the usual location, online classes will be conducted by using Google Meet and Google Classroom. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: