Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies
- Speech Techniques 2700-M-WAR-D3TEMO
- Speech Techniques 2700-L-DM-D4TEMO-DZI
- Speech Techniques 2700-L-DM-Z4TEMO-DZI
- Sponsorship communication 2700-KS-SPKK
- Standardization and quality management in logistics 2700-L-LM-D3NZJL
- Standardization and quality management in logistics 2700-L-LM-Z3NZJL
- Statistical analysis in social research 2700-M-LM-D2ASBS
- Statistical analysis in social research 2700-M-LM-Z2ASBS
- Statistics 2700-L-LM-D2STAT
- Statistics 2700-L-LM-Z2STAT
- Statistics 2700-M-ZBD-D1STAT
- Strategic management in public relations and communications: planning and evaluation 1600-SZD-SPEC-ZS-KM
- Strategy and planning in PR 2700-M-DM-D2STPR-PRM
- Student Practice 2700-L-LM-D3PRAK
- Student Practice 2700-L-LM-Z3PRAK
- Studio 2700-L-DM-D4STU-FPR
- Studio 2700-L-DM-Z4STUD-FPR
- Studio photography - part 1 2700-M-DM-D3FOSU-FPR
- Studio photography - part 1 2700-M-DM-Z3FOSU-FPR
- Studio photography - part 2 2700-M-DM-D4FOST-FPR
- Studio photography - part 2 2700-M-DM-Z4FOST-FPR
- Subject description of documents - classification 2700-P1ORDK-PSB
- Subject indexing of documents 2700-L-IN-Z3ID
- Technical aspects of photography 2700-M-DM-Z2ATFO-FPR
- Technical aspects of photography 2700-M-DM-D2ATFO-FPR
- Techniques for Extracting Information 2700-M-DM-D3TWIN-DOK
- Technological-cultural changes of the book market 2700-M-PW-D3ZTKRK
- Technological-cultural changes of the book market 2700-M-PW-Z3ZTKRK
- Television genres 2700-L-LM-D3GATE
- Television genres 2700-L-LM-Z3GATE
- Terminology and Specialized Communication 2700-M-API-D1TKS
- Text data processing - MySQL databases 2700-M-API-D3PPDT
- The art of public presentations 2700-L-FAK-Z-SZWP
- The basics of information retrieval 2700-L-IN-Z1PWI
- The basics of law 2700-L-DM-Z1POPR
- The basics of law 2700-L-DM-D1POPR
- The basics of law 2700-L-LM-D1POPR
- The basics of law 2700-L-LM-Z1POPR
- The book and the law 2700-KP-PSPWK
- The contribution of Polish science and culture to the national heritage of France, Europe and the world (19th century) 2700-L-FAK-Z-WPNK
- The copyright and the issues of publishing 2700-PA-PSPWK
- The culture of algorithms 2700-M-API-D2KA
- The curious cases of books 2700-L-RPZK-OG
- The Directions in the Development of Modern Librarianship 2700-L-IN-Z6KRWB
- The Directions in the Development of Modern Librarianship 2700-L-IN-Z5KRWB
- The elements of batch processing of Big Data collections 2700-M-ZBD-D2EPWZ
- The forms of the e-book and its circulation 2700-L-PW-D3FKEJO
- The forms of the e-book and its circulation 2700-L-PW-Z3FKEJO
- The history of the Polish press in the 19th and 20th centuries. Selected socio-political and cultural issues 2700-L-D-DPP-OG
- The Influence of New Media on United States Presidential Election Campaigns in the Years 2000-2024 2700-M-IMU-FAK-ANG
- The Influence of New Media on United States Presidential Election Campaigns in the Years 2000-2024 2700-ERASMUS-IMU
- The Influence of New Media on United States Presidential Election Campaigns in the years 2000-2024 2700-ERASMUS-IMUSA
- The issues of the Polish book trade 2700-PKP-PSPWK
- The language culture 2700-L-LM-D6KUJE-LMM
- The language culture 2700-L-LM-Z6KUJE-LMM
- The legal and ethical aspects of media regulation 2700-L-FAK-Z-RMAP
- The library space, collection and users. Modern library buildings 2700-P1AB-PSB
- The library space, collection and users. Modern library buildings 2700-AB-BSP
- The most common incorrect language forms in the media. 2700-M-FAK-D-NNBJ
- The philosophy of artificial intelligence 2700-M-API-D1FSI
- The problems and challenges of modern global librarianship 2700-M-FAK-PCMGL
- The professionalization in journalism 2700-L-FAK-D-PRDZ
- The professionalization in the media 2700-M-LM-Z-PRME-FAK
- The role of the book in social communication - selected issues 2700-M-PW-D2RKWKS
- The role of the book in social communication - selected issues 2700-M-PW-Z2RKWKS
- The role of the media in shaping legal awareness 2700-L-FAK-D-RMKS
- The use of media monitoring in content analysis 1600-SZD-SPEC-WM-KM
- Theoretical contexts of social cultural circuits 2700-M-PW-D2TKSOK
- Theoretical contexts of social cultural circuits 2700-M-PW-Z2TKSOK
- Theories of narrative 2700-M-DM-D1TEOR
- Theory of mass communication 2700-M-DM-Z3TKMA-DZI
- Theory of mass communication 2700-M-DM-D3TKMA-DZI
- Theory of organisatoin and management 2700-L-DM-Z6TOIZ-PRM
- Theory of social communication 2700-L-DM-D1TKSP
- Theory of social communication 2700-L-DM-Z3TKSP
- Theory of social communication 2700-L-DM-Z1TKSP
- Therapeutic functions of the book 2700-P2TFK-PSB
- Therapeutic functions of the book 2700-TFK-BSP
- TV specialization 2700-M-DM-Z3SPTV-DZI
- TV specialization 2700-L-DM-D4SPTE-DZI
- TV specialization 2700-L-DM-D5SPTE-DZI
- TV Specialization 2700-L-DM-D6SPTE-DZI
- TV specialization 2700-M-DM-D2SPTV-DZI
- TV specialization 2700-M-DM-D3SPTV-DZI
- TV specialization 2700-M-DM-Z2SPTV-DZI
- TV Specialization 2700-L-DM-Z5SPTV-DZI
- TV Specialization 2700-L-DM-Z6SPTV-DZI
- TV Specialization 2700-L-DM-Z4SPTV-DZI
- Typography in public space 2700-M-PW-D1TPP
- Typography in public space 2700-M-PW-Z1TPP
- Typography of selected printed library special collections 2700-M-PW-D3TWDZS
- Typography of selected printed library special collections 2700-M-PW-Z3TWDZS
- Typography workshops 2700-M-PW-D2WT
- Typography workshops 2700-M-PW-Z2WT
- UI Design 2700-M-API-D3PUI
- Understanding Equality Course 2700-KRPDUW-OG
- Usability of information services 2700-L-API-D3USI
- Usability of information services 2700-L-API-Z3USI
- Usability of network data 2700-M-LM-D3UDSI
- Usability of network data 2700-M-LM-Z3UDSI