Introduction to culture studies 3300-WdK-MSF-1-L
The main objective of Introduction to Cultural Studies is to present the key theories and concepts in the field of cultural studies today. The following subjects are taken into consideration:
- material culture,
- Marxism & The Frankfurt School,
- psychoanalysis,
- structuralism & semiology,
- poststructuralism & deconstruction,
- postmodernism,
- feminism & queer,
- postcolonialism,
- ecocriticism & posthumanism,
- media & mediatisation.
In the course Students learn to analyse critically a variety of cultural texts (both verbal and nonverbal; visual and audiovisual). They practically utilise relevant methodologies and theoretical toolkits discussed in class. The point of the course is to expand Students’ awareness of cultural processes and phenomena. At the same time, Students develop critical thinking as well as work to improve expressing their ideas and thoughts in a clear and well-organised manner.
Term 2023L:
Topics and recources (available on the Classroom platform or in the UW Library) |
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
- average score from two tests
- in- and out-of-class active participation (forum discussions)
- attendance
- regular homework assignments (written and oral)
Evaluation criteria (4): - depth of research; - extent of knowledge; - familiarity with terminology; - active participation and creativity
Retake in an oral mode during consultation hours.
Two absences in a semester allowed.
The form and criteria of passing the course are susceptible to change in accordance with the epidemic situation. Equivalent conditions of passing will be determined on the basis of official regulations established at the University of Warsaw and after approval from Students.
Baldwin E., Longhurst B., McCracken S., Ogborn M., Smith G., Wstęp do kulturoznawstwa, Poznań 2007;
Barker C., Studia kulturowe, przeł. A. Sadza, Kraków 2005;
Dant, T. Kultura materialna w rzeczywistości społecznej, Wyd. UJ, 2003;
Fiedorczuk, J., Cyborg w ogrodzie, Katedra, 2015;
Fiske, J., Zrozumieć kulturę popularną, Kraków 2010;
Harari, Y. N., Sapiens. Od zwierząt do ludzi, Wyd. Literackie, 2015;
Perspektywy badań nad kulturą, red. R. Kluszczyński, A. Zeidler-Janiszewska, Łódź 2008;
Storey, J. Studia kulturowe i badania kultury popularnej, Kraków, 2003;
Strinati, D. Wprowadzenie do kultury popularnej, Poznań 1998;
Szpunar, M., Czym są nowe media - próba konceptualizacji, Studia Medioznawcze 4 (35) 2008.
Świerkocki, M., Postmodernizm. Paradygmat nowej kultury, Wyd. UŁ, 1997;
Tożsamość kulturoznawstwa, red. Pankowicz A., Rokicki J., Plichta P., Kraków 2008.
Young, R.J.C., Postkolonializm. Wprowadzenie, Wyd. UJ, 2012.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: