Literature of B (English) Language Area - level 1 3200-L2-0LBA1
The aim of the class is to outline the history of English literature from the Old English period to the 17th c. Commonwealth and Restoration, with a focus on the history, social conditions and art of these periods; to present a discussion of the output of leading writers; to analyse and interpret selected literary works as evidence of cultural development and the worldview current in the periods in question.
CULTURAL CONTEXT: the pre-Celtic peoples; the Celts; the Romans; Christianisation of the British Isles; material culture of the period (Celtic art; Roman colonisation); culture and the beliefs of the German peoples; pagan and Christian elements combined in culture; devastation of the country and damage to learning caused by Viking raids; cultural development in the reign of Alfred the Great; everyday life in England in the early Middle Ages
LITERARY PHENOMENA: prosody of alliterative poetry; Caedmonian revolution; OE Christian poetry; Cynewulf: the first poet known by name; cult of the Holy Cross; OE prose
DISCUSSED TEXTS: pre-Christian OE poetry: “Widsith”, “Deor’s Lament”; the epic poem: “Beowulf” (excerpts); Caedmon: “Hymn”; Cynewulf: “Dream of the Rood”; Venerable Bede, Alfred the Great (selected excerpts)
CULTURAL CONTEXT: Norman invasion 1066; cultural transformations and linguistic changes resulting from the domination of Norman French; chivalric culture
LITERARY PHENOMENA: early ME poetry; love lyric and religious poetry; allegorical narrative; early ME prose; the flourishing of ME poetry; narration types in “Canterbury Tales”; chivalric romance; medieval folk ballads
DISCUSSED TEXTS: Layamon’s “Brut” (excerpts); “The Pearl” (excerpts); Geoffrey Chaucer: excerpts from the General Prologue to “Canterbury Tales”; a selected tale; “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”;
CULTURAL CONTEXT: the Tudor dynasty; the Reformation; dissolution of the monasteries; development of dramatic forms from Antiquity to the Middle Ages
LITERARY PHENOMENA: development of the sonnet as a lyrical form; mystery, miracle and morality plays; early Elizabethan tragedy; revenge tragedy; the building of an Elizabethan theatre (The Globe); development of comedy; a play: text – performance – film adaptation
DISCUSSED TEXTS: sonnets by Wyatt, Spenser, Shakespeare; “Everyman” (fragments); Christopher Marlowe: “Doctor Faustus” (excerpts); Shakespeare: selected play
CULTURAL CONTEXT: the Stuart dynasty; Charles I as art collector; the impact of great geographical and scientific discoveries on 17th-century worldview
LITERARY PHENOMENA: the first English literary school: the Sons of Ben; Cavalier poets; metaphysical poets
DISCUSSED TEXTS: selected poems by Ben Jonson, Robert Herrick, John Suckling, Richard Lovelace; selected poems by John Donne, George Herbert, Andrew Marvell
CULTURAL CONTEXT: Puritanism; Cromwell’s Protectorate; culture of the Restoration; development of the Enlightenment aesthetics
LITERARY PHENOMENA: John Milton’s Christian epic; Restoration comedy; “The Age of Dryden” – the satire and critical essay; 17th-century prose
DISCUSSED TEXTS: Milton: “Paradise Lost” (selected fragments), “L’Allegro”, „Il Penseroso” (excerpts), sonnets; John Dryden: “McFlecknoe”, “An Essay on Dramatic Poesy” (excerpts); John Bunyan: “Pilgrim’s Progress” (excerpt);
Student’s workload:
Contact hours (in-class): 30
Individual work:
- Reading assigned materials: 20 hrs.
- Preparation for exam: 5 hrs.
Total individual work: 25 hrs.
If classroom learning is impossible, the workshop will be conducted with the help of distance communication tools, most probably Google Meet and others recommended by the University.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student:
- has the basic knowledge about the significance of literary studies in the field of English literature and understands the features of the subject (K1_W01)
- knows the basic terminology and characteristic features defining style and form of literary and poetic texts of English literature in discussed literary periods (K_W02)
- knows characteristics of discussed literary periods and modern trends in thgeir interpretations (K_W04)
- knows the most important authors and texts of English literature in their cultural contexts (K_W10)
- has additional knowledge on most important social, historical and cultural events connected with the discussed texts (K1_W12)
The student:
- can read and comprehend early and modern literary texts in English (K1_U01)
- can distinguish and identify literary, stylistic and poetic elements in literary texts from discussed periods as well as acquire, individually or under teacher’s supervision, knowledge on the history of English literature (K1_U03)
- can formulate his own conclusions while interpreting discussed texts (K1_U10)
The student is:
- aware of cultural differences between English and Polish literature (K1_K01)
- prepared to expand individually his/her knowledge of history of English literature and skills in reading and analysing literary texts (K1_K02)
- participates in cultural life of Anglo-Saxon countries (K1_K03)
- appreciates Anglo-Saxon cultural heritage and is aware of the value in preserving it (K1_K04)
Assessment criteria
A final written exam consisting of test and open questions.
The percentage of points from the exam determines the score:
0-59%=2 (fail)
60%-68% = 3.0 (3)
69%-76% = 3.5 (3+)
77%-84% = 4.0 (4)
85%-92% = 4.5 (4+)
93%-98% = 5.0 (5)
99-100% = 5.0! (5!)
Failing results in receiving a failing grade in USOS in the first term and the need to retake the exam in the same form during the retake exam session.
Students are required to attend all the classes. Students are allowed two unexcused absences per 30 contact hours.
Fordoński, Krzysztof English Literature. An Anthology for Students. Volume 1. Poznań 2010
Fordoński, Krzysztof English Literature. An Anthology for Students. Volume 2. Poznań, 2011
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vols. 1 and 2, M.H. Abrams (ed.), W.W. Norton and Co, New York – London (7th edition)
The Norton Anthology of American literature. Vols. 1 and 2, Nina Baym, (ed.), W.W. Norton and Co, New York (5th edition)
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: