History of the subaltern in interwar Poland (1919-1939) 3500-FAKM-HPPM
Suggested topics:
The legacy of the partitions, and the process of unify the society.
The popular classes: peasants, workers, domestic servants;
Women as a minority (paid work as a tool for emancipation, threats and debates around sex work and trafficking in women)
Social problems: poverty, homelessness, unemployment
Migrants and their strategies of acculturation
Popular emancipation - self-organisation, social and political activity.
The final list of specific topics will be drawn up after taking into account the students' demands during the discussion in the first class.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W04 is able to think reflectively and critically on the problems of social disparities and inequalities
K_W06 has in-depth knowledge of cultural diversity and its transformations, cultural identity, intercultural interaction and communication
K_W08 is aware of the significance of a reflective and critical approach in the process of social research, analyses and research procedures
K_W13 has a reflexive and critical approach in the interpretation of processes occurring in Polish and global society, and their consequences in terms of attitudes and social institutions
K_U03 is able to independently formulate and verify judgments on the causes of selected social processes and phenomena
K_U09 is able to indicate the relationship between a read scientific text and problems of social life and their study
K_U10 is able to prepare a presentation of a selected issue or study in Polish and in a foreign language
K_K04 is able to present scientific arguments
Assessment criteria
Course requirements:
1. attendance in class (1 absence is allowed, in case of further absences - pass the material on duty or written work
2. substantial preparation (knowledge of the readings)
3. active participation during the classes
Practical placement
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The texts are presented in the description for the class below
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: