Elective course:Translation of Children's Literature 3200-M1-PF-PLD
During the course, the following issues will be discussed:
1) theory of children's literature: introduction
2) global and national children's literature
3) children's literature classics - analysis of selected translation series
4) English-language children's literature on the Polish market, case studies, translation series, evaluating the quality of publishers' and translators' work
5) translation of proper names and culture-specific items in children's literature
6) children's literature in translation – linguistic and cultural challenges, translation strategies applied to children's literature, social and cultural implications of translators' choices, systems of values in translated literature
Forms of work: elements of lecture, discussion, individual and group work, translation and analysis of texts, presentations, project work, consulting parallel or analogous texts and other resources; etc.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
On completing the course, the student is aware of the basic notions from the theory of children's literature and its translation, is familiar with selected English children's literature classics and their Polish translations, recognizes linguistic and cultural challenges of transating literary texts for young audiences.
The student is able to provide a satisfactory rendition of a text from the field of children's literature, adequate for the needs of the reader, accounting for intercultural differences and using a variety of translation techniques and strategies. The student can competently compare different versions of the same text and assess their quality.
The student is ready to identify and solve the dilemmas of interlingual communication caused by the asymmetries of English and Polish language systems, cultural differences and child/adult dichotomy. The student is prepared for cooperation and teamwork, competently expressing his/her opinions and respecting the opinions of others.
Assessment criteria
An end-of-term test; continuous assessment (on the basis of regular attendance, preparation for the class, participation in class discussions, individual translation assignments, team work, presentation). Each requirement, if assigned, must be fulfilled independently, hence their share in the final mark is not determined.
The criteria of grading written assignments:
99% – 100% – 5!
98% – 91% – 5
90% – 86% – 4.5
85% – 76% – 4
75% – 71% – 3.5
70% – 60% – 3
below this level – 2 (unsatisfactory).
Two absences are allowed. (If the limit is exceeded, the student should ask the teacher for compensation assignments; if the number of absences exceeds 50%, the student fails the course in accordance with the Rules of Study). The form and conditions of resits are the same as those for course credits obtained at the usual time, unless it is impossible due to organizational reasons (in such a case, the form of obtaining the course credit may change).
Adamczyk-Garbowska, M. 1988. Polskie tłumaczenia angielskiej literatury dziecięcej. Problemy krytyki przekładu. Ossolineum.
Epstein, B.J. 2012. Translating Expressive Language in Children's Literature. Peter Lang.
Fornalczyk, A. 2012. Translating Anthroponyms. Exemplified by Selected Works of English Children's Literature in their Polish Versions. Peter Lang.
Lathey, G. (ed.) 2006. The Translation of Children's Literature: A Reader. Multilingual Matters.
Lathey, G. 2010. The Role of Translators in Children's Literature: Invisible Storytellers. Taylor & Francis.
Lathey, G. 2016. Translating Children's Literature. Routledge.
Maguire N., Rodgers B. (eds). 2013. Children's Literature on the Move: Nations, Translations, Migrations. Four Courts Press Ltd.
Paprocka, N. 2018. Sto lat przekładów dla dzieci i młodzieży w Polsce. Universitas.
Van Coillie J., McMartin J. (eds). 2020. Children's Literature in Translation. Texts and Contexts. Leuven University Press.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: