Courses at
Faculty of Psychology
- Self-Experience in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy 2500-EN-PS-EAc-06
- Self-presentation and public speaking 2500-PL-PS-SP11-08
- Self-regulation 2500-PL-PS-FO8-08
- Sex, gender & psychology I 2500-EN-PS-EAc-43
- Sex, gender & psychology II 2500-EN-PS-EAc-48
- Sexology 2500-PL-PS-SP308-13
- Social aspects of sexology 2500-PL-PS-FO8-09
- Social Dilemmas and Justice 2500-EN-PS-EAc6-04
- Social Psychology 2500-PL-PS-OB2L-3
- Social Psychology 2500-PL-PS-OB2L-3-OG
- Social Psychology 2500-EN-PS-OB2L-3
- Some determinants of emotion control 2500-PL-PS-SP9-36
- Special developmental needs in education 2500-PL-PS-SP5-01
- Specialization - Animal Assisted Intervention 2500-PL-SPZ-SPEC2
- Specialization - Canine and Horse Behavior Modification and Advanced Training 2500-PL-SPZ-SPEC1
- Specialization - Economic psychology 2500-SP311-EGZ
- Specialization - Social Research 2500-SP315-EGZ
- Specialization -Business psychology 2500-SP311-2-EGZ
- Specialization in applied educational psychology 2500-SP305-EGZ
- Specialization in Clinical Child Psychology 2500-SP302-14-EGZ
- Specialization in clinical neuropsychology 2500-SP301-EGZ
- Specialization in Organizational and Occupational Psychology 2500-SP303-EGZ
- Specialization: Business Psychology 2500-EN-SPEC-Busin.
- Specialization: Clinical Psychology - track: Neuropsychology 2500-EN-SPEC-Neuro
- Specialization: Clinical Psychology - track: Psychotherapy 2500-EN-SPEC-Psych
- Specialization: General Psychology 2500-EN-SPEC-General
- Specialization: Social Research 2500-EN-SPEC-SocRes
- Standard diagnostic techniques 2500-PL-PS-OB2L-5
- Standardized and clinical - experimental methods of examination 2500-PL-PS-SP302-16
- Standardized and Experimental Assessment Instruments in Clinical Psychology of Child 2500-POD-DK-STiEK
- Standardized Diagnostic Testing 2500-EN-PS-OB2L-4
- Statistic III 2500-PL-PS-OB2L-4
- Statistics I 2500-PL-PS-OB1L-1
- Statistics I 2500-EN-PS-OB1L-2
- Statistics II 2500-PL-PS-OB2Z-5
- Statistics II 2500-EN-PS-OB2Z-2
- Statistics III 2500-EN-PS-OB2L-5
- Statistics with R 2500-EN-COG-F4
- Stress coping with introduction to mindfulness 2500-EN-PS-EAc-46
- Stress management training 2500-PL-PS-SP9-34
- Stress management with support of character strengths 2500-PL-PS-SP9-35
- Structural Equation Modeling - Continuation 2500-PL-PS-SP15-18
- Structural Equation Modeling - Introduction 2500-PL-PS-SP15-17
- Structural equation modelling in psychology 1600-SZD-SPEC-MBP-PS
- Structural equation modelling in psychology 1600-SZD-SPEC-MRS-PS
- Structural equation modelling in social sciences 1600-SZD-ID-MRS
- Supervision of diagnostic process in clinical practice 2500-POD-DK-SPD
- Support of social and vocational integration of persons with disability 2500-PL-PS-SP306-08
- Supporting Personality Development specialization 2500-SP309-EGZ
- Systemic Family Therapy 2500-EN-PS-CSP5-02
- Team work and team management 2500-PL-PS-SP11-07
- Techniques in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy 2500-EN-PS-CSP5-04
- Techniques in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy 2500-EN-PS-CSP5-03
- Test methods of neuropsychological assessment 2500-PL-PS-SP301-14
- The art of observation 2500-PL-PS-FS7-03
- The body - mind relationship. The psychological support for people with somatic problems 2500-PL-PS-SP306-13
- The child with congenital disease: genetically conditioned syndromes and congenital anomalies 2500-PL-PS-FS8-03
- The developmental disorders in children. Part I - the relational perspective 2500-PL-PS-SP302-01
- The framing effect in risky decision making 2500-PL-PS-FO2-01
- The process and techniques of work in individual coaching in the multi-level approach 2500-PL-PS-SP9-30
- The prosocial nature of humans 2500-PL-PS-FO3-04
- The psychotherapy of children and adolescents - the basic mechanisms 2500-PL-PS-SP302-17
- The role of play in identity development and well-being reinforcement in adults 2500-PL-PS-FS-06
- Theoretical and clinical aspects of attachment 2500-PL-PS-SP302-06
- Theories of Developmental Psychopathology 2500-POD-DK-TZROW-1
- Theories of Developmental Psychopathology 2500-POD-DK-TZROW-2
- Theories of Developmental Psychopathology 2500-POD-DK-TZROW-3
- Theories of Developmental Psychopathology 2500-POD-DK-TZROW-4
- Theories of Family Psychopathology 2500-POD-DK-TZRODZ
- Theory and practice of mindfulness 2500-PL-PS-FS4-02
- Theory and practice of neuropsychological assessment 2500-PL-PS-SP301-05
- Therapeutic interventions for people on the autism spectrum – clinical science perspective 2500-PL-PS-FS8-11
- Therapeutic Interventions for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder - Clinical Science Perspective 2500-EN-PS-EAc1-04
- Training in Psychotherapy: Practice in Psychotherapy under the Supervision 2500-POD-01
- Training internship 2500-PL-PS-SP9-32
- Training iterpersonalny 2500-PL-PS-SP309-03
- Training of well-being and balance in life 2500-POD-PWP-TBD
- Traumatic stress 2500-PL-PS-SP6-01
- Treatment of PTSD 2500-EN-PS-EAc-32
- Trends and methods in neuropsychological rehabilitation 2500-PL-PS-SP301-11
- Trends and methods in neuropsychological rehabilitation 2500-PL-PS-SP301-08
- Unconscious emotions - help or hindrance 2500-PL-PS-FO4-05
- Use of Animals in Animal Assisted Intervention 2500-PL-SPZ-SP-9
- Use of Animals in Animal Assisted Intervention 2500-PL-PS-FS-08
- Using the Genograms in Own Psychotherapy 2500-PL-PS-SP302-18
- What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Autism? 2500-EN-PS-EAc-41
- What is school for? - Pedagogical theories behind theacher's work 2500-PL-PS-SP305-19
- Work-life balance: psychosocial aspects 2500-PL-PS-SP3-O1
- Working psychologically with teachers 2500-PL-PS-SP305-05
- Working with Patients with Neurocognitive Disorders 2500-EN-PS-EAp-02
- Workplace risk assessment and prevention 2500-PL-PS-SP3-F7
- World of people with disability and chronic disease - workshop 2500-PL-PS-SP306-01