Ethical Dillemmas in Refugee Research 3500-PROBAD-EBJ
One of the greatest socio-political challenges in recent years in Poland and in the world are refugee migrations. In Poland, these phenomena are present especially on the Polish-Belarusian border and in connection with the admission of several million refugees from Ukraine immediately after its attack by Russia. The need to recognize these phenomena was initiated by a number of social studies as well as various types of initiatives related to the creation of social archives (including ‘Researchers at the Border”).
The aim of the workshop will be to identify and systematize the basic ethical challenges experienced in research projects currently carried out in Poland. Participants of the classes will design and conduct qualitative interviews with researchers of the phenomenon of refugees from both borders (Polish-Belarusian and Polish-Ukrainian). They will prepare a report systematising the issues of research methodology in this area, with particular emphasis on ethical dilemmas and methods of solving them. Comparing the similarities and differences in the experiences of researchers on the issue of refugee in Poland gives an opportunity to prepare practical recommendations for future researchers and ethics committees.
The workshops are aimed at deepening research competences in the area of applied ethics and qualitative methods as well as developing the skills of planning and carrying out research in a team.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W07 Has in-depth knowledge of selected methods and techniques of social research, their limitations, specificity and areas of application
K_W08 Is aware of the importance of a reflective and critical approach to the results of social research, analyses and research procedures
K_W09 Knows how to plan and carry out complex qualitative and quantitative empirical research; is aware of the consequences of methodological choices
K_U01 Can identify causes and predict potential effects of past and current social events; can form critical judgments about current and past social events
K_U02 Can critically select information and materials for academic work, using various sources in Polish and a foreign language as well as modern technologies
K_U03 Can independently form and verify judgments about the causes of selected social phenomena
K_U04 Can use theoretical categories and research methods in the description and analysis of social and cultural changes in modern societies, as well as their consequences
K_U05 Can plan and carry out a social study using advanced quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques of social research
K_U10 Can prepare a presentation of a selected problem or study in Polish and in a foreign language
K_K01 Can initiate, plan, organize and manage work of a task team
K_K03 Can gather, find, synthesize and critically assess information about social sciences
K_K04 Can argue a thesis using scientific evidence
K_K05 Can undertake independent activity in public or personal interest
K_K06 Actively searches for new ways and sources to broaden his/her knowledge and improve professional competences
K_K08 Is aware of the existence of social dilemmas related to the work of the sociologist
K_K09 Is open to various theoretical and methodological perspectives of social research
K_K10 Takes responsibility for planned and performed tasks
Assessment criteria
Participation in individual phases of the team's research work,
Preparation of a part of the final report,
Presentation of research results.
Permitted number of absences subject to justification: 2
The rules for re-crediting are the same as in the first term
Kodeks etyki socjologa. (2012) Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne.
American Anthropological Association. (2012) Statement on ethics: principles of professional responsibilities.
Jaworska Dorota, Khedi Alieva, Marcin Boryczko. 2019. „Badania wśród uchodźców i przymusowych migrantów – rozważania metodologiczne i etyczne”. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 15(2): 202–227.
Golczyńska-Grondas Agnieszka. 2019. „Wywiady biograficzne z osobami ze środowisk wykluczenia społecznego – refleksja nad wybranymi problemami metodologicznymi i etycznymi”. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 15(2): 178–201.
Ślęzak Izabela. 2018. „Praca nad zaufaniem. Etyczne, praktyczne i metodologiczne wyzwania w relacjach badacz–badani na przykładzie etnografii agencji towarzyskich”. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 14(1): 138–162.
Sadura P., Urbańska S. (17.09.2021) „Obcy w naszym kraju. Gniew, żal i strach podlaskiego pogranicza”, Krytyka Polityczna []
Sadura P., Urbańska S. (5.11.2021) „Tam, gdzie ich zbierają i „gonią” z powrotem”, Krytyka Polityczna []
Surmiak (2020) Pisemna zgoda? Argumenty badaczy jakościowych za i przeciw pisemnej zgodzie. Przegląd socjologiczny. 2020 69(3): 37–58.
Wiles Rose (2013) Informed consent (3), Anonymity and Confidentiality (4), in: What are Qualitative Research Ethics?, Bloomsbury Academic, p. 25-55.
Wojnicka, K. (2020) Sex and the Fieldwork: Gender, Sexuality, Nationality, and Social Class in Research on European (Heterosexual) Men, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Volume 19: 1–10.
Bielenin-Lenczowska Karolina (2015) Rozdział II. Metoda: kobieta, badaczka, cudzoziemka, matka – kwestie etyki i relacje władzy. W: Spaghetti z ajwarem. Translokalna codzienność muzułmanów w Macedonii i we Włoszech. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, s. 24-35
Surmiak, A. (2019) „Komisje etyczne dla badań społecznych w Polsce. Perspektywa socjologów i antropologów społeczno-kulturowych”. Studia Socjologiczne 4(235): 157–182.
Kaźmierska, K. (2014). Autobiograficzny wywiad narracyjny – kwestie etyczne i metodologiczne w kontekście archiwizacji narracji. Studia Socjologiczne, 3(214): 221-238.
Maciejewska-Mroczek Ewa, Maria Reimann. 2016. „Jak zgadzają i nie zgadzają się dzieci.O (nie)równowadze sił i świadomej zgodzie w badaniach z dziećmi”. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 12(4): 42–55.
Bielska Beata. 2016. „Praktyki ukrywania. O pułapkach, pokusach i pożytkach z badań niejawnych”. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 12(3): 70–87.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: