Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Centre for European Regional and Local Studies
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Centre for European Regional and Local Studies
- (in Polish) Metody ewaluacji polityk publicznych-OGUN 4208-MEPP-OG
- (in Polish) Fabryka podróży – kulisy systemów transportowych 4208-Fp-OG
- (in Polish) Pieszo przez miasto. Spacery badawcze po Warszawie 4208-SbW-OG
- (in Polish) Eksperymenty w badaniach efektów polityk publicznych 4208-EBEPP-OG
- (in Polish) Polska na tle historycznych podziałów przestrzeni europejskiej oraz współczesnych przemian gospodarczych, społecznych i politycznych 4208-PntHP-OG
- (in Polish) Wzloty i upadki imperiów i cywilizacji 4208-WUIC-OG
- City in motion – space, society, mobility 4208-Mwr-psm-OG
- Contemporary problems of cities and regions 4208-Apm-OG
- Critical reading and academic writing 4208-CRAW
- Data and infographics in urban and regional studies 4208-DiIc
- Dilemmas of urban development 4208-DRM-OG
- Diploma Practices 4208-M4PRA
- Diploma Practices 4208-M4PRAK
- EUROREG 1- seminar 4208-M1EUR
- EUROREG 1- seminar 4208-sEUR1-OG
- EUROREG 2- seminar 4208-M2EUR
- EUROREG 2- seminar 4208-sEUR2-OG
- EUROREG 3- seminar 4208-M3EUR
- EUROREG 4- seminar 4208-M4EUR
- Evolution of the geopolitical situation of the world. Dynamics of civilisations 4208-Nin-OG
- Evolution of the geopolitical situation of the world. Dynamics of civilisations 4208-Esg-OG
- Geography of cities and metropolitan regions 4208-GMiRM-OG
- How does Warsaw work? Practical workshops on improving the city 4208-JdW-OG
- How to improve the efficiency of local government public administration in the area of: residents' comfort, quality of officials' work and strategic planning 4208-JPESAP-OG
- Introduction to urban studies 4208-ITUS
- Introduction to urban studies 4208-ITUS-OG
- Key issues of regional and local studies 4208-KZS
- Languages, Nations and Politics 4208-Jnp-OG
- MA Seminar1 4208-M1SM
- MA Seminar2 4208-M2SM
- MA Seminar3 4208-M3SM
- MA Seminar4 4208-M4SM
- Man in space-introduction to social geography 4208-CwP-WdGS-OG
- Methodology of social science 4208-MBN
- People – Landscape – Memory (On usable and symbolic landscapes and on “nodes of memory”) 4208-LPP-OG
- Planning regional and local development 4208-PRRc
- Public Policy Evaluation Methods 4208-Mepp
- Quantitative economic, social and spatial analyzes - a researcher's workshop-exercises 4208-IAEc
- Quantitative economic, social and spatial analyzes - a researcher's workshop-lecture 4208-IAE-w
- Railway transport 4208-WTK-OG
- Reasons for the low position of Poland and Central and Eastern Europe in the economic race of nations in the light of: 1 the theory of the 2024 Nobel Prize winners in economics, 2 long-term processes 4208-PNPP-OG
- Regionalisms and Separatist/Independence Movements in Europe 4208-RiR-OG
- Research Lab 4208-PB-2
- Research Lab 4208-PB-1
- Research Lab 4208-PB-3
- Socio-cultural characteristics of European countries and regions 4208-SkchEU-OG
- Systematic reviews of scientific literature 4208-SLR
- Systematic reviews of scientific literature 4208-SRL-OG
- Theories and strategies of national and regional development 4208-TiPR
- Theories and strategies of national and regional development 4208-TiPR-OG
- Theory of organization and management - lecture 4208-M3TOZ-OG
- Transport and mobility Oxford debates 4208-DoTP-OG
- Urban governance - urban masterplan in Sim City 4208-SimCity-OG
- Urban Lab: investigating contemporary city 4208-ULic-OG
- Urban political economy 4208-Epm-OG
- Urban renewal processes 4208-Pom-OG