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Study programmes > Second-cycle studies > Applied Geology > Applied geology, full-time, second cycle degree

Applied geology, full-time, second cycle degree (S2-GES)

(in Polish: Geologia stosowana, stacjonarne, drugiego stopnia)
second cycle programme
full-time, 2-year studies
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

ECTS Coordinators:

Qualification awarded:

Second cycle degree - magister - in applied geology, speciality: engineering geology
Second cycle degree - magister - in applied geology, speciality: environmental geology
Second cycle degree - magister - in applied geology, speciality: hydrogeology
Second cycle degree - magister - in applied geology, speciality: management of mineral resources
Second cycle degree - magister - in applied geology, speciality: tectonic and geological cartography

Access to further studies:

doctoral school, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

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The graduate achieves the following learning outcomes defined for the study programme:
- has depended knowledge in issues related to the processes of rock formation and differentiation in specific environments, knows the influence of these processes on the formation of the Earth, and the formation of mineral, fluid and gaseous resources,
- can analyse the results of analyses with regard to prospecting for resources, geomaterial and mineral resources application in science and industry,
- can use the latest numerical modelling in the interpretation of results obtained from the analyses and present their implication in scientific and commercial applications,
- can achieve the expected goals in a most simple and most effective way, using a wide range of geological research works,
- can individually plan and conduct fieldwork and laboratory analyses, and present the obtained results with regard to literature data,
- has social competencies indispensable for teamwork, in various roles,
- appreciates the need of continuous learning and further development of the achieved professional abilities, in various forms of life long learning
- knows how to make use of specialistic bibliography, present the results of individual research, and the research of other scientists,
- has qualifications to undertake professional tasks or scientific research during 3rd level studies.

Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lecture
cl - Classes
kon - Seminar
kt - Field course
prac_mgr - Second cycle diploma seminar
prak - Placement
pr_zaw - Professional placement
sem - Seminar
sem_mgr - Second cycle diploma seminar
c - Pass/fail
e - Examination
g - Grading
t - Graded test
Second semester, first year, hydrogeologyECTSlectclkonktprac_mgrprakpr_zawsemsem_mgrexam
Engineering Geology230g
Engineering Geology330e
MSc Seminar - hydrogeology230g
Mineral and balneologic waters in Poland115g
First semester, first year, tectonic and geological cartographyECTSlectclkonktprac_mgrprakpr_zawsemsem_mgrexam
Computer graphics and geological documentation115g
Structural geology field courseg
Geophysical methods in tectonics445g
Practicum of basic geomechanics330g
Professional placement4192g
Tectonics (part1)e
Second semester, first year, tectonic and geological cartographyECTSlectclkonktprac_mgrprakpr_zawsemsem_mgrexam
Methodology of stratigraphyg
Methodology of stratigraphy330e
MSc Seminar - Tectonic and geological cartography230g
Tectonics (part2)e
First semester, second year, tectonic and geological cartographyECTSlectclkonktprac_mgrprakpr_zawsemsem_mgrexam
Geomechanics in tectonics115g
Geological and mining law230g
Master Diploma Laboratory20*g
Fault Sealg
GIS technology in geological mappingg
Second semester, first year, management of mineral resourcesECTSlectclkonktprac_mgrprakpr_zawsemsem_mgrexam
Databases and numerical modeling of geological-geochemical processesg
Petrology II (part 1)g
Second semester, second year, management of mineral resourcesECTSlectclkonktprac_mgrprakpr_zawsemsem_mgrexam
Master Diploma Laboratory20*g
Technology of mineral raw materialsg
Technology of mineral raw materialse
Second semester, first year, engineering geologyECTSlectclkonktprac_mgrprakpr_zawsemsem_mgrexam
Engineering Geology230g
Engineering Geology330e
Geotechnical designg
Geotechnical designe
Master Diploma Seminar - engineering geology230g
Master Diploma Seminar - engineering geologyg
Second semester, second year, engineering geologyECTSlectclkonktprac_mgrprakpr_zawsemsem_mgrexam
Urban geology115g
Master Diploma Laboratory20*g
MSc Seminar - engineering geology430g
Soil stabilization115g
Second semester, second year, environmental geologyECTSlectclkonktprac_mgrprakpr_zawsemsem_mgrexam
Master Diploma Laboratory20*g

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/