Elective course: Proper names in translation 3200-L2-PF-NWT
Student's workload:
Participation in classes 30 h
Preparation for the classes 30 h
Total: 60 h
Course topics:
1. Selected issues of onomastics: terminology, basic definitions, conceptual scopes (boundaries of appellatives and proper names), classifications. Methods of researching and describing proper names.
2. Translational onomastics vs. onomastic translation studies: exploring the relationship and distinctions between the study of proper names in translation and the application of translation principles to onomastics.
3. Proper names in translation and paratranslational activities: techniques and methods for rendering proper names in translation in light of selected translation concepts. Various systems of transcription and transliteration.
4. Toponyms, anthroponyms, and chrematonyms (contemporary and historical): their role as carriers of source culture and objects of language policy. Official and unofficial toponyms. Acronyms as a unique category of proper names. Specific approaches to rendering these types of proper names in translation.
5. Texts and contexts: proper names in applied, scientific, literary, media texts.
6. "The Third Language": Proper names originating from a language other than the source or target language.
7. Foreign proper names in Polish texts – normative aspect.
8. Polish proper names in a foreign-language text.
If classroom learning is impossible, the classes will be conducted with the help of distance communication tools recommended by the University of Warsaw (UW).
Discussion, group work, independent work, presentations, final project.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
In terms of KNOWLEDGE
The student:
- knows and understands the relationships between onomastics and translation studies,
- is familiar with classifications of proper names relevant to translation,
- knows the techniques and methods for rendering proper names in translation,
- understands the textual and communicative conditions of their usage.
In terms of SKILLS
The student is able to:
- apply appropriate techniques in practice for specific groups of proper names and justify their translation decisions,
- conduct a critical analysis of a "dual text" (original and translation) containing proper names.
The student:
- is capable of working in a group,
- is aware of cultural differences and the identity-related function of proper names (especially geographical names and anthroponyms).
Assessment criteria
Requirements for course completion:
Continuous assessment based on activity and preparation for classes.
Final project:
- analysis of a text containing proper names with a focus on the techniques used (direction B-A languages or C-A languages); this may be a group project;
- a summary in Polish of a selected scientific article on the topic of proper names in translation, written in language B or C, including a glossary of terms.
Classes are compulsory. Two unexcused absences are allowed. If a student has more than two unexcused absences, he/she should ask the lecturer about additional work related to the material from the classes when the student was absent and then pass this material before the end of the semester. If a student is absent at more than 50% of classes, he/she does not get credit for this course, pursuant the Faculty Regulations.
Assessment criteria:
99%-100 - 5!
98% - 91% - 5
90% - 86% - 4,5
85% - 76% - 4
75% - 71% - 3,5
70% - 60% - 3
less than 60% - 2 (nzal)
The criteria for the assessment of the revision credit are the same.
Practical placement
not applicable
Bijak U., 2017, Transonimizacja, czyli „wędrówki nazw”, „Folia onomastica Croatica”, 26, s. 1-14.
Chrobak M., 2024, Nazwy własne w przekładzie: teoria i praktyka, Kraków: Universitas.
Cieślikowa A., 2011, Jakie korzyści daje onomastyce chrematonimia? [w:] Chrematonimia jako fenomen współczesności, M. Biolik, J. Duma (red.), Olsztyn, s. 113-123.
Data K., 2016, Kulturowe uwarunkowania nazw ulic – tradycja i zmiana, „Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Język a Kultura”, t. 26, s. 81-93.
Fernandes L., 2006, Translation of Names in Children’s Fantasy Literature: Bringing the Young Reader into Play, „New Voices in Translation Studies”, 2, 44-57.
Gałkowski A., 2018a, Onomastyka translatoryczna a translatoryka onomastyczna, [w:] Onomastyka – neohumanistyka – nauki społeczne, U. Bijak, H. Górny i M. Magda-Czekaj (red.), Kraków, s. 129-138..
Gałkowski A., 2012, Terminologia onomastyczna. Aktualizowana lista podstawowych haseł terminologii onomastycznej w języku polskim - PDF document available for download at:
https://www.onomastics.uni.lodz.pl/info/additional-resources (access date: November 2024).
Handke, K. (1998). Nazewnictwo miejskie. W: Rzetelska-Feleszko E. (red.). Polskie nazwy własne. Encyklopedia, Warszawa-Kraków: Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN: 283-311.
Hejwowski K., 2015, Iluzja przekładu, Katowice.
Lewicki R., 2017, Zagadnienia lingwistyki przekładu, Lublin.
Lista ICOS kluczowych terminów onomastycznych, 2018, tłum. i oprac. Artur Gałkowski i Urszula Bijak, Grupa Terminologiczna ICOS International Council of Onomastic Sciences, Łódź–Kraków - PDF document available for download at: https://docer.pl/doc/s0evsn5 (access date: November 2024).
The Oxford Handbook of names and naming, 2016, C. Hough (red.), with assistance from D. Izdebska, Oxford University Press
Wolnicz-Pawłowska, Ewa. „Nazwy własne w przekładzie. Zarys problematyki”. Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze, tom 27: Przestrzenie językoznawstwa: prace dedykowane Profesor Irenie Sarnowskiej-Giefing, red. Magdalena Graf, 2014, Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, ss. 201-214.
Posiedzenia i protokoły KSNG dotyczące zmian w nazewnictwie geograficznym:
Urzędowy wykaz polskich nazw geograficznych świata (wydanie 2, 2019) - http://ksng.gugik.gov.pl/wpngs.php
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: