Courses at
Faculty of Modern Languages
- (in Polish) Non-alphabetic Writing Systems and Graphic Communication: A Theoretical Approach II 1500-SI-NAWSAGCATAII
- (in Polish) Język obcy drugi niemiecki 3300-JODn-1-Z
- (in Polish) Konwersatorium literaturoznawczo-kulturowe w języku francuskim - Pisarstwo migracyjne a tożsamość quebecka 3300-PMTQ-SK-1-Z
- (in Polish) Multilingualism Research Hub 3300-EEG1-Z
- (in Polish) Komunikacja w języku francuskim ponad granicami (Europa, Kanada, Karaiby) 3300-KJFPG-SK-1-OG
- (in Polish) Seminarium magisterskie - Przestrzeń, język i tożsamość w literaturze quebeckiej / Geopoetyki frankokanadyjskie - dyskursy i estetyka 3300-SMG-F-SK-2-Z
- (in Polish) Kurs brytyjski 3300-KB-IA-Z
- (in Polish) Manuscript in the centre: making, reading, collecting, analyzing, and editing 1500-SDN-MITC
- (in Polish) Presentation skills 1500-SDN-WP-PS
- (in Polish) Język obcy drugi - język włoski 3300-JOD-HEL1w-L
- (in Polish) Język obcy drugi - język włoski 3300-JOD-HEL1w-Z
- (in Polish) Język francuski - poziom podstawowy 3300-FRAOA1-A2
- (in Polish) Język hiszpański - poziom podstawowy 3300-HISOA1-A2
- (in Polish) Język niderlandzki - poziom podstawowy 3300-NIDOA1-A2
- (in Polish) Język portugalski - poziom podstawowy 3300-POROA1-A2
- (in Polish) Język węgierski - poziom podstawowy 3300-WEGOA1-A2
- (in Polish) Non-alphabetic Writing Systems and Graphic Communication: A Theoretical Approach 1500-SI-NAWSAGCATAI
- (in Polish) Academic writing 1500-SDN-AW-2023L
- (in Polish) Narracje literackie i narracje naukowe 1500-SDN-TMTB-NLINN
- (in Polish) Natura, kultura, podmiotowość – dyskursy humanistyki środowiskowej 1500-SDN-NKPDHŚ
- (in Polish) Aktualności hiszpańskiego obszaru językowego 3300-AHOJ-SFK-4-L
- (in Polish) Polityka medialna Konfederacji Szwajcarskiej 3300-PMKS-HEL2-L
- (in Polish) Teatralne koło naukowe ADELA 3300-TKN"ADELA"
- (in Polish) Koło Naukowe The Cheerful Hamlets 3300-KN"TCH"
- French in practice – Oral and written performance 3300-PNJF-SFK-2-Z
- A Second foreign Language 3300-JOD-HEL1-Z
- A Second foreign Language 3300-JOD-HEL2-Z
- A Second foreign Language 3300-JOD-HEL1-L
- A Second foreign Language 3300-JOD-HEL2-L
- American Francophone Literature and Society (Caribbean and Québec) 3300-HKiLKf-SK-OG
- American literature 3300-LAC-SFK-3-Z
- American Literature - lecture 3300-LAW-SFK-3-Z
- American Superhero Comics 3300-AKoB-MSF-3-Z
- Anthropology of Culture 3300-AK-SFK-2-Z
- Anthropology of culture 3300-AK-MSF-2-Z
- BA Seminar 3300-SL-4-SFK-Z
- BA seminar 3300-SEML-SFK-4-L
- Comparatistics 3300-KOM-HEL2-L
- Comparative studies in culture 3300-Kk-SFK-4-Z
- Contemporary socio-political challenges in Canada 3300-WWSPK-SK-1-Z
- Course in Literature and Culture: Canadian Ethnic Literature and Culture 3300-IPC-SK-2-Z
- Course in Literature and Culture: Quebec and the “Third World” 3300-QTŚ-SK-1-Z
- Cultural overview of Italian language area 3300-RWOJ-MSF-1-Z
- Culture (Swiss French) 3300-KFRA-HEL1-L
- Culture (Swiss German) 3300-KN1-HEL-Z
- Culture (Swiss Italian) 3300-KW1-HEL-Z
- Discourse analysis 3300-PNJA-SFK-III-L
- Dutch - elementary level 3300-NIDOA2
- Dutch - intermediate level 3300-NIDOB1
- Examination in Dutch - B1, intermediate level 0000-NIDB1EC
- Examination in Hungarian - B1, intermediate level 0000-WEGB1EC
- Examination in Portuguese - B1, intermediate level 0000-PORB1EC
- Examination in Portuguese - B2, upper intermediate level 0000-PORB2EC
- Finnish language - elementary level 3300-FINOA2
- Finnish language - intermediate level 3300-FINOB1
- First foreign Language 3300-JOP-HEL1-Z
- First foreign Language 3300-JOP-HEL2-Z
- First foreign Language 3300-JOP-HEL1-L
- First foreign Language 3300-JOP-HEL2-L
- Foreign policy of the Swiss Confederation 3300-PZKS-HEL-1-Z
- French - elementary level 3300-FRAOA2
- French - intermediate level 3300-FRAOB1
- French - upper intermediate level 3300-FRAOB2
- French History and Culture 3300-HiKF-MSF-1-L
- French in practice – Oral and written performance 3300-PNJF-MSF-2-Z
- French- advanced level 3300-FRAOC1
- German - elementary level 3300-NIEOA2
- German - intermediate level 3300-NIEOB1
- German sociolinguistics 3300-SOCM2-HEL-Z
- Helvetological testing methods 3300-MBH-HEL1-L
- Helvetology 3300-HELcz.1-HEL-Z
- Helvetology (on-line) 3300-HELcz.2-HEL-Z
- History of French literature: 17th-18th centuries 3300-HLF-SFK-2-Z
- History of French literature: The Middle Ages and 16th century 3300-HLF-MSF-2-Z
- History of German Literature 3300-HLN-MSF-1-Z
- History of Italian Literature - Renaissance and Baroque 3300-HLW-SFK-2-Z
- History of Italian Literature - Renaissance and Baroque 3300-HLW-MSF-2-Z
- Hungarian - elementary level 3300-WEGOA2
- Hungarian - intermediate level 3300-WEGOB1
- Identity and Space. Literature and Paintings of Quebec (Intermedial and Intercultural Approaches) 3300-SMG-F-SK-1-L
- Identity and Space. Literature and Paintings of Quebec (Intermedial and Intercultural Approaches) 3300-SMG-F-SK-1-Z
- Information technology 3300-TI-MSF-1-Z
- Intellectual property rights-basic course 3300-POWI-MSF-1-Z
- Intercultural communication 3300-KMK-SFK-2-L
- Intercultural communication 3300-KMK-MSF-2-L
- Intercultural communication and education of Switzerland 3300-KMiES-HEL-1-Z
- Intercultural communication in diplomacy and public administration 3300-KMwDiA-S-ZIPszl
- Introduction to Affect Theory 1500-SZD-WDTA
- Introduction to comparative studies 3300-WdKom-SFK-2-L
- Introduction to comparative studies 3300-WdKom-MSF-2-L
- Introduction to culture studies 3300-WdK-MSF-1-L
- Introduction to diplomacy and diplomatic protocol 3300-WdDiPD-SFK-3-Z
- Introduction to diplomacy and diplomatic protocol 3300-WdDiPD-SFK3-Z
- Introduction to Feminist and Methodologies 1500-SDN-SP-NOKIR-FS
- Introduction to Linguistics 3300-WDJ-MSF-1-Z
- Introduction to literary studies 3300-WdL-MSF-1-L
- Introduction to research and studies in Portuguese 3300-WBSP-MSF-1-Z
- Italian - elementary level 3300-WLOOA2
- Italian sociolinguistics 3300-SOCW2-HEL-Z
- Knowledge of German Language area 3300-KNOJ-SFK-2-Z