Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
- Security of the Global South countries 2104-M-D2BEPP-SRG
- Security Research Methodology 2102-BW-M-Z2MBNB
- Security studies 2102-L-D2NABE
- Security studies 2102-L-Z2NABE
- Security studies - discipline seminar 1600-SZD-SD-NoB
- Security system in the Asia-Pacific Region 2104-ERASMUS-SSIA
- Seminar 2102-BW-L-Z5SEMA
- Seminar II 2102-L-D6SELI-II
- Seminar in the discipline of political science and administration 1600-SZD-SD-NoPiA
- Shades of populism in Europe and the world 2100-ERASMUS-SHPO
- Single market in goods: liberalisation and regulations of markets 2105-EPE-L-D5SMAG
- Social and cultural issues in Mongolia 2102-BW-L-Z3ZM-OG-Z
- Social care and social work 2100-SPP-L-D4SCSW
- Social communication 2102-BW-M-Z1KOSP
- Social Communication 2102-BW-M-D1KOSP
- Social data analysis 2102-L-Z4AN
- Social Demography 2103-L-D3DEMOG
- Social diagnosis 2103-L-D4DISP
- Social dialogue in practice 2103-ORP-L-D5DSP
- Social economy 2103-ORP-L-D4EKSP
- Social history of Europe 2105-PP-L-D1HSEU
- Social law 2103-L-D3USSP
- Social legislation 2103-ORP-L-D1USSP
- Social legislation 2103-ORP-L-D2USTS
- Social legislation 2103-L-D4USTSP
- Social Movements 2102-M-D1RUSP
- Social Movements 2102-M-Z1RUSP-OB00
- Social Movements in Europe 2105-M-D2RUSP
- Social Movements in Europe 2105-EPE-L-D3SMEU
- Social perception of threats 2102-BW-M-D1SPPZ
- Social perception of threats 2102-BW-M-Z1SPPZ
- Social problems of modern prison 2100-MON-SPWW-OG
- Social psychology 2102-BW-M-Z1PSSP
- Social psychology 2103-L-D2PSSL
- Social Psychology 2102-BW-M-D1PSSP
- Social psychology 2102-L-D2PSSP
- Social psychology 2102-L-Z2PSSP
- Social research methods and techniques 2103-L-D4MTBS
- Social research methods and techniques 2103-L-D3MITBS
- Social security 2103-L-D4ZASP
- Social security 2102-BW-L-D3BESP
- Social security 2102-BW-L-Z3BESP
- Social Security System 2103-ORP-L-D3ZASP
- Social services 2103-L-D5SLSP
- Social statistics 2103-L-D2STSP
- Society and Politics In Popular Culture 2105-ERASMUS-SOPO
- Society and Politics In Popular Culture 2100-MON-SOPO-OG
- Society, culture and religion in international relations 2104-M-D1SKSM
- Sociology 2102-BW-L-D1SOCJ
- Sociology 2102-BW-L-Z1SOCJ
- Sociology 2102-L-D1SOCJ
- Sociology 2105-EPE-L-D2SOCI
- Sociology 2103-L-D1SOCJ
- Sociology of International Relations 2104-L-D2SCSM
- Sociology of International Relations 2104-UPIR-D2SOIR
- Sociology of politics 2102-ANG-L-D3SOPO
- Sociology of Public Life 2105-PP-L-D1SOZP
- Sociology of social institutions 2105-M-D2SOIS
- Sociology of Social Problems 2100-SPP-L-D1SSPR
- Sociology of total institutions and disposable services 2102-BW-M-D2SISD
- Sociology of total institutions and disposable services 2102-BW-M-Z2SISD
- Sociology of work 2103-ORP-L-D1SOPR
- Sources of European Integration 2105-EPE-L-D1SOEI
- South and Central Asia in International Relations 2100-ERASMUS-SCAI
- Special services in international relations 2104-M-D3SLSM-BSS
- Special services in the modern state 2102-BW-L-Z6SSWP
- Specialists of the labour market 2103-ORP-L-D2SRP
- Specialists of the labour market 2103-ORP-L-D1SPRP
- State and Risk Society 2100-CB-M-D1PSRY
- State defense system 2104-M-D2SOPA-BSS
- States of emergency 2102-BW-L-D4SNPA
- States of emergency 2102-BW-L-Z4SNPA-B
- Statistics 2105-EPE-L-D1STAT
- Statistics for the labor market 2103-ORP-L-D2STRP
- Strategic analysis 2104-M-D2ANST-BSS
- Strategic Analysis in Security Studies 1600-SZD-ASNB
- Strategic Gaming in Conflict Stabilisation 2105-M-D2GRST
- Strategies of crime prevention 2102-BW-M-D2STZP
- Strategies of Multinational Corporations 2104-M-D3STRP-MPH
- Strategy in the Security System 2102-BW-M-D3SSBE
- Strategy in the Security System 2102-BW-M-Z3SWSB
- Streams of politological research 2102-M-Z1NUBP
- Streams of politological research 2102-M-D1NUBP
- Studia nad pokojem i rozwiązywanie konfliktów 1600-SZD-SPEC-SP-NB
- Studies on Intelligence Services 2102-BW-M-D1STWY
- Studies on Intelligence Services 2102-BW-M-Z1STWY
- Studies on State and Politics 2105-EPE-L-D1SSAP
- Studies on the State 2104-UPIR-D2STST
- Studies on war and peace 2102-BW-M-D2BNWP
- Studies on war and peace 2102-BW-M-Z2BNWP
- Study of state and politics 2102-BW-L-D1NOPP
- Study of state and politics 2102-BW-L-Z1NOPP
- Study of state and politics 2102-L-Z1NOPP
- Study of state and politics 2103-L-D1NOPP
- Study of state and politics 2105-PP-L-D1NOPP
- Study of state and politics 2104-L-D2NOPP
- Study of state and politics 2100-BW-L-Z1NOPA
- Study visits 2102-BW-L-D6WIST-ZK
- Study visits 2102-BW-L-Z6WISU
- Sustainable Development 2104-M-D1ZRRO