Introduction to Specialised Translations – Polish/Italian 3200-L2-2WTSCW
The course program includes the following topics:
- presentation of translation techniques;
- specificity of specialized languages and specialized texts (on the example of scientific, medical, pharmaceutical, official, commercial, gastronomy and art languages);
- preliminary analysis and interpretation of a specialist text;
- choosing the right translation techniques;
- critical analysis of parallel texts;
- literature and tools used by the translator of specialized texts (recommended dictionaries, lexicons, encyclopedias and specialist literature).
The course is designed to prepare students to work with specialized texts in various fields. Students are encouraged to deepen their translation knowledge on their own using modern sources. To achieve that aim, they prepare presentations of selected theoretical issues and their own terminology mini-projects.
Course workload:
Classroom activities: 30 hrs,
Homework: 20 hrs,
Preparation for in-class presentation: 5 hrs,
Preparation for the final test: 5 hrs.
Term 2023L:
The course program covers the following topics: |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After the course the student is expected to:
- know the structure of the language as a system, have basic knowledge of the place and importance of terminology and translation studies in the field of specialist translations, and understand the subject specificity of these fields (S1.2_W01),
- know the basic terminology in the field of translation, translation methods, specialist communication (S1.2_W01),
- know and understand typical grammar terminology, have knowledge of selected pragmatic conditions within the Polish language and the two foreign languages studied, recognize the characteristic structures of a specialized text and understand the need to apply appropriate translation strategies to translate these types of texts (S1.2_W04),
- understand what a translation system and translation equivalence is, know different types of translations, know and understand the principles and strategies of interlanguage translation, especially within the two studied foreign languages and Polish (S1.2_W06),
- know and understand the terminology of selected areas of knowledge and professional activity, have basic knowledge about the creation of databases and other terminological resources, know the centers dealing with terminology in Poland and the countries of the two studied foreign languages (S1.2_W10),
- know and understand paradigms and methods of specialist and / or literary text analysis, have ordered general knowledge in the field of theory and methodology of text analysis, be familiar with the possibilities of using translation theory in the work of a translator of specialist texts and / or literary texts in the field of two studied foreign languages (S1.2_W12),
- be able to solve problems and perform tasks in the field of specialist translations, analyzing processes occurring in the system of professional communication and factors affecting these processes (S1.2_U01),
- be able to properly choose translation methods or language strategies enabling solving translation problems in the two studied languages (S1.2_U02),
- be able to translate specialized texts into studied foreign language, avoiding interference errors and applying strategies and translation techniques appropriate to the type of translation, be able to use equivalent syntactic constructions, terminology and connectivity in translating specialized texts from Polish into the foreign language (S1.2_U03),
- be able to recognize cultural elements present in specialist texts; be able to properly interpret given cultural phenomena related to specialist communication (S1.2_U04),
- be able to search and critically evaluate equivalent forms in various types of lexicographic works, including text corps, in the field of Polish and the two languages studied (S1.2_U07),
- be able to use publicly available databases and other terminology resources to work with specialist texts, be able to assess critically the collected terminological data in a selected field of knowledge and professional activity (S1.2_U08),
- be able to properly interpret lexicographic and terminological data, interpret correctly the features of a given specialist language, determine its degree of terminology (S1.2_U10),
- be able to analyze a specialist and / or literary text at the micro- and macro-textual level, be able to discuss the stylistic features of a given text, properly interpret them and indicate its cultural function within the two studied foreign languages (S1.2_U12).
Socio-cultural competency:
- be ready to properly identify and resolve dilemmas of specialist communication caused by asymmetry of different language systems and cultural differences, observing ethical behavior patterns and consulting experts (S1.2_K01),
- be ready to mediate between the cultures of the areas of the two foreign languages studied and to participate in the cultural life of the countries concerned, using both traditional and latest media (S1.2_K02),
- be ready to cooperate in a team or lead him, if required by the implementation of a given translation task, while ensuring compliance with the principles of professional ethics (S1.2_K03),
- be ready to accept translation projects, correctly determine the workload and search for language and cultural data needed to complete a specific project (S1.2_K04),
- be ready to mediate in inter-language specialist communication in selected fields of knowledge and professional activity as a professional language and cultural intermediary (S1.2_K05),
- be ready to cooperate in terminology projects both for the systematization of knowledge of a selected field and for the translation of selected specialist texts (S1.2_K06).
Assessment criteria
Assessment objectives:
- continuous assessment (ongoing preparation for classes and performing tasks during classes);
- final written test,
- presentation.
Assessment criteria:
The final grade comprises:
- 40% continuous assessment (ongoing preparation for classes);
- 25% an in-class presentation;
- 35% final written test
(40% + 25% + 35% = 100%)
The progress assessment and the final exam grade are established in accordance with the following scale:
55%-69% = 3
70%-74% = 3+
75%-84% = 4
85%-89% = 4+
90%-100% = 5
The students’ achievements are assessed in accordance with the University regulations. The students are to attend all course classes, they can miss two classes. Each class absence has to be excused in the first week after the lesson missed.
Balboni P.E.. 2000, Le microlingue scientifico-professionali. Natura e insegnamento, Petrini.
Dąmbska-Prokop, U. (red.), 2000. Mała encyklopedia przekładoznawstwa, Częstochowa.
Kozłowska, Z. 2007. O przekładzie tekstu naukowego (na materiale tekstów językoznawczych). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Pieńkoś, J. 2003. Podstawy Przekładoznawstwa – od teorii do praktyki. Kraków: Kantor Wydawniczy Zakamycze.
Tabakowska, E., 2003, O przekładzie na przykładzie, Kraków.
Tabakowska, E., 2009, Tłumacząc się z tłumaczenia, Kraków.
In addition to the sources above, the lecturer offers her own handouts.
Term 2023L:
Balboni P.E.. 2000, Le microlingue scientifico-professionali. Natura e insegnamento, Petrini. The literature is supplemented with materials prepared by the teacher. |
Term 2023L:
If it is not possible to conduct classes in a stationary form, classes will take place using distance communication tools, most likely Google Meet and other recommended by the University of Warsaw. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: