Dutch - intermediate level 3300-NIDOB1
Upon completion a student can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure etc; s/he can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst traveling in an area where the language is spoken; s/h can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest; s/he can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
1. The following elements are taken into account before assessing the completion of the course:
- active participation in language classes (25 per cent)
- tests and homework results (25 per cent)
- final test result (50 per cent),
however, in order to gain a positive mark for completing the course, students must show certain achievements with regard to each of the above categories (no mark will be given to a student who has received 0 per cent in any of the categories, or has not shown any activity in one of them).
Grading scale
99-100 per cent - 5! ( outstanding)
93-98 per cent – 5 (very good)
87-92 per cent - 4+(good plus)
77-86 per cent - 4 (good)
71-76 per cent – 3+ (satisfactory plus)
60-70 per cent – 3 (satisfactory)
A student is granted 2 ECTS points for completing a 60-hour-course, which means for achieving expected learning outcomes.
2. In addition, the teacher will define specific detailed principles and criteria for completion of the course and present them to students during the first class in a given academic year.
3. A student has the right to be absent 3 times in one term, consisting of 60 class hours (thirty 2-hour classes) with no need to explain reasons for being absent. At the beginning of the course the teacher will instruct students on how to make up for the absence and complete what they have missed.
4. The mark given for the completion of the course (as well as ECTS points) will enter the University Student Service System (USOS)
5. The unsatisfactory mark can only be given to students who have not shown satisfactory results in tests, homework and the final achievement test.
6. Students should register for language courses themselves during the officially announced registration period only. Similarly, if students want to resign, they have to do that themselves but only during the registration period.
Term 2023Z:
Language courses are run on the yearly basis. Students who have enrolled for the winter semester ARE AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED FOR THE SUMMER SEMESTER (even if they do not have any tokens left). Students who wish to withdraw from the course in the summer semester for important reasons can deregister in this period 27.01-30.01.2023. |
Term 2023L:
Language courses are run on the yearly basis. Students who have enrolled for the winter semester ARE AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED FOR THE SUMMER SEMESTER (even if they do not have any tokens left). Students who wish to withdraw from the course in the summer semester for important reasons can deregister in this period 27.01-30.01.2023. |
Term 2024Z:
Language courses are run on the yearly basis. Students who have enrolled for the winter semester ARE AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED FOR THE SUMMER SEMESTER (even if they do not have any tokens left). Students who wish to withdraw from the course in the summer semester for important reasons can deregister in this period 27.01-30.01.2023. |
Term 2024L:
Language courses are run on the yearly basis. Students who have enrolled for the winter semester ARE AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED FOR THE SUMMER SEMESTER (even if they do not have any tokens left). Students who wish to withdraw from the course in the summer semester for important reasons can deregister in this period 27.01-30.01.2023. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: