Courses at
Faculty of Oriental Studies
- Literatures of India - Sanskrit Literature 1 3600-7-IN1-LIS1
- Literatures of India - Sanskrit Literature2 3600-7-IN1-LIS2
- M.A. Seminar 3600-7-KM4-SD1(L)
- M.A. Seminar 3600-7-KM5-SD2(L)
- M.A. Seminar 3600-7-KO4-SM(Z)
- M.A. Seminar 3600-7-RAABI4-MAS(L)
- M.A. Seminar 3600-7-RAABI4-MAS(Z)
- M.A. Seminar 3600-7-RAABI5-MAS(L)
- M.A. Seminar(Z) 3600-7-RAABI5-MAS(Z)
- M.A. Seminar1 3600-7-MTS4-MAS1
- M.A. Seminar1 3600-7-MTS5-MAS1
- M.A. Seminar2 3600-7-MTS4-MAS2
- MA seminar 3600-7-IR4-SM2
- MA Seminar 3600-7-TU4-SM2
- MA Seminar 3600-7-TU5-SM2
- MA Seminar 3600-7-IR5-SM1
- MA Seminar 3600-7-IR5-SM2
- MA Seminar 3600-7-HE5-SM1.2
- MA seminar 3600-7-EG4-SM(L)
- MA Seminar 3600-7-EG4-SM(Z)
- MA Seminar 3600-7-KO4-SM(L)
- MA Seminar 3600-7-SI4-SM2
- MA Seminar 3600-7-SI5-SM1
- MA Seminar 3600-7-SI5-SM2
- MA Seminar 3600-7-IN4-SMH1
- MA Seminar 3600-7-IN4-SMH2
- MA Seminar-Hindi 3600-7-IN5-SMH(Z)
- MA Seminar2 3600-7-AF5-SM2
- Mahāyāna sūtras 3600-SBM-OG
- Mahāyāna sūtras 3600-SBM-OW
- Master's seminar 3600-7-AR4-SM2.1
- Master's seminar 3600-7-TU4-SM1
- Master's seminar 3600-7-TU5-SM1
- Master's seminar 3600-7-AR4-SM(Z)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-AR5-SM(L)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-AR5-SM(Z)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-HE4-SM(L)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-HE4-SM(Z)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-JA4-SM1(Z)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-JA4-SM2(Z)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-JA5-SM1(Z)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-JA5-SM2(Z)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-JA5-SM3(Z)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-KO5-SM(Z)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-KO5-SM(L)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-JA4-SM1(L)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-JA4-SM2(L)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-JA5-SM1(L)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-JA5-SM2(L)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-JA5-SM3(L)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-WS4-SM(L)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-JA4-SM3(L)
- Master's seminar 3600-7-JA4-SM3(Z)
- Media and popular culture in Asia and Africa 3600-KM-MKMAA-OG
- Media and Popular Culture of Asia and Africa 3600-7-KM4-MKAA(L)
- Medieval History of Azerbaijan 3600-TU-MHofA-OG
- Medieval History of Azerbaijan 3600-TU-MHofA-OW
- Methodological lecture 3600-7-WO4-PMRF1
- Methodological lecture 3600-7-WO4-PMRF2
- Methodological lecture: linguistics 3600-7-WO4-PMJ1
- Methodological lecture: lingusitics 3600-7-WO4-PMJ2
- Methodological lecture: Selected aspects literary studies 3600-7-WO4-PML1
- Methodological lecture: Selected aspects literary studies 3600-7-WO4-PML2
- Methodological workshop 3600-7-RAABI4-MW(L)
- Methodological workshop 3600-7-RAABI4-MW(Z)
- Methodological workshop 3600-AFS-MW-OW
- Methodological workshop 3600-7-RAAB4-MWed(L)
- Methodology D1 3600-7-WO4-PMD1
- Methodology D2 3600-7-WO4-PMD2
- Militant Buddhism and ethnoreligious conflicts:the case of Sri Lanka 3600-KM-BWKE-OG
- Modern issues of Mongolian/Tibetan culture 3600-7-MTS5-SS
- Modern Methods of academic research-ecxcercise(L) 3600-7-AFS4-MMA-e(L)
- Modern Methods of academic research-excercise(Z) 3600-7-AFS4-MMA-e(Z)
- Modern Methods of academic research-lecture(L) 3600-7-AFS4-MMAR(L)
- Modern Methods of academic research-lecture(Z) 3600-7-AFS4-MMAR(Z)
- Modern Mongolian grammar 3600-7-MT1-GWJM2
- Modern Russian Slang 3600-WRS-OG
- Modern Texts in Japanese 3600-7-JA5-TZW
- ModernTexts in Japanese 3600-7-JA4-TZW1
- Mongolian and Tibetan Texts1 3600-7-MTS4-MTT1
- Mongolian and Tibetan Texts2 3600-7-MTS4-MTT2
- Mongolian language and culture 3600-7-MT1-JKM2
- Mongolian language and culture 3600-7-MT2-JKM2
- Mongolian Language and Culture 3600-7-MTS5-MLK
- Mongolian language and culture 3600-7-MT1-JKM(Z)
- Mongolian language and culture 3600-7-MT3-JKM(Z)
- Mongolian language and culture 3600-7-MT3-JKM(L)
- Mongolian Language and Culture 3600-7-MTS4-MLC(L)
- Mongolian Language and Culture1 3600-7-MTS4-MLC1
- Mongolian language and culture1 3600-7-MT2-JKM1
- Mongolian Literature 3600-7-MT2-LM
- Monograph lecture. Basic information about the history of Buddhism and Buddhist doctrine in China 3600-SI-WMPWB-OG(Z)
- Monograph lecture. Basic information about the history of Buddhism and Buddhist doctrine in China 3600-SI-WMPWB-OG(L)
- Monographic lecture 3600-7-SI5-WM2
- Monographic Lecture 3600-7-AR4-WM(Z)
- Monographic lecture 3600-7-SI4-WM(L)
- Museums in Multicultural World 3600-7-KM5-MwWŚ(Z)
- Museums in Multicultural World 3600-KM-MWKŚ-OG
- Muslim Philosophy 3600-7-AR2-FI
- Not only Pamuk: Turkish literature in Polish translations 3600-NTP-OG