Social Prevention and Resocialisation, day BA studies (S1-PRO)(in Polish: Profilaktyka społeczna i resocjalizacja, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia) | |
first cycle programme full-time, 3-year studies Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólnyKierunek studiów Profilaktyka społeczna i resocjalizacja jest interdyscyplinarny. Oferujemy zajęcia na temat zagadnień teoretycznych i praktycznych przestępczości i zjawisk dewiacyjnych oraz ich zapobiegania. Nasza kadra naukowa to specjaliści z zakresu: kryminologii, pedagogiki, psychologii, prawa, socjologii, pracy socjalnej i inni. Celem studiów I stopnia w IPSiR na kierunku profilaktyka społeczna i resocjalizacja jest przygotowanie specjalistów dla instytucji państwowych, samorządowych i pozarządowych, którzy zajmują się diagnozowaniem problemów społecznych, organizacją środowiska społecznego osób i grup doświadczających problemów społecznych oraz fachowców dla instytucji mających za zadania reagować na problemy społeczne wynikające z patologii społecznych. Jest to kształcenie specjalistów zajmujących się problematyką przestępczości, uzależnienia od środków odurzających, różnego rodzaju zachowaniami dewiacyjnymi dorosłych i młodzieży, w tym szczególnie nieletnich, oraz dysfunkcjami rodziny. Jest to również kształcenie osób zdolnych do fachowego zajmowania się problematyką migracji oraz społeczną adaptacją osób odmiennych kulturowo, a także zagadnieniami związanymi z marginalizacją społeczną osób i grup społecznych wynikającą z biedy, bezrobocia, bezdomności i innych czynników dezintegracji społecznej. Zadaniem studiów IPSiR jest przekazanie w szerokim zakresie ogólnej wiedzy akademickiej w wyżej wymienionym dziedzinach, jak i wiedzy praktycznej, zorientowanej na przygotowanie absolwentów do wykonywania konkretnie sprofilowanych ról zawodowych. W ramach ścieżki edukacyjnej od II roku można wybrać specjalizację zgodnie ze swoimi indywidualnymi zainteresowaniami:
ECTS Coordinators:
Qualification awarded:
Access to further studies:
Learning outcomes
Annot.1 The effects of education for the programme (8-10 most important ones)
After graduating, a student shall demonstrate the following knowledge / skills / competencies:
1. He has basic knowledge of a specific character of social sciences, in particular psychology, sociology, legal sciences, pedagogy, criminology as well as their place in the system of sciences, interrelations between specific scientific disciplines characteristic of the issues of social prevention and resocialisation and their relations with other sciences.
2. He has basic knowledge of the elements and different types of social structures and institutions (and the processes of their transformations) significant for diagnosing the protective factors and risk factors of different social threats which are the subject of preventative and corrective actions.
3. He knows research methods, the stages of research process and the principles of creating research tools and data obtaining techniques used in empirical research and the analyses adequate for the sphere of interest of social prevention and resocialisation.
4. He has basic knowledge of the essence and content matter (and their historical evolution and modifications) of legal, organisational, moral, ethical norms and rules organising the work of social structures and institutions, including social control institutions operating within social prevention, social re-adaptation and resocialisation, he knows professional codes of ethics binding for professionals in the field of social prevention and resocialisation.
5. He is able to take advantage of the basic knowledge within many disciplines of social sciences to interpret social problems, their role and significance for the whole community as well as for individuals, groups and local communities.
6. He diagnoses basic determinants and dynamics of the phenomena requiring intervention and he critically analyses and selects appropriate, scientifically verified counteractions and specialised procedures.
7. He is able to individually and collectively determine the priorities of the projected prophylactic and corrective programs, incorporating in them the needs of individuals and communities that the programs deal with.
8. He can verify the relevance and adequacy of using preventive, educational, therapeutic, supportive, integrated, repressive and other methods of reaction to solve a specific kind of social problems
9. He is able to use the knowledge within many disciplines to analyse, assess the efficiency and costs of various social initiatives and organise strategies, methods and forms in order to counteract social threats and problems.
10. He is able to use basic interdisciplinary knowledge to formulate both his own and collective research projects and use modern technologies, standard methods, research tools and analytical means to correctly execute and/or supervise research execution.
Annot.2 Scope of studies in ECTS points and semesters
180 ECTS points and 6 semesters,
Annot. 3 If the programme is based on standards (teacher training) a relevant ordinance must be provided
not applicable
Annot. 4 Number of ECTS points falling on the classes in the scope of basic sciences, practical classes, including laboratories and project classes and elective module classes.
Basic subjects - 169 ECTS
Practical classes - workshops 2 ECTS for all students and depending on the chosen specialization:
- Re-socialising education – 10 ECTS
- Psycho-sociology of social problems – 4 ECTS
- Migrations and cultural integration – 2 ECTS
Elective classes
- 21 ECTS (seminars, facultative subjects and all-university subjects)
- Specialisations – 48 ECTS
Annot. 5 Information concerning student internship (if provided for in the programme of studies) including the scope of time and number of ECTS points
Student internship 60 hrs. – 4 ECTS;
Course structure diagram:
Abbreviations used in tables: | |
lect - Lecture cl - Classes kon - Seminar kint - E-learning course praktyka - Placement war - Workshops | c - Pass/fail e - Examination g - Grading |
First year of Social Prevention and Resocialisation | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | praktyka | war | exam |
Workplace health and safety | 0.5 | 4 | c | |||||
Intellectual property rights - basic course | 0.5 | 4 | c | |||||
Social pedagogy | 4 | 30 | 30 | g | ||||
Human rights and freedoms | 3 | 30 | e | |||||
Healthpromotion and prevention | 2 | 15 | g | |||||
Criminal law | 2 | 15 | 15 | g | ||||
Developmental Psychology | g | |||||||
Rehabilitative pedagogy | 5 | 30 | 30 | e | ||||
Psychological concepts of the human being | 3 | 15 | 15 | e | ||||
System of social prevention and resocialisation institutions | 3 | 30 | g | |||||
Sociology of Education | 2 | 15 | 15 | g | ||||
Information technology | 2 | 30 | g | |||||
The theory of society and of social problems1 | 5 | 30 | 30 | e | ||||
Integration and animation - workshop | 1 | 15 | g | |||||
Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work | e | |||||||
Introduction to the study of the state and law | 4 | 30 | 30 | e | ||||
Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work | e | |||||||
General university courses | 6.5 | |||||||
Total: | 43.5 | 199 | 195 | 45 | 4 | 15 |
Third year of Social Prevention and Resocialisation, Resocialising Education | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | praktyka | war | exam |
The History of Penal Cultures | 4 | 30 | 30 | e | ||||
History of social thought | 2 | 30 | g | |||||
The Conflict of Cultures and Social Differentiation | 3 | 30 | e | |||||
Social Policy | 2 | 15 | 15 | 15 | g | |||
Social Psychology | e | |||||||
Student's placement | 4 | 90 | c | |||||
Preventive educational projects | 5 | 60 | 60 | e | ||||
Creative rehabilitation in local environment | 5 | 60 | e | |||||
Methodology of physical culture | 2 | 30 | 30 | g | ||||
Social rehabilitation methodology workshop | 5 | 60 | g | |||||
Axiology of resocializing upbringing | e | |||||||
The History of Penal Cultures | e | |||||||
History of social thought | g | |||||||
The Conflict of Cultures and Social Differentiation | e | |||||||
Methods of Evaluation | g | |||||||
Physical education methodology | g | |||||||
Pedagogical basis of custody | e | |||||||
Preventive educational projects | g | |||||||
Social Policy | e | |||||||
Social Psychology | e | |||||||
Rehabilitation in an open environment. | e | |||||||
Theory of the human being and society in pedagogy | g | |||||||
Social rehabilitation methodology workshop | g | |||||||
3401-I-SEM | 4 | |||||||
3401-PRAKTYKA | 4 | |||||||
3401-PRI-SP-WR | 48 | |||||||
3401-WYB-FAK | 6 | |||||||
Total: | 94 | 75 | 135 | 255 | 90 |
Second year of Social Prevention and Resocialisation, Legal-Criminological | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | praktyka | war | exam |
Social research methods | 5 | 30 | 30 | e | ||||
Principles of criminology | 5 | 30 | 30 | e | ||||
Family law and the juvenile justice system | 2 | 15 | 15 | g | ||||
Sociology of organizations and local communities | 2 | 15 | 15 | g | ||||
Law of penal executions | 4 | 30 | 30 | g | ||||
Criminal Policy | 5 | 30 | 30 | e | ||||
Research techniques in criminology | 4 | 30 | e | |||||
Clinical psychology and elements of psychiatry | e | |||||||
The sociology of deviance and of social control | 4 | 30 | 30 | e | ||||
Statistics | g | |||||||
Methods of Social Research | e | |||||||
The principles of contemporary education | e | |||||||
Clinical psychology and elements of psychiatry | e | |||||||
Principles of criminology | e | |||||||
Family law and the juvenile justice system | g | |||||||
Social pedagogy | e | |||||||
Sociology of organizations and local communities | g | |||||||
Sociology of Education | g | |||||||
General university courses | 9.5 | |||||||
3401-PRI-SP-PK | 33 | |||||||
3401-WYB-FAK | 3 | |||||||
Total: | 76.5 | 180 | 180 | 30 |
Third year of Social Prevention and Resocialisation, Legal-Criminological | ECTS | lect | cl | kon | kint | praktyka | war | exam |
The History of Penal Cultures | 4 | 30 | 30 | e | ||||
History of social thought | 2 | 30 | g | |||||
The Conflict of Cultures and Social Differentiation | 3 | 30 | e | |||||
Social Policy | 2 | 15 | 15 | 15 | g | |||
Social Psychology | e | |||||||
Student's placement | 4 | 90 | c | |||||
Comparative criminology | 2 | 30 | 30 | g | ||||
Penology | 3 | 15 | 15 | g | ||||
Comparative criminal justice | 2 | 30 | 30 | g | ||||
The law and penal politics | 5 | 30 | 30 | 30 | e | |||
Sociology of correctional institutions | 5 | 30 | 30 | e | ||||
The History of Penal Cultures | e | |||||||
History of social thought | g | |||||||
The Conflict of Cultures and Social Differentiation | e | |||||||
Student's placement | c | |||||||
Social Policy | e | |||||||
Social Psychology | e | |||||||
Theory of the human being and society in pedagogy | g | |||||||
3401-I-SEM | 4 | |||||||
3401-PRAKTYKA | 4 | |||||||
3401-PRI-SP-PK | 48 | |||||||
3401-WYB-FAK | 6 | |||||||
Total: | 94 | 150 | 180 | 135 | 90 |