Spanish Literature and Culture I 3300-LiK-MSF-1-Z
The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with key texts of Spanish literature, from the Middle Ages till the end of the 19th century, which had a considerable influence on Iberian culture and on European culture as a whole. The topics of classes present diverse phemomena, such as influences of Arabic, Hebrew and Christian culture on Spanish literature, the pre-Renaissance world view and the genre of the picaresque novel, transformations of Renaissance paradigm in the first modern novel, "Don Quixote of La Mancha", mysticism, baroque aesthetics: culteranismo and conceptismo, the Golden Age of Spanish theatre, myth of Don Juan, as well as enlightened critics of the eighteenth-century Spain society, the Romantic discourse of love, the nineteenth-century realistic novel, and the vision of Spain as presented in the late 19th century by the representatives of Generation '98, in both, philosophy and artistic work.
Topics of individual classes:
1. Influences of Arabic, Hebrew and Christian culture on Spanish literature (kharja, The Poem of the Cid)
2. Dialog beetween the Middles Ages and the modern era: Rosalía, "El mal querer"
3. pre-Renaissance world view: "La Celestina" by Fernando de Rojas, Jorge Manrique, Coplas por la muerte de su padre.
4. Human and divine love in Renaissance court poetry and mystic poetry (Garcilaso de la Vega, San Juan de la Cruz, Santa Teresa de Jesús)
5. Figure of pícaro; social and cultural basis of the genre of the picaresque novel (Lazarillo de Tormes; El Buscón by Francisco de Quevedo)
6. Transformations of Renaissance paradigm: "Don Quixote of La Mancha" by Miguel de Cervantes.
7. Archuitecture of corrales de comedias and the Golden Age of Spanish theatre (Lope de Vega, El arte nuevo de hacer comedias and The Sheep Well, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Life Is a Dream)
8. Baroque aesthetics: culteranismo and conceptismo (Luis de Góngora, Francisco de Quevedo)
9. The myth of Don Juan in the culture of Baroque and Romanticism (Tirso de Molina, José Zorilla)
10. Enlightened social critics: Cartas marruecas by José Cadalso
11. Romantic discourse of love: Gustavo Adolfo Béquer
12. Realistic novel: Pasos de Ulloa by Emilia Pardo Bazán
13. Spanish idearium: between Modernism and Generation’98.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W01 The student has knowledge and understanding of the place and the meaning of literary studies, and the connections of language and culture studies with other human sciences.
K_W02 The student has a structured knowledge and understanding of Spanish literature till the 19th century, of phenomena present in Spanish literature and their multifaceted influence on the development of literary theories.
K_W03 The student has knowledge and understanding of the specialist terminology, methodology, subject, and research trends which are characteristic of Spanish language studies.
K_W08 The student has the knowledge and understanding of the multifaceted relations of Spanish literature to historic and cutural processes.
K_U01 The student can apply basic theoretical constructs which are characteristic of language and culture studies.
K_U13 The student can access and gather information independently, and can develop skills with the help of adequate sources.
Social skills:
K_K01 The student is ready to self-evalute the knowledge and skills critically in the field of Spanish literature.
K_K02 The student is ready to participate in the Spanish and Polish culture by means of various forms and channels.
K_K04 The student is ready to respect the professional code of ethics.
Assessment criteria
Teaching methods:
• Flipped classroom
• Jigsaw classroom technique
• Presentation
• Discussion
• Introductory lecture
Assessment criteria:
Seminar participants will be assessed on the basis of attendance (there are 2 absences allowed), active participation in classes, and a concluding written exam. Details concerning assessment will be given during classes.
Antologia poezji hiszpańskiej, Janusz Strasburger (ed.), Warszawa, Elma Books 2000.
Aszyk, Urszula, (2006), Corrale de comedias: publiczne i stałe teatry w Hiszpanii (koniec XVI-początek XVIII wieku), Toruń, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.
Baczyńska, Beata, (2014), Historia literatury hiszpańskiej, Warszawa, PWN.
Biernacka, Maja, (2012), Hiszpania wielokulturowa: problemy z odmiennością, Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Cadalso, José, (2010), Listy marokańskie, Warszawa, Sagittarius.
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, (2003), Życie snem, Edward Boyé (trans.), Kraków, Zielona Sowa.
Cervantes, Miguel de, (1955), Przemyślny szlachcic Don Kichote z Manczy, Anna Ludwika Czerny i Zygmunt Czerny (trans.), Warszawa, PIW.
Cervantes, Miguel de, (2014), Don Kichot z Manczy, Wojciech Charchalis (trans.), Poznań, Dom Wydawniczy Rebis.
Czekając na lubego: poezja miłosna dawnej Hiszpanii, (1981), Zofia Szleyen (trans.), Kraków, Wydawnictwo Literackie.
De la Vega, Garcilaso, (2021), Sonety, Czesław Ratka (trans.), Gliwice, Wydawca Czesław Ratka.
Ibn Hazm, Ali ibn Ahmad, (1976), Naszyjnik gołębicy, Janusz Danecki, Aleksandra Witkowska(trans.), Warszawa, PIW.
Jan od Krzyża, (2017), Pieśń duchowa, Marcin Kurek , Carlos Marrodán Casas (transl.), Marlena Krupa (ed.), Kraków, Wydawnictwo Karmelitów Bosych.
Krupecka, Iwona, (2012), Don Kichot w krainie filozofów: o kichotyzmie pokolenia ’98 jako poszukiwaniu nowoczesnej formuły podmiotowości, Toruń, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
Lewis, Clive Stapes, (1974) The discarded image: an introducition to medieval and renaissance literature, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Lewis, Clive Staples, (2008), Odrzucony obraz. Wprowadzenie do literatury średniowiecznej i renesansowej, Witold Ostrowski (trans.), Kraków, Znak.
Menocal, María Rosa, (2006) Ozdoba świata: jak muzułmanie, żydzi i chrześcijanie tworzyli kulturę tolerancji w średniowiecznej Hiszpanii, Tomasz Tesznar (trans.), Kraków, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
Molina, Tirso de, (2000), Zwodziciel z Sewilli i Kamienny Gość, Magdalena Pabisiak (trans.), Wrocław, Wydawnictwo Wacław Bagiński.
O pasterzach, Maurach, damach: hiszpańskie romance, (1960), Zofia Szleyen (trans.), Warszawa, Iskry.
Pardo Bazán, Emilia, (1984), Dwór w Ulloa, Hanna Igalson-Tygielska (trans.), Warszawa, PIW.
Pieśń o Cydzie, (2003) Anna Ludwika Czerny (trans.), Kraków, Zielona Sowa.
Quevedo, Francisco de, (1978), Żywot młodzika niepoczciwego imieniem Pablos czyli wzór dla obieżyświatów i zwierciadło filutów, Kalina Wojciechowska (trans.), Warszawa, PIW.
Quevedo, Francisco de, (1982), Sny; Godzina dla każdego czyli Fortuna mózgiem obdarzona, Kalina Wojciechowska (trans.), Kazimierz Piekarec (ed.), Warszawa, PIW.
Rojas, Fernando de, (1962), Celestyna, Kazimierz Zawanowski (trans.), Warszawa, PIW.
Strasburger, Janusz, (1956), Z hiszpańskiego przekłady poezji, Warszawa, Czytelnik.
Vega Carpio, Lope Félix de, (1954), Owcze źródło, Ludwik Hieronim Morstin (trans.), Maria Strzałkowa (ed.), Wrocław, Zakład im. Ossolińskich.
Vega Carpio, Lope Félix de, (2008), Nowa sztuka pisania komedii w dzisiejszych czasach przedstawiona Akademii w Madrycie, Urszula Aszyk (trans.), Gdańsk, Słowo/Obraz Terytoria.
Zorilla, José, (1925), Don Juan Tenorio, Stanisław Miłaszewski (trans.), Gebethner i Wolff.
Żywot Łazika z Tormesu, (1988), Maurycy Mann (trans.), Warszawa, Książka i Wiedza.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: