Courses at
Institute of Polish Language
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- (in Polish) Aplikacje i źródła pomocy językowej 3003-SP-PJ-AZP
- (in Polish) Dostępność cyfrowa 3003-SP-PJ-DC
- (in Polish) Etyka słowa 3003-SP-PJ-ES
- (in Polish) Kanon prostej polszczyzny - wprowadzenie 3003-SP-PJ-KPP
- (in Polish) Laboratorium językowe - praca nad projektem 3003-SP-PJ-LJ
- (in Polish) Ortografia i interpunkcja w praktyce 3003-SP-PJ-OI
- (in Polish) Poprawność gramatyczna 3003-SP-PJ-PG
- (in Polish) Pragmatyka i komunikacja 3003-SP-PJ-PK
- (in Polish) Specjalne potrzeby komunikacyjne w społeczeństwie 3003-SP-PJ-SPK
- (in Polish) Wizualizacja w komunikacji 3003-SP-PJ-WK
- (in Polish) Warsztaty prostego języka 3003-SP-PJ-WPP
- (in Polish) Wokół słów i znaczeń 3003-SP-PJ-WSZ
- (in Polish) Prosty język na świecie i w Polsce 3003-SP-PJ-ŚP
- Artistic language in different periods. Let's talk about the language of writers (and not only). 3003-13B2JA-KON-NT
- "How he ripped!" Who, to whom and what? - the lexis and phraseology of modern Polish 3003-C4TN-KJ1
- "That's the situation". Description of the latest Polish lexicon 3003-C353KJ1
- "That's the situation". Description of the latest Polish lexicon 3003-C453KJ1
- Arunas, Babakaj, Marika, and Szejndla - anthroponymy of national and ethnic minorities in Poland (historical perspective) 3003-C4TN-HJ1
- Can we see speech sounds? 3003-C3N-HJ1
- Contemporary changes in Polish: inclusive communication and other lexico-semantics phenomena 3003-C461GO1
- Contemporary changes in Polish: the inclusive language and other lexico-grammatical phenomena 3003-C353GO1
- Contemporary Polish Vocabulary 3003-C461KJ1
- Contemporary youth lexis - lexicographic seminar 3003-C3N-KJ1
- Contemporary youth lexis - lexicographic seminar 3003-C4TN-KJ2
- Culture of Polish Language 3003-P1A1KJ
- Culture of Polish Language I 3003-11A1KT
- Culture of Polish Language II 3003-11A2KT
- Descriptive Grammar of Polish 3003-P1A1GO
- Dialectology 3003-11A3DL
- Does the San reach the Vistula in Sandomierz and is Marianna the 'maiden of Mary'? - onomastic seminar 3003-C461HJ1
- First names and surnames of Polish Jews 3003-IIN-OG
- Fundamentals of Nonviolent Communication 3003-PJB1W1
- Fundamentals of UX Writing 3003-PJB1W2
- he Individual and Society: The Issue of Identity in Literature and Other Contexts 3003-PTLK
- History of Polish Language 3003-11B2HJ
- History of Polish Language 3003-11B1HJ
- History of the Polish Language 3003-13B2HJ
- How does human brain learn? What do we know about main features of senses? 3003-C3N-HJ2
- Information Technology 3003-BA1TIN
- Information Technology 3003-11A1TI
- Information Technology 3003-P1A1TI
- Internship 1 3003-PJB1PR
- Introduction to Diachronic Linguistics 3003-11A2JD
- Introduction to Diachronic Linguistics 3003-P1A2JD
- Introduction to Diachronic Linguistics 3003-11A1JD
- Introduction to Diachronic Linguistics 3003-P1A1JD
- Introduction to natural language processing 3003-C3N-JK1
- Introduction to Plain Language: Sources, Ideas, and Implementations 3003-PJB1WJ
- Introduction to Sychronic Linguistics 3003-11A1JS
- Introduction to Sychronic Linguistics 3003-P1A1JS
- Is Szkaradowo ugly, what was the fault of Karina and why so many Nowaks - onomastic seminar 3003-ZU2362HJP1
- Language and medicine 3003-C3K-GO2
- Language and medicine 3003-C4K-GO2
- Language in social context 3003-JKS
- Latin in the History of the Polish Language 3003-P1A1LD
- Lexicography 3003-11B1LG
- Linguistic aspects of translation 3003-P1A2JA
- Loanwords in Polish 3003-C453JK1
- Lost in translation. Words, constructions and concepts in English-Polish translation 3003-C33TGO1
- Lost in translation. Words, constructions and concepts in English-Polish translation 3003-C43TGO1
- Lost in translation. Words, constructions and concepts in English-Polish translation 3007-L1T1MF1
- Methodology of linguistic studies - diachronic 3003-11B1MD
- Methodology of linguistic studies – synchronous 3003-11B1MS
- Not only memes. Contemporary texts of culture from the perspective of a linguist 3003-C362KJ2
- Persuasion and linguistic manipulation in various types of discourse 3003-C4K-GO1
- Plain Language in Practice: Banking Sector 3003-PJB1PJ-1
- Plain Language in Practice: Editorial Workshops 3003-PJB1PJ
- Plain Language in Practice: Insurance Sector 3003-PJB1PJ-3
- Plain Language in Practice: Legal Texts 3003-PJB1PJ-2
- Plain Language in Practice: Public Offices and Institutions 3003-PJB1PJ-4
- Polish Descriptive Grammar 3003-11A1GP
- Polish Descriptive Grammar I 3003-11A1GR
- Polish Descriptive Grammar II 3003-11A2GR
- Polish Historical Grammar 3003-11A3GH
- Polish old and contemporary, general, regional and dialect vocabulary 3003-C362HJ1
- Polish vocabulary and concepts through the ages 3003-C453HJ1
- Problems of the contemporary Polish language - in practical and functional terms 3003-C4TN-KJ3
- Quantitative Approaches to Style: Literary Texts and Computer Stylometry 3003-C4TN-JK1
- Redaction of scientific texts 3003-11B1OJ
- Semantic inquiries 3003-C3K-GO1
- Semantic inquiries 3003-C4TN-GO1
- Stylistics 3003-11A3ST
- Taming words - lexical correctness workshop 3003-OSW-OG
- The image of life and culture of Polish society fixed in vocabulary 3003-C3T-HJ1
- The role of lexical borrowings in the development of the vocabulary of the Polish language 3003-C4TN-HJ2
- The world within a language – contemporary Polish as reflected in words, texts, and concepts 3003-C361GO1
- The world within a language – contemporary Polish as reflected in words, texts, and concepts 3003-C462GO1
- Thought - picture - word 3003-C453GO1
- Tools and Resources for Plain Language 3003-PJB1NU
- Why Aleksandra is Ola (onomastics) 3003-C361HJ1
- Why Aleksandra is Ola (onomastics) 3003-C462HJ1
- Why did Marianne displace Maria (onomastics) 3003-C353HJ1
- Word culture 3003-11A1KS
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