Elective course:Elements of rhetoric 3200-L2-PF-RET
The aim of the course is to provide students with tools of rhetorical analysis, which will be carried out on documents (written, audio and video) from various fields of French public life, such as politics, advertising, literature or journalism.
Key topics:
• the meaning of the term "rhetoric", rhetoric’s social functions and history - from its beginnings to the “new rhetoric” and visual rhetoric;
• phases of developing a persuasive speech: invention, arrangement, style, memory and delivery;
• judicial, deliberative and epideictic rhetoric;
• persuasive audience appeals: ethos, pathos and logos;
• analysis and critical evaluation of arguments;
• recognition of rhetorical figures in the verbal and iconic material.
Classes – 30 hours.
Preparation for classes –30 hours.
Preparation for the final test – 15 hours.
Total: 75 hours (3 ECTS).
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course students should:
within the KNOWLEGDE category: know and define the key notions and issues in rhetoric;
within the SKILLS category: be able to use the methods of rhetoric to analyze texts and images;
within the ATTITUDES category: critically approaches rhetorical techniques used in public communication.
Assessment criteria
• The pre-condition for the obtaining a grading pass is attendance. Three unjustified absences per semester are allowed.
• Passing grade on the basis of a written test containing open questions.
100% – 91% bdb
90% – 81% db +
80% – 71% db
70% – 61% dst +
60% – 50% dst
ADAM J.M, M. BONHOMME, 1997. L’argumentation publicitaire. Rhétorique de l’éloge et de la persuasion. Paris : Nathan.
AMOSSY R. (réd.), 1998. Images de soi dans le discours. Paris, Lausanne : Delachaux et Niestlé.
BONHOMME Marc, 2009. « De l’argumentativité des figures de rhétorique », Argumentation et Analyse du Discours [En ligne], 2 | 2009, mis en ligne le 01 avril 2009, Consulté le 30 septembre 2016. URL : http:// aad.revues.org/495 ; DOI : 10.4000/aad.495
BERGEZ D. et al., 1994. Vocabulaire de l’analyse littéraire. Paris : Dunod.
DECLERCQ G., 1997. L’art d’argumenter. Structures rhétoriques et littéraires. Bruxelles : Editions Universitaires.
DONDERO Maria Giulia, 2010. “Rhétorique des figures visuelles et argumentation par images dans le discours scientifique”. Protée 38 (1): 41-53.
DUCROT O., B. SCHAEFFER, 1995. Nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences du langage. Paris : Seuil.
KLINKENBERG Jean-Marie, 2000. „L’argumentation dans la figure“. Cahiers de praxématique 35: 59-86.
KOROLKO M., 1998. Sztuka retoryki. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny.Warszawa : Wiedza Powszechna.
PERELMAN C., 1997. L’empire rhétorique. Rhétorique et argumentation. Paris : Vrin.
PEYROUTET C., 1998. Style et rhétorique. Paris : Nathan.
REBOUL O., 1994. Introduction à la rhétorique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: