Introduction to diplomacy and diplomatic protocol 3300-WdDiPD-SFK3-Z
The course discusses the following topics:
1. Introduction to the issues of diplomacy and diplomatic protocol, with particular emphasis on the intercultural aspect; history of diplomacy and diplomatic protocol.
2. Civil service, foreign policy, bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, diplomacy in international organisations.
3. The basics of public international law, international negotiations, and the language of diplomacy.
4. The role of states, international organisations and other entities in international relations; the figure of a diplomat and culture; diplomacy of individual countries.
5. The profession of a diplomat: the role of diplomatic posts and diplomatic staff; privileges and immunities.
6. The evolution of diplomacy, classic and new forms of diplomacy, diplomacy towards new technologies: digital diplomacy, sports diplomacy, etc.
7. Public, cultural and scientific diplomacy; diplomacy as Soft Power.
8. Basics of diplomatic protocol (part I), diplomatic correspondence, rules of precedence.
9. Diplomatic protocol (part II), visiting tickets, invitations; diplomatic etiquette and netiquette; savoir-vivre, parties: formal and informal.
10. Diplomatic protocol (part III), diplomatic protocol and diplomacy in the intercultural environment.
11. Theory and practice: practical classes, solving practical tasks.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W11 The student has the knowledge and understanding of basic instruments and mechanisms of diplomacy and of selected issues of correspondence and diplomatic protocol.
K_W12 The student has the knowledge and understanding of the significance of multiculturality in building the identity of the individual and the society; the student understands the influence of cultural context on the forms of diplomacy.
K_U05 The student can apply the rules of correspondence, diplomatic protocol, and savoir-vivre.
K_U07 The student can prepare an oral presentation and can present own views in a diplomatic way.
K_U12 The student can cooperate in a teamwork, including the multicultural environment.
K_U14 The student can realise the need of constant self-improvement and development.
K_K03 The student can adopt and promote an attitude of openness towards different cultures in the spirit of tolerance and plurality.
K_K04 The student is ready to respect the professional code of ethics.
Assessment criteria
Final exam (70%), 15-minute presentation (30%), active participation in class
Main literature:
1. T. Orłowski. (2010). Protokół dyplomatyczny. Warszawa: Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych.
2. T. Orłowski. (2015). Protokół Dyplomatyczny. Między Tradycją a nowoczesnością. Warszawa: Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych.
3. T. Orłowski. (2023). Praktyka dyplomatyczna, Warszawa: Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych.
4. W. Góralczyk, K. Karski, S. Sawicki. (2024). Prawo Międzynarodowe Publiczne w zarysie (wybrane rozdziały). Warszawa: Wolters Kluwer Polska.
5. H. Kissinger. (2022). Dyplomacja, Warszawa: Bellona.
Supplementary literature:
1. B. Ociepka. (2013). Miękka siła i dyplomacja publiczna. Warszawa: Scholar.
2. M. Berger, E. van der Plas, C. Schneider, Ch. Huygens, N. Akrimi. (2008). Bride the Gap or Mind the Gap? Culture in Western – Arab Relations. The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations.
3. S. Tzu, S. Pin. (2013). Sztuka Wojny. Warszawa: Helion.
4. T. Fletcher. (2017). The Naked Diplomat: Understanding Power and Politics in the Digital Age. Glasgow: William Collins.
5. A. Haigh. (2001). Co to jest dyplomacja kulturalna?. [w:] Międzynarodowe stosunki kulturalne. Wybór dokumentów i literatury, red. Cz. Lewandowski. Wrocław: Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 2304.
6. R. Kuźniar. (2012). Polityka Zagraniczna III Rzeczypospolitej. Warszawa: Scholar.
7. W. Bolewski. (2007). Diplomacy and International Law in Globalized Relations, Berlin: Springer.
8. Selected parts: Karta Narodów Zjednoczonych; Konwencja wiedeńska o stosunkach dyplomatycznych.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: