Thought - picture - word 3003-C453GO1
The topics of the course are the following:
1. Speech act typology.
2. Text and its characteristics
3. The essence of a work of visual art (painting, sculpture, poster).
4. Language functions and the functions of a work of art.
5. Ways of visualizing elements of language in works of art.
6. Written texts in painting.
7. A book as a prop in painting.
8. Chosen speech acts in painting and in sculpture.
9. The picture of orators in rhetoric manuals and in chosen works of plastic art.
10. Ekphrasis as a a genre of text
11. Body language (the role of gestures and mime in various speech acts.
12. Locution, Illocution, and Perlocution in the fine arts.
13. Color in painting and language.
14. Analysis of chosen works of art with respect to their reference to language facts.
15. Linguistic picture of the world and its influence on Polish and foreign painting.
16. Stereotypes in language.
17. Analysis of selected ekphrasis in terms of their references to the described works of art.
18. The role of linguistic and artistic signs in advertising, theater and social posters.
19. Linguistic potential of advertising posters.
20. The imagery of language and the rhetoric of image.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
A student who has completed the course:
- employs basic notions pertaining to pragmatics and cognitive linguistics;
- analyzes the functions of verbal and non-verbal elements of an utterance;
- interprets works of visual arts with respect to their reference to natural language (langue or parole);
- employs the tools accessible in humanities in order to work on the topic of his/her choice, compile bibliography, collect material and analyze it.
Assessment criteria
Evaluation based on:
1) attendance;
2) active participation in the course;
3) writing a bachelor's thesis.
Ad 1) Attendance will be checked at each class. Two absences per semester are allowed. Above this number (except for immediately documented cases, e.g. sick leave) - it is not possible to pass the classes. Excused extra absences must be made up in the manner indicated by the person conducting the classes.
Ad 2) Active participation in classes requires reading the books and articles discussed at the seminar, preparing presentation and lecture on one of subjects from the program of seminar,
presenting the results of one's own work on a selected topic and taking part in discussions regarding the discussed issues.
Ad 3) Final passing of the seminar is possible after presenting the written bachelor's thesis and accepting it by the instructor.
ECTS points obtained by the student:
2 points ECTS – participation in a seminar (60 hours);
2 points ECTS - ongoing preparation for classes (60 hours);
1 point ECTS - preparation of presentation and lecture on one of subject from the program of seminar (30 hours);
5 points ECTS - preparation of bachelor's thesis (150 hours).
The use of artificial intelligence tools by seminar participants requires consultation with the person conducting the classes (in accordance with Resolution No. 98 of the University Council for Education).
1. Alberti L. B., O malarstwie, tłumaczenie L. Winniczuk, opracowanie Maria Rzepińska, Wrocław 1963.
2. Austin J. J., Jak działać słowami, [w:] John L. Austin, Mówienie i poznawanie, Warszawa 1993.
3. Barthes R,, Retoryka obrazu, „Pamiętnik literacki”, nr 3/1985, s. 289-302.
4. Bartmiński J. (red.) Językowy obraz świata, Lublin 1990 (i wyd.), 1999 (ii wyd.).
5. Bartmiński J. (red.), Współczesny język polski, Lublin 2001.
6. Bartmiński J., Niebrzegowska-Bartmińska S., Szadura J. (red.), Akty i gatunki mowy, Lublin 2004 (wybrane teksty).
7. Bralczyk J., Język na sprzedaż, Warszawa 2000.
8. Fulfer, Czytanie z twarzy, Warszawa 2006.
9. Leonardo da Vinci, Traktat o malarstwie [w:] „Teksty źródłowe do dziejów historii sztuki”, t. XXV, Wrocław 1984.
10. Lewiński P. H., Retoryka reklamy, Wrocław 1999.
11. Maćkiewicz J., Słowo o słowie: potoczna wiedza o języku, Gdańsk 1999.
12. Paese A., Mowa ciała, Kielce 2001.
13. Rusinek, Retoryka obrazu, Gdańsk 2012.
14. Solso R. L., Cognition and the visual arts, MIT, Boston 1996.
15. Szczęsna E., Poetyka reklamy, Warszawa 2001.
16. Vasari G., Żywoty najsławniejszych malarzy, rzeźbiarzy i architektów, Warszawa 1979.
17. Wierzbicka A., Język – umysł – kultura, Warszawa 1999 (wybrane teksty).
18. Wierzbicka E., Elementy niewerbalne wybranych aktów mowy, utrwalone w malarstwie, [w:] „Język a kultura”, t. 23, Wrocław 2012, s.
19. Wierzbicka E., Z problemów semiotyki plakatu, “Przegląd Humanistyczny” 1977, nr
20. Ziomek Jerzy, Retoryka opisowa, Wrocław 1990.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: