Gender and rurality 3500-FAKL-PLWS
The purpose of the seminar is to learn contemporary concepts and research on the specifics and diversity of rural communities from a socio-cultural perspective. Particular attention will be paid to the views of the village in feminist theory, as well as the gender patterns of constructing a representation of nature. We will discuss the contemporary versions of anti-modernization 'fears and fantasies' placing images of masculinity and rurality in the village-city space. We will deal with gender difference in rural communities, especially in the area of power, in its diverse institutions and on maps of a specific rural division into public-private spheres. We will discuss the specifics and transformation of models and practices of rural families and households, issues of division of labor, including care work. We will discuss the genders of rural labor markets. We will look at the specifics of social control in small communities, continuity and change of its forms in relation to the issues of intimate life, non-normativeness and otherness. We will discuss agency patterns, individual and collective forms of resistance. And also the political and class conditions of these changes that differentiate the villages and experiences of its inhabitants. These problems will be shown from the perspective of actors, families and communities in relation to broader economic and regional structures, based on relevant theoretical and empirical texts from international and Polish research.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W01 Knows and understands basic concepts of various sub-domains of sociology (e.g. sociology of family, health, work, religion, economy, education, etc) K_W02 Is aware of ongoing theoretical and methodological disputes conducted in modern sociology; is reflective and critical of various positions K_W04 Is reflective and critical of the problem of social differentiation and inequalities K_W06 Has in-depth knowledge about cultural diversity and its transformations, cultural identity, and intercultural interaction and communication K_W10 Has in-depth knowledge about major international and domestic sociological research pertaining to selected areas of social reality or sub-domains of sociology K_W13 Is reflective and critical in interpreting the processes occurring in Polish as well as global society and their consequences for social attitudes and institutions K_U03 Can independently form and verify judgments about the causes of selected social phenomena K_U04 Can use theoretical categories and research methods in the description and analysis of social and cultural changes in modern societies, as well as their consequences K_K03 Can gather, find, synthesize and critically assess information about social sciences K_K04 Can argue a thesis using scientific evidence K_K08 Is aware of the existence of social dilemmas related to the work of the sociologist K_K09 Is open to various theoretical and methodological perspectives of social research
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods and criteria: ongoing preparation for classes (knowledge of texts) and active participation in discussions, written essay at the end of the semester. Acceptable number of absences subject to excuse: 2 Rules for passing the correction: the same as in the first term
1. Bell D. (2006). Queer country revisited, in: Bock Bettina B. & Shortall Sally (eds.), Rural Gender Relations: Issues and Case Studies, str. 345-355. 2. Borys Monika. 2013. Rasa, klasa, płeć i wieś. Feministyczne epistemologie marginesu. Monika Borys. Praktyka Teoretyczna, nr 4. 3. Cambpell H., Bell M., Finney M. 2006. Country Boys. Masculinity and Rural Life. The Pensylvania State University Press. 4. Connell R. Socjologia płci. Płeć w ujęciu globalnym. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. 5. Fidelis Małgorzata. 2015. Kobiety, komunizm i industrializacja w powojennej Polsce. Wydawnictwo W.A.B. Warszawa. 6. Gertrud Huwelmeier. 2000. Gendered houses: kinship, class and identity in a German village, in: eds Victoria Ana Goddard, Gender, Agency and Change. Anthropological Perspectives. Routledge. 7. Gospodarczyk M. 2019. Rolnicy, kowboje i drwale. Koncepcje wiejskich męskości w obszarze badań nad wsią. Studia Socjologiczne, nr 4 8. Gorlach K., Drąg Z. 2011. Kobiety na kombajnach: właścicielki gospodarstw rolnych w Polsce współczesnej, w: Krystyna Slany, Justyna Struzik, Katarzyna Wojnicka (red) Gender w społeczeństwie polskim, Kraków: NOMOS 9. Halamska Maria (red). 2011. Wieś jako przedmiot badań naukowych na początku XXI wieku. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar. Warszawa. 10. Linda Marie Bye (2009) ‘How to be a rural man’: Young men’s performances and negotiations of rural masculinities, in: Journal of Rural Studies 25, pp. 278–288. 11. Little J. 2002. Gender and Rural Geography. Identity, Sexuality and Power in the Countryside. Prentice Hall. 12. Matysiak, Ilona. 2019. Młodzi i wykształceni w procesie przemian polskiej wsi. Wydawnictwo Scholar. 13. Michalska S. 2018. Rodzina wiejska w genderowej perspektywie, czyli o sytuacji kobiet. W: Ciągłość i zmiana. Sto lat rozwoju polskiej wsi. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar. 14. Murphy K. 2010. Fears and Fantasies: Modernity, Gender, and the Rural-Urban Divide. New York: Peter Lang.
15. Pini, Barbara, Leach Belinda. 2011. Reshaping Gender and Class in Rural Spaces. Ashgate. 16. Sadura, P., Murawska, K., Włodarczyk, Z. 2017. Wieś w Polsce 2017: diagnoza i prognoza. Fundacja Pole Dialogu. 17. Shortall, Sally. 2000. Women and Farming. Property and Power. Palgrave McMillian. 18. Urbańska, Sylwia. 2020. "Gender, Families, Social Change, and the Rural–Urban Discourse: The Polish Peasant in Europe and America as a Study of Fears and Fantasies Related to Modernisation", w: Stan Rzeczy.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: