Courses at
Institute of Musicology
- (in Polish) Praktyki zawodowe w zakresie nauczania przedmiotu Formy muzyczne 3106-PRAKTYKI-FM
- (in Polish) Praktyki zawodowe w zakresie nauczania przedmiotu historia muzyki 3106-PRAKTYKI-HM
- (in Polish) Polska muzyka ludowa (moduł III) 3106-PML
- (in Polish) Choreografowie i choreografie XX wieku 3106-CHO-OG
- (in Polish) Wokół Bachowskich Pasji 3106-JSBMON
- (in Polish) Sound studies 3106-SS-F
- Music in the former Poland 3106-1MDAP-KON
- “Born in U.S.A.”: socio-political issues in American popular music 3106-AmPop-OG
- All you need to know about Fryderyk Chopin 3106-AllChopin-OG
- Anthropology of Music 3106-AM
- Apprenticeship 3106-1PRAKTYKI
- Archaeomusicology (module VI) 3106-1ARMUZ-W
- Around the Musical Notation 3106-WZM-F
- Around the Sacred Drama (II module) 3106-1WDRR-KON
- Auditory analysis of music literature 3106-ANALIT
- Auditory culture (module 4) 3106-1KULTA-W
- Basic problems of Psychology of Music 3106-POPPP
- Between early and modern Polish music (module 3) 3106-MSW-KON
- Compositional techniques of 18th and 19th centuries (module 1) 3106-TECHKO-KON
- Compositorial techniques before 1600 (module I) 3106-1TEKO-KON
- Contemporary Compositional Techniques (module 1) 3106-WWK-KON
- Counterpoint 2 (faculty) 3106-1CP2-F
- Diploma seminar 3106-SEMDYPARK
- Diploma seminar 3106-SEMDYPSM
- Diploma seminar 3106-SEMDYPTG
- Diploma Seminar 3106-SEMDYPAGZ
- Diploma Seminar 3106-SEMDYPIB
- Diploma Seminar 3106-SEMDYPIL
- Diploma Seminar 3106-SEMDYPSP
- Diploma Seminar 3106-SEMDYPTB
- Diploma Seminar 3106-SEMDYPTJ
- Diploma Seminar 3106-SEMDYPZE
- diploma seminar 3106-SEMKNACH
- Diploma seminar dr hab. A. Leszczyńska 3106-SEMDYPAL
- Early Music in Poland 3106-EarM-OG
- Elaboration of field materials 3106-OPRMT-F
- Ethnomusicological field exercises 3106-ETNOTEREN
- Ethnomusicology 1 3106-ETNOM1
- Ethnomusicology 2 3106-ETNOM2
- Ethnomusicology 3 3106-ETNOM3
- Field Research Methods 3106-MBT-F
- Folk vocal traditions in the eastern borderlands (Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian-Ukrainian) 3106-LTW-OG
- From music history issues 3106-ZAHIM-KON
- From Symbolism to Modernism. Synthesis of the arts in music at the turn of the 20th century 3106-SymMod-F
- Fryderyk Chopin’s output (module 3) 3106-TWCHOP-KON
- Fundamental Issues in European Philosophy 3106-PZFE-W
- Gamelan - Practice of Playing in an Indonesian Orchestra 3106-1GA-F
- Genres of early vocal polyphony (module V) 3106-1GDPW-W
- History of 19th century music 3106-HMXIX
- History of Baroque Music 3106-HMB
- History of Classicist Music 3106-HMK
- History of jazz (module IV) 3106-1JAZZ-KON
- History of Music of the 20th and 21st Centuries 3106-HMXXiXXI
- History of music theory 1 3106-2HITM
- History of music theory 2 3106-HITEM
- History of opera and related genres of XVII-XIX cent. - chosen topics 3106-HGMSXVII/XIX-W
- History of opera and related genres of XVII-XIX cent. - chosen topics 3106-HGMSXVII/XXI-2
- History of Polish Folk Song and Dance Ensembles 3106-HPZ-OG
- History Of Polish Music - the 20th and 21st centuries. 3106-ZDMPXXiXXI
- History of Polish music in the 18th and 19th centuries 3106-ZDMP-W
- History of Renaissance Music 3106-HMR
- History of rock (module 4) 3106-HROCK-W
- History of the American Musical 3106-HISTAM-F
- How to understand opera (module 2) 3106-ZO-KON
- Information Technology 3106-1TI
- Instrumental music of the 18th-19th centuries (module V) 3106-1MI18/19-KON
- Instrumentology 3106-1INSTR-F
- Instruments of Europe 3106-InEu-OG
- Intellectual property rights 3106-POWI
- Introduction to Musicology 3106-PROMUZ
- Keyboard music by Johann Sebastian Bach 3106-MKJSB
- Laboratory I 3106-PRAC-I
- Laboratory II 3106-PRAC-II
- Laboratory III 3106-PRAC-III
- Laboratory IV 3106-PRAC-IV
- Laboratory of new music (module IV) 3106-LABMUN
- Laboratory V 3106-PRAC-V
- Library training BUW 3106-SZKOLBUW
- Literature and music 3106-LiM-OG
- Medieval Music Practice 3106-PraMS-OG
- Methodology of Teaching History of Music 1 3106-1MH1-P
- Methodology of Teaching History of Music 2 3106-1MH2-P
- Methodology of Teaching Musical Forms 1 3106-1MF1-P
- Methodology of Teaching Musical Forms 2 3106-1MF2-P
- Methods of analysis 3106-METAN
- Music Aesthetics 3106-1ES
- Music and media (module 6) 3106-MIM-KON
- Music and moving picture (module II) 3106-MUZOB-KON
- Music and politics (module 6) 3106-MP-W
- Music basics 3106-ZM1
- Music basics 3106-ZM2
- Music Criticism and Journalism (module V) 3106-KRYM-W
- Music Culture Today 3106-WKM-OG
- Music in ancient times 3106-MWS-W
- Music in social communication (module 6) 3106-2MUZKOM-KON
- Music in the oral tradition (module V) 3106-MUZOR-W
- Music practice 2 3106-MUSPRACT2-OG
- Music Therapy 1 3106-2TER1
- Music Therapy 2 3106-2TER2
- Musica practica 1 3106-MUSPRACT1-OG