(in Polish) PROBAD: Wzorce i praktyki genderowe wśród młodych dorosłych 3500-PROBAD-WPGW
Gender is one of the most important differentiating factors in
modern societies. It is part of individuals' social identities and
often a source of their self-identification, it influences the
positions individuals occupy in power structures, it shapes
interpersonal interactions, and it is created and reproduced in
them. Gender socialisation takes place in families of origin, but
also in other social spaces: educational institutions, peer groups,
workplaces, social and religious organisations, etc. Socio-cultural
gender norms are subject to reproduction, but also to negotiation
and contestation.
Gender relations, gender norms and gendered practices are
influenced by many factors. One important context is the
generational experience of growing up in a particular socio-
historical moment. During the proseminar we will focus on a group
of young adults, i.e. those aged between 18 and 25.
During the course, participants will be introduced to basic
approaches and concepts in the study of socio-cultural gender.
They will also participate in the formulation of research questions,
the creation of a qualitative interview scenario, the conduct of
interviews based on this scenario and their analysis. We will
compare the results of the analyses with the findings of other
studies and consider how the findings of different researchers
relate to each other and how they can inspire further research
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W07 Has in-depth knowledge of selected methods and
techniques of social research, their limitations, specificity and
areas of application
K_W08 Is aware of the importance of a reflective and critical
approach to the results of social research, analyses and research
K_W09 Knows how to plan and carry out complex qualitative and
quantitative empirical research; is aware of the consequences of
methodological choices
K_U01 Can identify causes and predict potential effects of past and
current social events; can form critical judgments about current
and past social events
K_U02 Can critically select information and materials for academic
work, using various sources in Polish and a foreign language as well
as modern technologies
K_U03 Can independently form and verify judgments about the
causes of selected social phenomena
K_U04 Can use theoretical categories and research methods in the
description and analysis of social and cultural changes in modern
societies, as well as their consequences
K_U05 Can plan and carry out a social study using advanced
quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques of social
K_U10 Can prepare a presentation of a selected problem or study
in Polish and in a foreign language
K_K01 Can initiate, plan, organize and manage work of a task team
K_K03 Can gather, find, synthesize and critically assess information
about social sciences
K_K04 Can argue a thesis using scientific evidence
K_K05 Can undertake independent activity in public or personal
K_K06 Actively searches for new ways and sources to broaden
his/her knowledge and improve professional competences
K_K08 Is aware of the existence of social dilemmas related to the
work of the sociologist
K_K09 Is open to various theoretical and methodological
perspectives of social research
K_K10 Takes responsibility for planned and performed tasks
Assessment criteria
Preparation for and active participation in class, conducting a
qualitative interview based on a jointly prepared scenario, its
transcription and preparation of a short report presenting the
analysis of a part of the research material collected (chosen in
consultation with the teacher).
Permitted number of excused absences: 2
Resit rules: oral assessment during the teacher's duty.
1) Butler, Judith. 2008. Uwikłani w płeć: feminizm i polityka
tożsamości. Transl. by Karolina Krasuska. Warszawa:
Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej (excerpts).
2) Connell, Raewyn. 2013. Socjologia płci: płeć w ujęciu
globalnym. Przeł. Olga Siara. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo
Naukowe PWN (excerpts).
3) Elliott, Karla. 2016. Caring Masculinities: Theorizing an
Emergent Concept. Men and Masculinities, 19, 3:
240—259. DOI: 10.1177/1097184X15576203.
4) Flick, Uwe. 2010. Projektowanie badania jakościowego.
Przeł. Paweł Tomanek. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe
PWN (excerpts).
5) Glinka, Beata, Wojciech Czakon. 2021. Podstawy badań
jakościowych. Warsaw: Polskie Wydawnictwo
Ekonomiczne (excerpts).
6) Grotowska-Leder, Jolanta. 2019. Od redaktorki: Osiąganie
dorosłości i młodzi dorośli jako kategorie analiz
socjologicznych. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 4: 6—12.
7) Lata Dwudzieste. 2023. Debiutanci ’23. Portret Polek i
Polaków, którzy jesienią 2023 r. będą mogli po raz pierwszy
wziąć udział w wyborach. https://mlodziwyborcy.pl.
8) Ridgeway, Cecilia L. 2009. Framed Before We Know It: How
Gender Shapes Social Relations. Gender & Society, 23, 2:
145—160. DOI: 10.1177/0891243208330313.
9) Surmiak, Adriana. 2022. Etyka badan jakościowych w
praktyce. Analiza doświadczeń badaczy w badaniach z
osobami podatnymi na zranienie. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo
Naukowe SCHOLAR.
10) West, Candace, Don H. Zimmerman. 1987. Doing Gender.
Gender and Society, (1)2: 125—151.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: