Theoretical and clinical aspects of attachment 2500-PL-PS-SP302-06
1. Introduction. Basics of attachment theory. Ontogenesis of attachment.
2. Social-emotional development - new research.
3. Patterns of attachment. Determinants of attachment.
4. Attachment and development. Emotion regulation.
5. Neuropsychological aspects of attachment.
6. Making meaning of the child's behaviour. Analysis of observation protocols.
7. Specificity of the father-child attachment.
8. Further research trends in interpersonal and interactional approaches. Sharing of intentions. Companionship.
9. Mentalizing - concept and application in clinical practice. Insightfulness. Analysis of interviews.
10. Marital relationship and parent-child attachment - work with the text.
11. Attachment in adulthood. Intergenerational transmission.
12. Disorganized attachment. Reaction to separation. "Earned secure” attachment.
13. Attachment disorders.
14. Adoption. Foster care.
15. Attachment and psychotherapy.
Term 2023Z:
This course is designed to discuss attachment theory and related issues. Attachment theory refers to early child-caregiver relation and its importance for development. It addresses developmental as well as clinical perspective. Attachment theory has become one of the major approaches in child developmental and clinical psychology. It is essential for all child psychologists and psychotherapists. |
Term 2024Z:
This course is designed to discuss attachment theory and related issues. Attachment theory refers to early child-caregiver relation and its importance for development. It addresses developmental as well as clinical perspective. Attachment theory has become one of the major approaches in child developmental and clinical psychology. It is essential for all child psychologists and psychotherapists. |
Main fields of studies for MISMaP
Type of course
elective courses
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge of attachment theory and it’s practical application.
Knowledge of new research and therapeutic developments rooted in attachment theory.
Knowledge of attachment measures.
Skills necessary for writing observation protocols.
Capability of interpreting parent-child interaction from the perspective of attachment theory.
Capability of making critical literature review.
Practice of forming research questions.
Practice of discussion based on reliable research data.
Assessment criteria
Written test
Bowlby, J. (2007). Przywiązanie. Warszawa: PWN. Rozdział 18 Wzorce przywiązania oraz ich uwarunkowania, str. 365-383.
Czub, M. (2014). Specyfika relacji dziecka z ojcem w pierwszych latach życia z perspektywy teorii przywiązania. Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka, 13(3).
Feeney, B. C., i Monin, J. K. (2008). An attachment-theoretical perspective on divorce. In J. Cassidy i P. R. Shaver (Red.), Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications (wyd.3., str. 934–957). The Guilford Press.
Feldman, R. (2017). The Neurobiology of Human Attachments. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21(2), 80–99.
Fonagy, P. (2003). Fonagy and Target’s model of mentalization. (str. 270-283). W. P. Fonagy i M. Target. Psychoanalytic Theories – Perspectives from Developmental Psychopathology.
Hall, R. A. S., De Waard, I. E. M., Tooten, A., Hoffenkamp, H. N., Vingerhoets, A. J. J. M., & van Bakel, H. J. A. (2014). From the father’s point of view: How father’s representations of the infant impact on father–infant interaction and infant development. Early Human Development, 90(12), 877–883.
Holmes, J. (2001). The search for Secure Base. Attachment Theory and Psychotherapy. (Appendix str. 144-167).
Kliewer-Neumann, J. D., Janin Zimmermann J., Bovenschen, I., Gabler, S., Lang, K., Spangler, G., & Nowacki, K. (2023). Attachment Disorder Symptoms in Foster Children: Development and Associations with Attachment Security”. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 17, nr 1: 98.
Lieberman, A., Wieder, S., Fenichel, E. (2013). DC:0-3R. Opisy kliniczne dzieci oraz ich rodzin. Warszawa:Oficyna wydawnicza FUNDAMENT. (Rozdz.:150 Zaburzenie związane z deprywacją/ maltertowaniem., 210 Przedłużająca się reakcja żałoby/smutku –Turner i Joey)
Mikulincer, . &, Shaver, P.R. (2019). Attachment orientations and emotion regulation. Current Opinion in Psychology 25:6-10.
Olhaberry, M.P., León, M.J., Coo, S., Barrientos, M. & Carola Pérez, J.C.(2022). An Explanatory Model of Parental Sensitivity in the Mother–Father–Infant Triad”. Infant Mental Health Journal 43, nr 5: 714–29.
Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., (2002). Mother’s insightfulness regarding their childrens internal world.s: the capacity underlying securechild-mother relationship. Infant Mental Health Journal, 6, str. 593-605.
Senator, D. (2004). Więź w triadzie matka-ojciec-dziecko jako matryca rozwoju psychicznego dziecka. Psychologia Rozwojowa – Rodzina jako środowisko rozwoju dzieci i rodziców, tom 9, nr 2, str. 11-16.
Senator, D. (2005). Wczesnodziecięca trauma relacyjna. Nowiny Psychologiczne, 1, s 5-24.
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Senator, D. (2012). Więź z rodzicami a ryzyko zaburzeń rozwoju emocjonalnego dzieci i młodzieży. W: B. Tryjarska „Bliskość w rodzinie. Więzi w dzieciństwie a zaburzenia w dorosłości”, rozdz.2, 43-62, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Sroufe, L. A. (2005). Attachment and Development: A Prospective, Longitudinal Study from Birth to Adulthood. Attachment & Human Development 7, 4: 349–67.
Tomasello, M., Carpenter, M., Call, J., Behne, T., & Moll, H. (2005). Understanding and sharing intentions: The origins of cultural cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28, 675 - 691.
Verhage, M. L., Carlo Schuengel, C., Madigan, S., Fearon R.M. P., Oosterman, M., Cassibba R., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J i van IJzendoorn, M.H. (2016). Narrowing the Transmission Gap: A Synthesis of Three Decades of Research on Intergenerational Transmission of Attachment. Psychological Bulletin 142, 4: 337–66.
Zalewska, M. (2002). Narcyz i Liriope – czyli dramat macierzyństwa. W: K. Schier i M. Zalewska, M., Krewni i znajomi Edypa. Kliniczne studia dzieci i ich rodziców. (s. 54 - 65). Warszawa: SCHOLAR
Term 2023Z:
Term 2024Z:
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