Introduction to Glottodidactics 3200-L2-0WGO
The curriculum includes a review of theoretical issues and results of scientific research in the field of glottodidactic research.
The following topics are discussed here: basic concepts of glottodidactics; history of glottodidactics' development, modern research results in the field of glottodidactics, organization of teaching of foreign languages, the most important didactic problems (connected with foreign language teaching).
Student workload:
Total value of points = 2 ECTS
Contact hours (in the room) = 30h = 1 ECTS
Student's independent work outside the classroom:
Current preparation for classes - 15h = 0.5 ECTS
Preparation for the exam - 15h = 0.5 ECTS
Term 2023L:
The curriculum includes a review of theoretical issues and results of scientific research in the field of glottodidactic research. Student workload: |
Term 2024L:
The curriculum includes a review of theoretical issues and results of scientific research in the field of glottodidactic research. Student workload: |
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K1_W01 knows the structure of language as a system, has basic knowledge about the place and importance of sciences in the field of linguistics (glottodidactics) in the system of sciences, and also understands their subject specificity,
K1_W02 knows the basic terminology in the field of glottodidactics,
K1_W03 knows the stages of development of glottodidactics as a field of knowledge in historical terms, understands the complex nature of language as well as its complexity and historical variability,
K1_W04 knows the main development directions and the most important new scientific achievements in the field of glottodidactics,
K1_W06 knows and understands the connections between glottodidactics and other fields of science and scientific disciplines (linguistics),
K1_W13 knows and understands the principles of professional ethics,
K1_W14 has knowledge about designing the path of their own development and professional promotion,
K1_W15 knows the standards, procedures and good practices used in the area of professional activity;
K1_U01 is able to critically analyze texts as cultural products, is able to search, analyze, evaluate and select authentic texts in two foreign languages studied and develop professional skills in the field of glottodidactics,
K1_U02 has elementary research skills, is able to formulate research problems and is able to use research tools of glottodidactics (as a subdomain of linguistics); is able to properly choose methods to solve problems within a selected field,
K1_U03 is able to recognize characteristic cultural elements and properly interpret socio-historical changes taking place in relation to the realities of a given language area (two studied foreign languages),
K1_U04 has the ability to argue using the views of other authors and to formulate oral and written conclusions in Polish and in two foreign languages studied,
K1_U05 is able to communicate in two studied foreign languages in typical professional situations requiring knowledge of techniques, strategies and various communication channels, and is able to counteract conflicts by using language as a communication tool,
K1_U09 has language skills in two studied foreign languages in accordance with the requirements specified for level C1 of the European System of the Description of Language Education,
K1_U10 is able to properly apply theoretical knowledge in the field of study (glottodidactics) in typical professional situations, including team projects, also in interdisciplinary projects,
K1_U11 is able to independently acquire knowledge in the field of glottodidactics, following the guidance of a scientific supervisor; knows how to assess the usefulness of the methods, practices and procedures learned for his own professional activity,
K1_U12 is able to set priorities and plan activities to achieve them, understanding the need for self-education and continuous improvement of qualifications, including practical language competences,
K1_U13 can solve problems and perform tasks in conditions not fully predictable by assessing and analyzing the situation and choosing the right methods and tools.
Social competence:
K1_K01 is ready to adequately identify and resolve dilemmas of interlanguage communication caused by asymmetry of language systems and cultural differences, observing ethical behavior patterns and consulting experts,
K1_K02 is ready to critically assess his own knowledge in the field of glottodidactics, appreciates the importance of substantive argumentation in solving research and practical problems (in professional situations),
K1_K03 is ready to participate in the cultural life of the region, country and Europe, using both traditional and modern forms and media,
K1_K07 is ready to take actions and professional challenges in a social environment, demonstrating the features of a reflective practitioner,
K1_K08 is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner in projects related to language teaching.
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods and criteria are formulated by the lecturer of a given group.
Literature is given by the lecturer of the given group.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: