History of German Literature 3300-HLN-MSF-1-Z
1. 1-10 of Book 1. Additionally: ‘Das Treffen in Telgte’ by Günter Grass. Introduction to Early medieval literature. Carolingian cultural policy, including the first written records in German. ‘Merserburger Zaubersprüche’.
2. How to understand the literature of the Middle Ages? Reading of A. Guriewicz ‘The individual in the history of Europe’ introduces one to the world of medieval European literature; ‘Hildebrandslied’.
3. Literature of the high Middle Ages. Social and political context. New threads in literature. What was the famous courtly love? Poetry by Walter von der Vogelweide (selection).
4. Court epic. Epic poem - Wolfram von Eschenbach's ‘Parzival’- selected episodes / books
5. ‘Nibelungenlied” (selection) eg. from I Aventiure (1 and 2. stanzas) and from II Aventiure (1. and 3. stanzas). On the literature on the border of orality and writing.
6. General information on German humanism and the Reformation. On human stupidity. Erasmus "In Praise of Folly" and Sebastian Brandt's ‘Das Narrenschiff’ (selection).
7. Martin Luther. ‘Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen’, ‘Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott’. In the background of Luther's texts Herfried Münkler’s ‘Die Deutschen und ihre Mythen’.
8. Introduction to Baroque literature. Poetry (selection). Gryphius e.g. "Vanitas ..; "Thränen des Vaterlandes"; a selection of poems by Fleming, Gerhardt, Silesius.
9. ‘Simplicissimus’ by Grimmelshausen. Chapters
10. Baroque drama. Selection of fragments of plays by Andreas Gryphius (‘Catharina von Georgien’, ‘Leo Armenius’). Additionally: Słowacki “The Constant Prince”.
11. The philosophy and literature ofEnlightenment. Motifs, themes, literary forms; ‘Was ist Aufklärung’ by Kant.
12. The poetry of Enlightenment: Albrecht von Haller, Friedrich von Hagedorn, Friedrich G. Klopstock
13. Lessing: theological threads on the example of the drama ‘Nathan der Weise’.
14. Lessing: concepts of bourgeois drama on the example of ‘Emilia Galotti’ / ‘Minna von Barnhelm’.
lotti/ Minny von Barnhelm.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W01 The student has knowledge and understanding of the place and the meaning of literary studies, and the multifaceted connections of language and culture studies with other human sciences.
K_W02 The student has a structured knowledge and understanding of the history of German literature; of literary phenomena and their multifaceted influence on the development of literary theories.
K_W08 The student has the knowledge and understanding of the multofaceted relations of German literature to historic and cultural processes.
K_U02 The student can apply basic research skills in accordance with the scientific code of ethics and copyright law; these skills include identifying and analysing the problem, choosing adequate methodology and research tools, analysing and presenting results, all of which pertain to scientific disciplines present at foreign language and culture studies.
K_U12 The student can cooperate in a team work, including the multicultural environment.
K_K01 The student is ready to self-evalute the knowledge and skills critically in the field of German literature.
Assessment criteria
The assessment methods include preparation for classes (reading assigned books), activity during classes and a written test.
Class attendance is mandatory. Two unexcused absences per semester are allowed.
Practical placement
The list of readings is given above in the description of the course. The list of detailed readings will be provided during the first class by the course instructor of a given group.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: