Elective course:Translated advanced syntactic structures (1) 3200-L2-PF-PZKS
This course explains of a wide spectrum of syntactic constructions used in Japanese, both in everyday conversations and in specialised texts, but which do not find their structural equivalents in any of the European languages. Such constructions can be one of the main problems of the translator's work, and therefore require in-depth syntax-semantic analysis and attempts to match the possible ways of translating into Polish. Many of them originate from the classical Japanese language, basic grammatical rules od which are also synthetically presented during this course.
Student workload:
30 contact hours;
30 hours preparation for classes;
15 hours preparation for the final test
In total, approximately 75 hours
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student knows the majority of syntactic constructions commonly used in Japanese, both those used in conversations and written texts. These are, among others, structures typical of the press, official and scientific style. The student understands their meaning and syntactic structure, knows how to apply them in the text, and also senses their stylistic character.
The student is able to correctly translate all new constructions from Japanese into Polish, keeping the style appropriate. The student is also able to give a possible example of the use of each of these structures in a Japanese sentence constructed ad hoc.
The student reads texts in Japanese each time more fluently and translates them into Polish, and therefore can also reach for their wider repertoire. Thanks to this, the student acquires a habit of regular reading Japanese press, scientific studies and literature.
Assessment criteria
Passing criteria:
- attendance
- active participation in classes
- positively passed semanal tests
- positively passed semester test
0-59% = ndst, (2.0)
60-69% = dst, (3.0)
70-79% = dst + (3.5)
80-84% = db, (4.0)
85-89% = db +, (4.5)
90-100% = very good. (5.0)
Two unjustified absences per 30 hours of contact classes are allowed. In the case of more than two unexcused absences, the student should ask the lecturer to determine the form of credit for the material from the classes on which he was absent. An unjustified absence from 50% of classes (or more) results in an under-evaluation from this module at the end of the semester.
Donna toki dō tsukau nihongo hyōgen bunkei gohyaku : nihongo nōryoku shiken enuichi enusan no jūyō hyōgen o mōra = 500 essential Japanese expressions : a guide to correct usage of key sentence patterns, Etsuko Tomomatsu; Jun Miyamoto; Masako Wakuri, Tōkyō : Aruku, 2010.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: