Elective course: Writers and translators in correspondence 3200-M1-2PFA
1. Translation strategies.
2. The writer's role in the translation process.
3. "Inseparable dyads": examples of close author-translator cooperation.
4. Translation concepts according to researchers: among others W. Benjamin, L. Venuti, E. Nida, H. Vermeer, P. Casanova.
5. Theories of translation: opinions of famous translators.
6. Theories of translation: opinions of the writers themselves (J. Ortega y Gasset, I. Bashevis Singer, J. Parandowski, V. Nabokov, JL Borges, S. Lem, J. Saramago, I. Calvino, Z. Herbert, M. Kundera , U. Eco, J. Marías)
7. The writer as a translator (J. Saramago, J. Cortázar, J. Marías, J.L. Borges, V. Nabokov, Z. Herbert).
8. Translator as a proofreader of the writer's text.
9. Correspondence of writers and translators (selection of letters): Gabriele D'Annunzio, W. Reymont, J. Conrad, G. Orwell, W. Gombrowicz, S. Lem, Z. Herbert).
10." Yes, we are partners". Correspondence of Wisława Szymborska, Julia Cortazara and João Guimarães Rosa.
Term 2023Z:
1. Translation strategies. |
Term 2024Z:
1. Translation strategies. |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student learns theories of literary translation.
Has knowledge of how to use dictionaries.
Has knowledge of the functional possibilities of the Polish language
Is able to analyze and interpret a literary text.
Due to the multilingualism of the texts analyzed (Polish, English, Spanish, French), the student learns the specific "key (genius) of a given language, differences in grammar (use of articles, conditional mode, grammatical times).
Due to the analyzed texts, the student learns important works of contemporary Polish and world literature.
Can search, analyze, evaluate and select authentic texts in two specialty languages.
Acquires basic skills in literary translation.
Can prepare oral presentations.
Is able to use and properly apply (general and detailed) translation strategies and techniques in specialized translation and interpretation from English into Polish.
Is able to acquire knowledge in the field of linguistics and literature under the guidance of a lecturer; expand your own knowledge of other disciplines in order to apply it to professional situations and manage your own career.
Social competence:
Is able to work in a group / in pairs / work with others, adopting the appropriate roles (functions); lead a small team.
He can formulate and present his own views. Is able to discuss other people's positions in a manner appropriate for academic discussion.
He is ready to work independently in the field of literary translations.
Assessment criteria
Assessment credit: oral credit, including material from classes.
Anokhina, Olga. 2016, Vladimir Nabokov and His Translators. Collaboration or Translation under Duress; https://www.academia.edu/30449142/_VLADIMIR_NABOKOV_AND_HIS_TRANSLATORS_COLLABORATION_OR_TRANSLATING_UNDER_DURESS_in_A._Cordingley_and_C._Frigau_Manning_eds._Collaborative_translation_From_the_Renaissance_to_the_Digital_Age_London_Bloomsbury_2016_pp._113-131.
Armstrong, Piers. 2001, Guimarães Rosa in Translation: scrittore, editore, traduttore, traditore. “Luso-Brazilian Review”, University of Wisconsin Press, Vol. 38, No. 1, Summer.
Barańczak, Stanisław. 1990, Mały, lecz maksymalistyczny, Manifest translatologiczny.... „Teksty Drugie”, nr 3, s. 7-66.
Bikont, Anna / Szczęsna, Joanna. 2012, Co wiersz to problem. O tłumaczeniach i tłumaczach. „Znak”, nr. 684; http://www.miesiecznik.znak.com.pl/6842012anna-bikont-joanna-szczesnaco-wiersz-to-problem-o-tlumaczach-i-tlumaczeniach/.
Borges, Jorge Luis. 1926, Las dos maneras de traducir. “La Prensa”, 1 de agosto; http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra/las-dos-maneras-de-traducir/.
Borges, Jorge Luis.1975, La traducción me parece una operación del espíritu más interesante que la escritura. Suplemento “La opinión cultural”, “La Opinión”, Buenos Aires, 21 de setiembre; http://clubdetraductoresliterariosdebaires.blogspot.com/2009/09/el-oficio-de-traducir-iv.html.
Buffagni, Claudia/ Garzelli, Beatrice/ Zanotti, Serenella. 2011.The Translator as Author: Perspectives on Literary Translation: Proceedings of the International Conference, Università Per Stranieri of Siena, 28-29 May 2009, Münster: LIT Verlag.
Calvino, Italo. 2014/2015. Tradurre è il vero modo di leggere un testo. “Corso di laurea in Lettere. Lingua e traduzione inglese”, a.a. “Letture”.
Casanova, Pascale. 2017. Światowa republika literatury, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
Chądzyńska, Zofia. 1977. Tłumacząc Cortázara (w:) E. Balcerzan (wybór i komentarze), Pisarze polscy o sztuce przekładu. 1440-1974. Antologia, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie.
Chesterman, Andrew/ Wagner, Emma. 2014. Can Theory Help Translators?: A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface. London – New York: Routledge.
Cortázar, Julio. 1995. Translate, traduire, tradurre, traducir (1978). ‘Proa”, tercera época 17, mayo-junio; http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/nd/ark:/59851/bmcxk8z9.
Dedecius, Karl. 1988. Notatnik tłumacza. Warszawa: Czytelnik.
Even-Zohar, Itamar. 1990. The Position of Translated Literature within the Literary Polysystem. “Poetics Today”, vol. 11, no. 1, Polysystem Studies (Spring), s. 45-51.
Grossi, Ginevra. 2015. Calvino and Weaver on translation: in theory and practice. “Lingue e Linguaggi”, L'Università del Salento, 14, s. 197-208..
Hoeksema, Thomas. 1978. The Translator's Voice: An Interview with Gregory Rabassa. „Translation Review”, Vol. 1, Center for Translation Studies, The University of Texas at Dallas; http://translation.utdallas.edu/Interviews/Rabassaby_Hoeksema.html.
Krynicki, Ryszard (opracowanie), 2009. Zbigniew Herbert. David Weinfeld. Listy. Kraków: Wydawnictwo a5.
Kuczyński, Krzysztof A. 2011. Wśród ludzi i książek. Rozprawy – Wspomnienia - Wywiady, Włocławek: Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej.
Kundera, Milan. 2015a. Sześćdziesiąt pięć słów (w:) M. Kundera. Sztuka powieści. Warszawa: WAB.
Lem, Stanisław. 2013. Sława i fortuna. Listy do Michaela Kandla 1972-1987. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie.
Miazgowski, Bronisław (opracowanie). 1967. Reymont we Francji. Listy do tłumacza „Chłopów” F.-L. Schoella. Warszawa: PIW.
Nabokov, Vladimir. 1941. The Art of Translation. On the sins of translation and the great Russian short story. “New Republic’, August 4; https://newrepublic.com/article/62610/the-art-translation.
Nida, Eugene A./ Taber, Charles R. 1982. The Theory and Practice of Translation, Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Parandowski, Jan. 1975. Autor i tłumacz (w:) S. Polak (red.). Przekład artystyczny. O sztuce tłumaczenia. Księga druga. Ossolineum, s. 254-260.
Venuti, Lawrence (wyd.). 2000. The Translation Studies Reader. London and New York; Routledge.
Venuti, Lawrence. 2002. The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference, London and New York: Routledge.
Venuti, Lawrence. 2008. The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation. London and New York: Routledge.
Vermeer, Hans J. 2000. Skopos and Commission in Translational Action (w:) Venuti, 2000.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: