Introduction to literary studies 3300-WdL-MSF-1-L
The course has a form of a dscussion seminar. It introduces the basic literary topics, and gives tools to students for an individual analysis of literary works.
The goal of the course is to present the following general aspects: definitions of literature, methods of functioning of a literary work (Wellek, Warren, Ingarden), features of the literary language, literary genres, expectation horizon, poliphony, and intertextuality (Barthes, Genette).
The course also discusses the main aspects of poetics related to lyric (types of poems, stanza classification, rhyme, stylistic devices), prose (basic elements of epic literary work: the narrator, the protagonist, the plot, time and space categories, levels of narration, narration/description, the theory of perspective), and drama (main elements of a dramatic literary work: the plot, dramatic action, division into acts and scenes, characters, types and functions of dialogues and monologue, dramatic text, dramatic situation).
The reading and analysis of theoretical texts constitute a base to the analysis of selected fragments of the most important literary works of European literature.
Term 2024L:
None |
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
K_W01 The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the place and the meaning of literary studies, and the connections of language and culture studies with other human sciences.
K_W06 The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the methods of analysis and interpretation of various texts of literature from the perspective of various approaches within literary studies.
K_U01 The student can apply basic theoretical constructs which are characteristic of literary studies.
K_U08 The student can communicate with the help of various channels and communicative strategies with specialists of selected branches of science.
K_K05 The student is ready to show respect and care for preserving cultural heritage.
Assessment criteria
active participation in class, project, test
B. Chrząstowska Bożena, S. Wysłouch, Poetyka stosowana, Warszawa, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 2000.
T. Cieślikowska, W kręgu geonologii, intertekstualności, teorii sugestii, Warszawa, 1995
M. Głowiński, A. Okopień-Sławińska, J. Sławiński, Zarys teorii literatury, Warszawa, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1991.
Korwin-Piotrowska, D., Poetyka. Przewodnik po świecie tekstów, Kraków, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2011.
A. Kulawik, Poetyka. Wstęp do teorii dzieła literackiego, Kraków, Antykwa, 1994.
H. Markiewicz, Wymiary dzieła literackiego, Kraków, Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1984.
Z. Mitosek, Teorie badań literackich, Warszawa, PWN, 2005
T. Todorov, Poetyka, przeł. M.R. Mayenowa, Warszawa, Wiedza Powszechna, 1984.
Term 2024L:
None |
Additional information
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