Courses at
Faculty of Oriental Studies
- Azerbaijan in the 20th Century: Between Islam and Secularism 3600-TU-A20C-OG
- B.A. seminar 3600-19-JAW3-SL1(L)
- B.A. seminar 3600-19-JAW3-SL1(Z)
- B.A. seminar 3600-19-JAW3-SL2(L)
- B.A. seminar 3600-19-JAW3-SL2(Z)
- B.A. seminar 3600-19-JAW3-SL3(L)
- B.A. seminar 3600-19-JAW3-SL3(Z)
- B.A. seminar 3600-19-JAW3-SL4(Z)
- B.A. seminar 3600-19-JAW3-SL4(L)
- B.A. Seminar 3600-7-JA3-SL1
- B.A. Seminar 3600-7-JA3-SL2
- B.A. Seminar 3600-7-HE3-SL(Z)
- B.A. seminar 3600-7-KO3-SL1
- B.A. seminar 3600-7-KO3-SL2
- B.A. seminar 3600-19-SIW3-SL5
- B.A. seminar 3600-19-SIW3-SL6
- B.A. Seminar 3600-7-HE3-SL(L)
- B.A. seminar 3600-7-EG3-SL1
- B.A. seminar 3600-7-EG3-SL2
- B.A. Seminar (Korean Studies, linguistics and culture) 3600-19-KOW3-SL2
- B.A. Seminar (Korean Studies, linguistics and culture) 3600-19-KOW3-SL1
- BA Seminar 3600-7-AR3-SL(Z)
- BA seminar 3600-7-WS3-SL(L)
- BA Seminar 3600-7-IN3-SLB(L)
- BA Seminar 3600-7-IN3-SLB(Z)
- BA Seminar - Sanskrit(L) 3600-7-IN3-SLS(L)
- BA Seminar - Sanskrit(Z) 3600-7-IN3-SLS(Z)
- BA Seminar - Tamil(Z) 3600-7-IN3-SLT(Z)
- Bachelor seminar 3600-7-IR3-SL(Z)
- Bachelor seminar 3600-7-MT3-SL(Z)
- Bachelor seminar 3600-7-TU3-SL(Z)
- Bachelor seminar 3600-7-IR3-SL(L)
- Bachelor seminar 3600-7-MT3-SL(L)
- Bachelor seminar 3600-7-TU3-SL(L)
- Bachelor's Seminar 3600-7-AF3-SL(L)
- Bachelor's seminar 3600-7-AF3-SL(Z)
- Bachelor's seminar 3600-7-AR3-SL(L)
- Bachelor's seminar 3600-7-SI3-SL2
- Basic information about Buddhism 3600-PWOB-OG
- Basic information about Egypt 3600-7-EG1-PWE(L)
- Basic information about Egypt 3600-7-EG1-PWE(Z)
- Basic information about the area of Western Asia1 3600-7-WS1-PWAZ1
- Basic information about the area of Western Asia2 3600-7-WS1-PWAZ2
- Basic Knowledge about Japanese Language 3600-7-JA1-WJ1
- Basic knowledge about language 3600-KM-WJ-OG
- Basic knowledge about languages 3600-7-KM4-WJ(Z)
- Basic Pali 3600-PJP-OG
- Basic Pali 3600-PJP-OW
- Basic topisc of Chinese philosophy 3600-19-SIW2-RFCh4
- Basic topisc of Chinese philosophy 3600-19-SIW2-RFCh3
- Buddhism 3600-7-RAABI4-B
- Buddhism 3600-RA-B-OW
- Buddhism 3600-RAABI-B-OG
- Bulgaria for turists. Bulgarian language for beginners 3600-SJW-OBT-OG
- Bulgaria for turists. Bulgarian language for beginners 3600-SJW-OBT-OW
- Bulgaria for turists. Bulgarian language for beginners-continuation from winter semester 3600-SJW-OBTK-OW
- Bulgaria for turists. Bulgarian language for beginners-continuation from winter semester 3600-SJW-OBTK-OG
- Business culture in Asia and Africa 3600-7-KM5-KBAA(Z)
- Business culture in Asia and Africa 3600-KBAA-OG
- Business Culture in Japan 3600-JA-KBJ-OW
- Business Culture in Japan 3600-JA-KBJ2-OW
- Caucasus and Central Asia. Politics, religion, ethnicity 3600-ZIE-KA-OG
- Caucasus and Central Asia. Politics, religion, ethnicity 3600-ZIE-KA-OW
- CHANOYU 1: The Japanese Way of Tea – introduction 3600-CHJDHI-OW
- Chanoyu I: The Japanese Way of Tea - introduction 3600-JA-CHJDHI-OW
- Chanoyu II (The Japanese Way of Tea 2) 3600-JA-CHJDHII-OW
- Chanoyu III: The Way of Tea in Japanese history and culture 3600-JA-CHDHJHIII-OW
- Chanoyu IV: The way of Tea in Japanese history and culture 3600-JA-CHDHJHIV-OW
- Chinese Civilisation 3600-7-SI4-CCH(L)
- Chinese Civilisation 3600-7-SI4-CCHJ1
- Chinese Civilisation 3600-7-SI4-CCHJ2
- Chinese Civilisation (Culture and Religion) 3600-7-SI4-CCHNKR1
- Chinese Civilisation (Culture and Religion) 3600-7-SI5-CCHNKR1
- Chinese Civilisation (History) 3600-7-SI5-CCHH
- Chinese Civilisation (History) 3600-7-SI5-CCH(L)
- Chinese Civilization 3600-7-SI5-CCHJ
- Chinese Civilization 3600-7-SI5-CCHJ2
- Chinese civilization - cultural history (L) 3600-7-SI4-CCHHK2
- Chinese civilization - cultural history (Z) 3600-7-SI5-CCHHK2
- Chinese Civilization - history (seminar) 3600-7-SI4-CCHH2
- Chinese Civilization - history (seminar) 3600-7-SI4-CCHHK
- Chinese Civilization - history (seminar) (L) 3600-7-SI5-CCHH(L)
- Chinese Civilization (Literature) 3600-7-SI4-CCHL1
- Chinese Civilization (Literature) 3600-7-SI5-CCHL
- Chinese language - Listening and conversations 3600-19-SIW2-SiK3
- Chinese language - Listening and conversations 3600-19-SIW3-SiK5
- Chinese language (writing) 3600-19-SIW3-KT5
- Chinese language (writing) 3600-19-SIW3-KT6
- Chinese language and culture 3600-19-SIW2-JiKC(L)
- Chinese language and culture 3600-19-SIW2-JiKC3
- Chinese language and culture 3600-19-SIW1-JiKC2
- Chinese language and culture 3600-19-SIW1-JiKC1
- Chinese language and culture 3600-7-SI2-JKCH2
- Chinese language and culture 3600-7-SI1-JKCH1
- Chinese language and culture 3600-7-SI2-JKCH1
- Chinese language and culture 3600-7-SI3-JKCH1
- Chinese language and culture 3600-7-SI3-JKCH2
- Chinese language and culture 3600-19-SIW3-JiKC6
- Chinese language and culture 3600-7-SI5-JKCH3
- Chinese language and culture 3600-7-SI5-JKCH4