Applied geology (S1-GES)(in Polish: Geologia stosowana) | |
first cycle programme full-time, 3,5-year studies Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólnyKierunek geologia stosowana, studia stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia, dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych, dyscyplina nauki o Ziemi i środowisku. Program studiów I stopnia na kierunku geologia stosowana jest oryginalnym, autorskim projektem edukacyjnym wprowadzającym w kształceniu uniwersyteckim możliwość uzyskania tytułu zawodowego inżyniera. W ramach studiów I stopnia wyróżniono 3 specjalizacje:
Specjalizacja geoinżynieria może być rozbudowywana w postaci zindywidualizowanych ścieżek tematycznych w zakresie geologii inżynierskiej, hydrogeologii czy ochrony środowiska. Wybór specjalizacji przez studenta ma miejsce po pierwszym roku studiów. Zajęcia odbywają się na Kampusie Ochota, część kursów terenowych prowadzona jest również w Europejskim Centrum Edukacji Geologicznej w Chęcinach. Studia na kierunku geologia stosowana obejmują kluczowe zagadnienia aplikacji wiedzy i umiejętności w zakresie: dokumentowania i udostępniania zasobów wód podziemnych, geologicznych uwarunkowań rozwoju budownictwa i planowania przestrzennego, kartograficznych odwzorowań danych geologicznych, dokumentowania i udostępniania złóż oraz geologicznych aspektów inżynierii surowców mineralnych. W profilu przedmiotów prowadzonych w toku studiów wiodącym celem jest przygotowanie absolwentów do rozwijania modeli różnorodnych procesów identyfikowanych w środowisku geologicznym oraz przygotowanie do wykorzystywania w tym celu sprawnego warsztatu badawczego. Istotną rolę w kształtowaniu treści programowych odgrywa prezentacja aktualnych naukowych trendów w naukach geologicznych oraz duża liczba zajęć prowadzonych w formie praktików i wyjazdów terenowych. Celem studiów na kierunku geologia stosowana jest wykształcenie absolwenta posiadającego:
Wiedza i umiejętności nabyte podczas studiów umożliwiają podjęcie pracy na poziomie odtwórczym (zawodowym) przede wszystkim w różnych gałęziach przemysłu i usług związanych z budownictwem, ochroną środowiska, poszukiwaniem wody dla celów pitnych, leczniczych i przemysłowych i ochroną jej zasobów, poszukiwaniem surowców naturalnych. W dziedzinach tych nasi absolwenci są cenionymi i poszukiwanymi specjalistami. Są oni przygotowani także do podjęcia pracy zarówno w jednostkach administracji regionalnej (urzędy wojewódzkie i powiatowe) jak i centralnej (np. Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska), w firmach prowadzących różnorodne prace geologiczne (oddział geologiczny Polskiego Górnictwa Naftowego i Gazownictwa), czy też w instytucjach państwowych (Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, jednostki badawcze PAN). |
ECTS Coordinators:
Qualification awarded:
Access to further studies:
Learning outcomes
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The graduate achieves the following learning outcomes defined for the study programme:
- demonstrates basic knowledge of problems and scientific methods in selected branches of natural sciences
- knows simple and advanced instrumental analytical methods used in studies of rocks, minerals and organic substances, chemistry and dynamics of water and other elements of the natural environment
- predicts effects of human influence on the natural environment (soil, water, rocks, resources, waste management, hazards)
- knows information systems and rules concerning acquisition of geoinformatic data
- understands the position of environmental protection politics and principles of sustainable development in social and economic life
- knows the range of activities of geological and geophysical drilling management, diverse methods of drilling works and requirements regarding necessary geological qualifications
- demonstrates knowledge on mapping of geological structures for prospecting and exploitation of groundwater, metal ore and hydrocarbon resources, recognition of karst phenomena etc. using geophysical surveys
- identifies weak and strong sides of standard measures undertaken to solve engineering and environmental issues
- is conscious of political and social-economic geoenvironmental conditions.
Course structure diagram:
Abbreviations used in tables: | |
lect - Lecture cl - Classes kon - Seminar kint - E-learning course kt - Field course prak - Placement sem_dyp - Diploma seminar | c - Pass/fail c/g - Pass/fail or grading e - Examination g - Grading t - Graded test |
First semester, first year, applied geology | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | kt | prak | sem_dyp | exam |
Workplace health and safety | 0.5 | 4 | c | ||||||
Physical geology | 3 | 30 | g | ||||||
Descriptive geometry | 3 | 30 | g | ||||||
Descriptive geometry | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Hydrogeology | 3 | 30 | g | ||||||
Hydrogeology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Mathematics | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Fundamentals of engineering geology | 4 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Palaeontology I | 3 | 30 | g | ||||||
Palaeontology I | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Intellectual property rights - basic course | 0.5 | 6 | c/g | ||||||
Total: | 25 | 126 | 180 | 4 |
Second semester, first year, applied geology | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | kt | prak | sem_dyp | exam |
Chemistry | 4 | 45 | g | ||||||
Chemistry | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Geochemistry | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Physical geology | 3 | 60 | e | ||||||
Course of field geology | 6 | 108 | g | ||||||
Mathematics | 3 | 60 | e | ||||||
Environmental protection and management | 4 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
1300-OTIGIS | |||||||||
Total: | 24 | 210 | 75 | 108 |
Secon year in applied geology, specialization: engineering of mineral materials | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | kt | prak | sem_dyp | exam |
Physics for geologists | 2 | 45 | e | ||||||
Geodesy | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Historical geology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Historical geology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Geomorphology and Quaternary geology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Geomorphology & Quaternary geology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Soil science | 4 | 30 | 45 | g | |||||
Structural geology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Structural geology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Geochemistry of natural environment | 4 | 30 | 15 | g | |||||
Mineralogy | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Field course in historical geology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Field-course of geological mapping | 6 | 108 | g | ||||||
Fieldcourse on the geomorphology and quaternary geology | 2 | 24 | t | ||||||
Geological mapping | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Renewable energy sources (RES) | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Fundamentals of statistics | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Total: | 46 | 345 | 270 | 162 |
Third year in applied geology, specialization: engineering of mineral materials | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | kt | prak | sem_dyp | exam |
Introduction to geophysics | e | ||||||||
Geological geophysics | 4 | 60 | g | ||||||
Geological and geophysical drilling service | 4 | 15 | 30 | g | |||||
Geoinformatics in geology | 2 | 15 | 15 | g | |||||
Regional geology of Poland | 1 | 15 | g | ||||||
Regional geology of Poland | 2 | 45 | e | ||||||
Geology of mineral deposits | g | ||||||||
Geology of mineral deposits | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Geology of oil and gas fields | 2 | 15 | g | ||||||
Geology of oil and gas fields | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Engineering computer graphics | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Mineral engineering | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Mineral engineering | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Field course of geology of mineral deposits | 4 | 72 | t | ||||||
Field course in the Sudety Mts. | 2 | 30 | t | ||||||
Drilling operations - field course | 2 | 30 | t | ||||||
Mineral deposits prospecting and exploration methodes | 3 | 30 | 15 | g | |||||
Petrology I | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Technical petrology | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Petrology I | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Drilling and elements of mining | 2 | 30 | 15 | g | |||||
Spatial planning | 3 | 30 | 15 | g | |||||
Total: | 48 | 285 | 240 | 30 | 132 | 60 |
First semester, fourth year in applied geology, specialization: engineering of mineral materials | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | kt | prak | sem_dyp | exam |
Ceramics and engineering of rock materials | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
1300-OMBS4W | |||||||||
Mining of mineral deposits | 4 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Environmental impact assessments | 4 | 30 | 45 | g | |||||
Designing and reporting of results of geological works in economic geology | 3 | 15 | 30 | g | |||||
Diploma seminar (engineering of mineral materials) | 5 | 30 | g | ||||||
Total: | 19 | 105 | 135 | 30 |
Second year in applied geology, specialization: geoengineering | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | kt | prak | sem_dyp | exam |
Physics for geologists | 2 | 45 | e | ||||||
Geodesy | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Historical geology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Historical geology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Geomorphology and Quaternary geology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Geomorphology & Quaternary geology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Soil science | 4 | 30 | 45 | g | |||||
Structural geology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Structural geology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Hydrology and hydraulics | 2 | 15 | g | ||||||
Hydrology and hydraulics | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Mineralogy | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Field course in historical geology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Field-course of geological mapping | 6 | 108 | g | ||||||
Fieldcourse on the geomorphology and quaternary geology | 2 | 24 | t | ||||||
Geological mapping | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Mechanics and strength of materials | 4 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Fundamentals of statistics | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Total: | 48 | 345 | 300 | 162 |
Third year in applied geology, specialization: geoengineering | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | kt | prak | sem_dyp | exam |
Introduction to geophysics | e | ||||||||
Geological geophysics | 4 | 60 | g | ||||||
Geoinformatics in geology | 2 | 15 | 15 | g | |||||
Regional geology of Poland | 1 | 15 | g | ||||||
Regional geology of Poland | 2 | 45 | e | ||||||
Geotechnics and foundation engineering | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Geotechnics and foundation engineering | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Geology of mineral deposits | 1 | 15 | g | ||||||
Geology of mineral deposits | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Engineering computer graphics | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Field training in applied geology and the environment protection | 4 | 72 | t | ||||||
Field course in the Sudety Mts. | 2 | 30 | t | ||||||
Drilling operations - field course | 2 | 30 | t | ||||||
Methods of groundwater flow calculations | 3 | 15 | 30 | g | |||||
Groundwater protection | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Groundwater protection | 1 | 15 | e | ||||||
Drainage of deposits and excavations | 4 | 30 | 45 | g | |||||
Basics of soil mechanics | 3 | 30 | g | ||||||
Basics of soil mechanics | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Petrology I | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Petrology I | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Drilling and elements of mining | 2 | 30 | 15 | g | |||||
Spatial planning | 3 | 30 | 15 | g | |||||
Total: | 50 | 300 | 300 | 132 | 60 |
(in Polish) Pierwszy semestr czwartego roku GES, specjalizacja geoinżynieria | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | kt | prak | sem_dyp | exam |
Civil Engineering | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Environmental engineering | 4 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Geomechanics | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Geomechanics | 4 | 30 | e | ||||||
Hydrochemistry | 2 | 45 | g | ||||||
Hydrochemistry | 1 | 15 | e | ||||||
Hydrogeological mapping | 3 | 30 | g | ||||||
Environmental impact assessments | 4 | 30 | 45 | g | |||||
Documenting and designing of engineering geological studies | 4 | 30 | 45 | g | |||||
Hydrogeological designing and documenting | 4 | 30 | 45 | g | |||||
Diploma seminar (engineering geology) | 5 | 30 | g | ||||||
Diploma seminar (hydrogeology) | 5 | 30 | c | ||||||
Total: | 41 | 195 | 270 | 30 | 60 |
Second year in applied geology, specialization: geodynamics and geological mapping | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | kt | prak | sem_dyp | exam |
Physics for geologists | 2 | 45 | e | ||||||
Geodesy | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Historical geology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Historical geology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Geomorphology and Quaternary geology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Geomorphology & Quaternary geology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Soil science | 4 | 30 | 45 | g | |||||
Structural geology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Structural geology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Mineralogy | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Field course in historical geology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Field-course of geological mapping | 6 | 108 | g | ||||||
Fieldcourse on the geomorphology and quaternary geology | 2 | 24 | t | ||||||
Geological mapping | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Mechanics and strength of materials | 4 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Fundamentals of statistics | 3 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Sedimentology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Sedimentology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Total: | 48 | 345 | 315 | 162 |
Third year in applied geology, specialization: geodynamics and geological mapping | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | kt | prak | sem_dyp | exam |
Introduction to geophysics | e | ||||||||
Geological Remote Sensing | g | ||||||||
Dynamic geology - selected issues | 3 | 30 | g | ||||||
Well logging | 5 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Geological geophysics | 4 | 60 | g | ||||||
Geoinformatics in geology | 2 | 15 | 15 | g | |||||
Subsurface geological mapping | g | ||||||||
Subsurface geological mapping | e | ||||||||
Regional geology of Poland | 1 | 15 | g | ||||||
Regional geology of Poland | 2 | 45 | e | ||||||
Geology of mineral deposits | 1 | 15 | g | ||||||
Geology of mineral deposits | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Engineering computer graphics | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Field training in applied geology and the environment protection | 4 | 72 | t | ||||||
Field course in the Sudety Mts. | 2 | 30 | t | ||||||
Drilling operations - field course | 2 | 30 | t | ||||||
Mineral deposits prospecting and exploration methodes | 3 | 30 | 15 | g | |||||
Applied palaeontology | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Applied palaeontology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Petrology I | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||
Petrology I | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||
Drilling and elements of mining | 2 | 30 | 15 | g | |||||
Spatial planning | 3 | 30 | 15 | g | |||||
Total: | 46 | 300 | 210 | 132 | 60 |
First semester, fourth year in applied geology, specialization: geodynamics and geological mapping | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | kt | prak | sem_dyp | exam |
Records of surface mass movements | g | ||||||||
Subsurface geological mapping | 4 | 30 | 30 | g | |||||
Laboratory study of sedimentary rocks | g | ||||||||
Environmental impact assessments | 4 | 30 | 45 | g | |||||
Diploma seminar (geodynamics and geological mapping) | 5 | 30 | g | ||||||
Total: | 13 | 60 | 75 | 30 |