Democratic society and active citizenship 3500-SPOLDEM
During the course students become familiar with basic categories of theoretical analysis, concerning modern democracy, social movements and other forms of civic activity, from historical sources and from contemporary discussions conducted in the social sciences about the dilemmas of the functioning of a democratic society. The seminar combines elements of sociology of politics and social history with contemporary studies of democratic societies. Students will discuss issues related to "the practice of democracy" in modern societies and the dilemmas of participation and ma king decisions concerning public life in a democratic system. Students, except for participation in discussions on the proposed issues, prepare the workshop report related to the social situation in Poland and in the university, which will require writing acquisition and interpretation of current data. For example: What has happened with civil society in Poland, and why? Why are Poles apolitical? Why Poland does not have a stable party system? Why are election of Rector performer in the given procedure? Why does(not) the student government work?
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After the course student knows and understand the basic concepts of analysis of democratic systems and social movements;
Student has a basic knowledge of the social structures and selected institutions of a democratic society;
Student has a basic knowledge on key foreign and domestic research relating to the functioning of the institutions of a democratic state;
Student has a basic knowledge on politics and society participation in the public sphere;
He/she knows the most important processes and social ideas of the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century that have shaped the face of the modern world and their sources;
can interpret the past and the current social and political events through the concepts and theories of sociology and political science;
is able to formulate a simple self-judgments about the causes of selected processes and phenomena in modern democratic systems;
is able to use his/her knowledge in academic social practice;
can formulate on the basis of knowledge an overall assessment of institutional and social actions taken to address the specific problems of the functioning of a democratic society.
can actively join in social projects;
can collect, search and synthesize information necessary to present an analysis of selected social issues;
has a need for continuous training of professional and personal development;
can participate in the discussion;
is aware of the consequences of his/her projects.
Assessment criteria
Assessment based on attendance (2 absences allowed per semester), the activity during the course, involvement in the implementation part of the workshop and participation in the preparation of final presentation of the workshop.
Rating will be composed of the assessment of student activity during classes (40%) and evaluation of presentation prepared in the group (60%).
M. Fiorina, A Dark Side of Civic Engagement, w: T. Skocpol, M. Fiorina, Morris (red.). Civic Engagement in American Democracy, Brookings, Washington 1999.
P. Gliński, Style działań organizacji pozarządowych, IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2006.
M. Theiss, B. Lewenstein, Kapitał społeczny, lokalne społeczeństwo obywatelskie, aktywizacja: zachodnie koncepcje, polskie doświadczenia, w: A. Kościański, W. Misztal (red.) Społeczeństwo obywatelskie. Między ideą a praktyką, IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2008.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: