Courses at
Faculty of Sociology
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- Contemporary sociological theory 3500-WTS
- Conversation Analysis 3500-JIS-AKon
- Corpus Studies 3500-JIS-1-BK
- Cost-benefit analysis with elements of microeconomics 3500-SIS-ANKIK
- Cost-benefit analysis with elements of microeconomics 3500-SIS-ANKIK-sc
- Counterculture - anatomy of the phenomenon 3500-FAKL-KONKUL
- Crisis, depression and social change 3500-FAKANG-CDSCH
- Critical discourses on work 3500-FAKM-KODP
- Cultural Discourses and Symbolic Violence 3500-JIS-DKiPS
- Data processing: Analysis of registration data 3500-SCC-ADAr
- Data processing: Maxqda in sociological studies 3500-SCC-ADMAX
- Data visualization 3500-SCC-wd
- Decision Making in a Social World 3500-FAKANG-DMSW
- Deliberations and deliberative poll 3500-JIS-DELiSD
- Deliberations and deliberative poll 3500-JIS-DELiSD-SC
- Democratic society and active citizenship 3500-SPOLDEM
- Design instruments 3500-SCC-IP
- Design Thinking & UX Research 3500-SCC-uxd
- Digital Health 3500-FAKANG-DH
- Digital Health 3500-FAKANG-DH-SIS
- Digital methods of social research 3500-SCC-CMBS
- Digital Sociology 3500-SCC-SCw
- Digital sociology 3500-SCC-SCćw
- Discourses of gender 3500-JIS-FAKS-DP
- Economic sociology 3500-FAK-SOCEKO-OG
- Economic sociology 3500-SSZCZ-SOCEKO
- Electoral Campaigning in Comparative Perspective 3500-FAKANG-ECCP
- Electoral systems and party systems in democracies 3500-FAKL-SWISP
- Empirical research of Polish social life 3500-SEMMGR-BEPS-2
- Empirical research of Polish social life 3500-SEMMGR-BEPS-3
- Empirical research on Polish social life 3500-SEMMGR-BEPS-1
- Entrepreneurship - Open Your Mind! 3500-SCC-pog
- Ethical Dillemmas in Refugee Research 3500-PROBAD-EBJ
- Ethics and data security 3500-SCC-ebd
- Ethics in social interventions 3500-SIS-ETIN
- Ethnographic Research 3500-JIS-BE
- EU and international institutions - global political economy 3500-SIS-UE
- EU: new directions of integration 3500-FAKM-UENGP
- Evaluation - qualitative methods 3500-SIS-EMJ
- Evaluation - quantitative methods 3500-SIS-EMI
- Field research in living organizations: processes, structures and social communication 3500-SEMMGR-bewo-3
- Field research of living organizations: processes, structures and social communication 3500-SEMMGR-bewo-2
- Field research of living organizations: processes, structures and social communication 3500-SEMMGR-bewo-1
- From theory to practice: applied sociology of social problems 3500-FAK-OTDP-OG
- From theory to practice: applied sociology of social problems 3500-SSZCZ-OTDP
- Game Theory and its applications in social sciences 3500-TABS-TG
- Game theory in sociology and political science 3500-SSZCZ-TG
- Gender and rurality 3500-FAKL-PLWS
- Gender and Work 3500-FAKANG-GW
- Genocides, ethnic cleansings, massacres 3500-CPS-LCEM
- Genocides, ethnic cleansings, massacres 1600-SZD-SPEC-LC-SOC
- Group research project - linguistics 3500-JIS-ZPB-PL
- Group research project - sociological perspective 3500-JIS-ZPB-PS
- Historical Sociology I 3500-FAKANG-HSI
- History of the subaltern in interwar Poland (1919-1939) 3500-FAKM-HPPM
- History of the subaltern in interwar Poland (1919-1939) 3500-FAKM-HPPM-SCC
- Home Sweet Home - 3500-TABS-HSH
- How to read myths, fairy tales and other such stories 3500-FAKL-MITY
- Identity and Building Social Ties 3500-JIS-I-TiBWS-L
- Identity and social bonding 3500-JIS-2-TiBWS-S
- Immigrants on the Polish labor market 3500-SIS-IMPOL
- Information technology as a social revolution 3500-FAKM-TIRS
- Institutions, processes, systems: macrosociology 3500-IPS
- Interpersonal Communication 3500-FAK-KOMI-OG
- Interpersonal Communication 3500-SSZCZ-KOMI
- Introduction in Sociology 3500-WDS
- Introduction into the sociology of ethnicity 3500-FAK-SOCET-OG
- Introduction into the sociology of ethnicity 3500-SSZCZ-SOCET
- Introduction to applied Social Simulation with ABM 3500-FAKANG-SSABM
- Introduction to applied Social Simulation with ABM 3500-FAKANG-SSA-SCC
- Introduction to Economics 3500-EKO
- Introduction to public policy / sociology of social interventions 3500-SIS-WPP
- Introduction to Quantative Data Analysis 3500-ADI-PADI
- Introduction to Social Choice Theory: decisions, cooperation, competition, justice 3500-FAK-WTWS-OG
- Introduction to Social Choice Theory: decisions, cooperation, competition, justice 3500-SSZCZ-WTWS
- Introduction to social network analysis in social media 3500-FAKL-WAS
- Introduction to sociology of politics 3500-FAKL-SOCPOL-OG
- Introduction to sociology of politics 3500-SSZCZ-SOCPOL
- Introduction to Urban Anthropology 3500-FAK-ANMI-OG
- Introduction to Urban Anthropology 3500-SSZCZ-ANMI
- Introductory Statistics 3500-WDSTAT
- Introeduction to philosophy 3500-WFIL
- IT in Public Policies 3500-SIS-ITPP
- Keeping the ear to the registers – administrative registers as a data source in social research and public analytics. An introduction to research based on administrative data 3500-FAKL-CWRP
- Law and New Technologies 3500-SCC-pant
- Limits of power: selected problems of human rights and freedoms 3500-SIS-GRW
- Linguistic and rhetorical analysis 3500-JIS-ALiR
- Local governments in comparative perspective 3500-FAKANG-LGCP
- Logic 3500-LOG
- MA seminar - linguistics - 1st year 3500-JIS-SEMMGR1-L-L
- MA seminar Problems of digital sociology 3500-SCC-SEMMGR
- MA Seminar: Sociology of work environment 3500-SEMMGR-sśp-2
- MA Seminar: Sociology of work environments 3500-SEMMGR-sśp-3
- Macrosocial data in comparative studies 3500-SIS-DANMAK
- Master's seminar 3500-JIS-SEMMGR2-L
- Master's seminar 3500-JIS-SEMMGR2-S
- Master's seminar - sociology for the first year 3500-JIS-SEMMGR1-S-L
- MAXQDA in qualitative research 3500-ADJ-2MAX
- Media and Communication 3500-JIS-NMiK
- Media and communication 3500-MEDKOM
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